Given a geopoint, find the nearest city using PostGIS (reverse geocode).
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🖥️ Source Code:
This package was developed primarily as a basic reverse geocoder for use within web frameworks (APIs) that have an existing PostGIS connection to utilise.
Simple alternatives:
- The reverse geocoding package in Python here
is probably the original and canonincal implementation using K-D tree.
- However, it's a bit outdated now, with numerous unattended pull requests and uses an unfavourable multiprocessing-based approach.
- It leaves a large memory footprint of approximately 260MB to load the K-D tree in memory (see benchmarks), which remains there: an unacceptable compromise for a web server for such a small amount of functionality.
- The package here is an excellent revamp of the package above, and possibly the best choice in many scenarios, particularly if PostGIS is not available.
The pg-nearest-city approach:
- Is approximately ~20x more performant (45ms --> 2ms).
- Has a small ~8MB memory footprint, compared to ~260MB.
- However it has a one-time initialisation penalty of approximately 16s to load the data into the database (which could be handled at web server startup).
See benchmarks for more details.
We don't discuss web based geocoding services here, such as Nominatim, as simple offline reverse-geocoding has two purposes:
- Reduced latency, when very precise locations are not required.
- Reduced load on free services such as Nominatim (particularly when running in automated tests frequently).
- Lightweight package size.
- Minimal memory footprint.
- High performance.
- Ingest data for cities over 1000 population.
- Create voronoi polygons based on city geopoints.
- Bundle the voronoi data with this package and load into Postgis.
- Query the loaded voronoi data with a given geopoint, returning the city.
The diagram below should give a good indication for how this works:
Distributed as a pip package on PyPi:
pip install pg-nearest-city
# or use your dependency manager of choice
from pg_nearest_city import AsyncNearestCity
# Existing code to get db connection, say from API endpoint
db = await get_db_connection()
async with AsyncNearestCity(db) as geocoder:
location = await geocoder.query(40.7128, -74.0060)
# "New York City"
# "USA"
from pg_nearest_city import NearestCity
# Existing code to get db connection, say from API endpoint
db = get_db_connection()
with NearestCity(db) as geocoder:
location = geocoder.query(40.7128, -74.0060)
# "New York City"
# "USA"
- If your app upstream already has a psycopg connection, this can be passed through.
- If you require a new database connection, the connection parameters can be defined as DbConfig object variables:
from pg_nearest_city import DbConfig, AsyncNearestCity
db_config = DbConfig(
async with AsyncNearestCity(db_config) as geocoder:
location = await geocoder.query(40.7128, -74.0060)
- Or alternatively as variables from your system environment:
from pg_nearest_city import AsyncNearestCity
async with AsyncNearestCity() as geocoder:
location = await geocoder.query(40.7128, -74.0060)
Run the tests with:
docker compose run --rm code pytest
Run the benchmarks with:
docker compose run --rm benchmark