This template is a starting point for building Grafana Panel Plugins in Grafana 7.0+
Clone this repo inside /var/lib/grafana/plugins or your own plugins directory.
cd hslayers-grafana
Install dependencies
yarn install
1.1. Currently needs to be compiled against a special hslayers branch where app bundle code is not minified:
This checkout hslayers at this branch and in hslayers repo directory do npm run build-app && cd dist/hslayers-app && npm link
and inside hslayers-graphana directory do npm link hslayers-app
Build plugin in development mode or run in watch mode
yarn dev
yarn watch
Build plugin in production mode
yarn build --skipLint
HsLayers panel configuration is done by providing a global function source-code which gets eval-ed on plugin creation. Its is done in the panel configuration options. See example code:
window.hslayersNgConfig = function(ol) {
return {
default_layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM(),
title: "OpenStreetMap",
base: true,
visible: true,
removable: false
default_view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([17.474129, 52.574000]),
zoom: 4,
units: "m"
Currently the plugin is not signed so set in grafana.ini:
enable_alpha = true
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = "hslayers-grafana"
and restart grafana
sudo systemctl restart grafana
In grafana.log should see
logger=plugin.signature.validator t=2022-03-22T16:44:43.78+0200 lvl=warn msg="Permitting unsigned plugin. This is not recommended" pluginID=hslayers-grafana pluginDir=/var/lib/grafana/plugins/hslayers-grafana/dist
logger=plugin.manager t=2022-03-22T16:44:43.78+0200 lvl=info msg="Plugin registered" pluginId=hslayers-grafana
- Build a panel plugin tutorial
- Grafana documentation
- Grafana Tutorials - Grafana Tutorials are step-by-step guides that help you make the most of Grafana
- Grafana UI Library - UI components to help you build interfaces using Grafana Design System