In my first project on the topic of Machine Learning I implemented a simple keyword spotting algorithm on a Microcontroller. In this post I will walk you through the steps of implementing and testing feature extraction and a neural network on a MCU!
For an overview, check out my write-up here: https://hü
Download pre-processed audio data, train the model, implement it and compile the MCU code.
# clone and setup
git clone
cd edison
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
# fetch training data and pre-trained model
curl -L | tar xvz
curl -L -o cache/kws_keras/kws_model.h5
# train model
./ train keras train
cp cache/kws_keras/kws_model.h5 ../firmware/src/ai/cube/kws/kws_model.h5
- open cube project firmware/CubeMX/edison.ioc
- Additional Software -> STMicro... -> kws
- Browse: select firmware/src/ai/cube/kws/kws_model.h5
- Analyse
# import net to firmware folder
cd ../firmware/
make import-cubeai-net
# build MCU code
make -j8
# Flash board
make flash
# train model
./ train keras train
cp cache/kws_keras/kws_model.h5 ../firmware/src/ai/cube/kws/kws_model.h5
Analyze in cube as mentioned above.
# import net to firmware folder
cd ../firmware/
make import-cubeai-net
# build MCU code
make clean && make NET_TYPE=NET_TYPE_CUBE -j16
Make sure you trained with keras before because the feature extraction step is made there. Then run:
# train NNoM model
./ train nnom train
# import net to firmware folder
cd ../firmware/
make import-nnom-net
# build MCU code
make clean && make NET_TYPE=NET_TYPE_NNOM -j16
# Test with
./ train nnom testfile data/edison
This script runs MFCC on a audio sample with a custom implementation of MFCC and with Tensorflow.
./ mfcc host
Build the firmware and follow these instructions to get some data.
To test a single 1024 element frame of audio data, run in the audio
./ mfcc mcu single
Working and tested at 6ddbdc4.
./ mfcc mcu file data/edison_16k_16b.wav
A sound file on the host can be sent to the MCU where it is processed and a single inference is run. The result is compared with the same operations on the host.
./ kws mcu file data/edison_16k_16b.wav
# host prediction: [0.973 0.004 0.002 0. 0. 0.001 0.014 0.001 0.004 0. ] edison
# mcu prediction: [0.929 0.008 0.009 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.011 0.003 0.028 0.006] edison
# rmse: 0.016304305
# _________________________________________________________________
# Comparing: predictions
# Deviation: max 24.428% min -3983.088% avg -818.319%
# rmse 0.016
# scale 0.955=1/1.048
# correlation coeff 1.000
# _________________________________________________________________
# _________________________________________________________________
# Comparing: MFCC=net input
# Deviation: max 5873.424% min -51588.922% avg -105.840%
# rmse 2.036
# scale 0.959=1/1.043
# correlation coeff 0.997
# _________________________________________________________________
# MCU Audio processing took 72.23ms (2.33ms per frame)
# MCU inference took 97.17ms
Run entire pipeline on MCU with mircophone data.
./ kws mcu mic
# host prediction: [0.01 0.035 0.007 0.001 0.006 0.011 0.01 0.017 0.289 0.613] _noise
# mcu prediction: [0.805 0.006 0.009 0.07 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.093 0.001] edison
# rmse: 0.3242575
Open the serial port from the ST-link board with 115200
baud and send a 4
character. This starts a continuous
inference with data from the microphone.
Or how to implement a neural network on the microcontroller.
- Open CubeMX
- Make sure X-CUBE-AI inst installed under Help -> Manage packages -> STMicroelectronics
- Access to board selector
- Search for L475 and select board
- Say No to initialize to default mode
- Enable USART1
- Additional Software -> X-CUBE-AI core selection
- Artificial Intelligence Application to Validation
- Platform settings: select USART1 for communication
- Add network, Keras, Saved model, load .h5
- Select compression, then hit analyze
- Generate code with Makefile toolchain
- To copy the generated code from cube to the firmware directory, run in
make import-cubeai-net
make clean && make -j8 OPMODE=CUBE_VERIFICATION
- Flash target
make flash
- In Cube, hit validate on target to get funky stuff
Use tensorflow 1.x for NNoM!!!
pip install tensorflow==1.15
After creating weights file, go to firmware directory and run
make import-nnom-net
make clean && make -j8 OPMODE=NNOM_VERIFICATION
To test a net on the MCU and compare it to the host, use the
program. Several modes exits:
Single inference with random data Generates random test data and runs inference on host and MCU.
# 1: number of random test vectors to run
./ kws mcu single 1
# host prediction: [0.001 0.005 0.001 0. 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.022 0.01 0.953] _noise
# mcu prediction: [0.007 0.019 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.03 0.091 0.037 0.802] _noise
# rmse: 0.054266647
# _________________________________________________________________
# Comparing: predictions
# Deviation: max 27.728% min -643.447% avg -313.669%
# rmse 0.054
# scale 0.841=1/1.189
# correlation coeff 0.996
# _________________________________________________________________
Inference from wav file Reads a wav file, computes MFCC on host and runs inference on host and MCU.
./ kws mcu fileinf data/edison_16k_16b.wav
# host prediction: [0.973 0.004 0.002 0. 0. 0.001 0.014 0.001 0.004 0. ] edison
# mcu prediction: [0.965 0.006 0.006 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.004 0.001 0.011 0.003] edison
# rmse: 0.004834224
# _________________________________________________________________
# Comparing: predictions
# Deviation: max 68.465% min -2318.963% avg -405.016%
# rmse 0.005
# scale 0.992=1/1.008
# correlation coeff 1.000
# _________________________________________________________________
MFCC and inference from wav file Reads a wav file, computes MFCC and inference on host and MCU.
./ kws mcu file data/edison_16k_16b.wav
# host prediction: [0.973 0.004 0.002 0. 0. 0.001 0.014 0.001 0.004 0. ] edison
# mcu prediction: [0.929 0.008 0.009 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.011 0.003 0.028 0.006] edison
# rmse: 0.016304305
# _________________________________________________________________
# Comparing: predictions
# Deviation: max 24.428% min -3983.088% avg -818.319%
# rmse 0.016
# scale 0.955=1/1.048
# correlation coeff 1.000
# _________________________________________________________________
# _________________________________________________________________
# Comparing: MFCC=net input
# Deviation: max 5873.424% min -51588.922% avg -105.840%
# rmse 2.036
# scale 0.959=1/1.043
# correlation coeff 0.997
# _________________________________________________________________
# MCU Audio processing took 71.92ms (2.32ms per frame)
# MCU inference took 97.17ms
This can then be uploaded to a github release asset.
cd audio/
tar -czvf keywords-4-noah.tar.gz .cache/allinone/*.npy