This is a python implementation of a daemon, which main purpose is to control certain GPIO pins. Like if you have your smarthouse system, but you want something really low-level and simplistic? Your pin is opening a transistor or doing other type of "intellectual" stuff?
Well, you might be looking on the tool of choice.
All communication is done via UNIX socket. The idea is to send commands in some language. (Currently I'm looking also towards JSON's and YAML's as command containers.) Currently it's implemented via semantic language. Like "item - state". What's fancy about this, is flexible "semantics" maps. As we have boolean states of a GPIO pin, there are two groups of states. Suddenly, positive and negative.
If you want to add something to it - feel free!
License: MIT.
Version: 0.92
- Todo todo
- Todo
- Todo todo
- todo tododododooooo dododododo
Now seriously:
Support for json / yaml bulk commands. -
Logging to separate file. - Setup script.
- Init / Unit file.
Daemon interacting tool. (How to call it? opip? opii? opido? pinner!) - Comments on unobvious stuff and help messages.
You have several options:
- interfacing it via socket
- using pinner tool
socat - /run/opid/
Designed to be used like this:
./ -m semantic -p Magic_Lamp -s On
./ -m semantic -p PA14 -s False
But you can load files as well.
./ -m yaml -f ./example\ command.yaml
Or like this
./ -m json -f ./example\ command.json
And the best thing about it, you don't need to care about which
command set is configured in settings! If they differ, pinner
will change translate then into needed one. Even into semantic
With a few clutches though, but still.
Notation: <PIN/ALIAS>
Pin can be described in any of desired GPIO_MODES, if it was previously set in settings. PIN/ALIAS is case sensitive!
State: up/true/on
or down/false/off
PA14 On
PA13 down
Magic_Lamp off
Drawbridge Up
If Alias or pin is misspelled or unknown, deamon will respond with Unkown command
and close the socket connection.
By default, should be stored in /etc/opid/ But you're not limited to change location of the config file in
settings_location = "./"
So you've got a number of things to configure. Firstly - how you will name your pins. In which mode you want it to operate?
Available GPIO modes are: SUNXI
For example, here is my own definition of used pins:
PINS = [
"PA13", # Transistor got fried beause this dude works as TTL Tx on startup.
"PA14", #
"PD14", #
"PC4", #
Now the sweet part: you feel like screwed up remembering which pin is doin' what? We have aliases! A map between a pin and a some sort of definition of a device. For an example:
# This is sort of alias tool. When you associate a pin with a device it's controlling. For logs exclusively.
"PA13" : "Lamp",
"PA14" : "Fan",
"PD14" : "Relay",
"PC7" : "Magic_lamp",
Some simple things like user, group, umask. (Doesn't change anything, as I didn;t implement this yet.)
#USER = "opid"
GROUP = "opid"
UMASK = 0o002
And run files location.
#RUN_FILES = "/run/opid/"
RUN_FILES = "./opid_run/"
#PID_FILE = "/run/opid/"
#SOCKET = "/run/opid/pile.sock"
SOCKET = "./opid.sock"