Tags: hoppfrosch/WindowPadX
[+] WPXA.ahk v0.2.0: <wp_RollWindowToggle>: Bugfix for rolling up win… …dows to its titlebar
[*] WPAX.ahk 0.1.10: [+] wp_GetMonitorFromMouse() [*] WPXA_MinimizeWi… …ndowsOnMonitor()
[+] WPXA_TileLast2Windows(): Tile active and last window (Credits: ip… …stone today - Initial (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=521482#521482))
[*] WPAX_MaximizeToggle(): Bugfix to actually toggle Maximization (see: http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/post-508122.html#508122 - thanks to sjkeegs)
[*] WPAX.ahk v0.1.6 - WPAX_TopToggle(): Reanimated Notifications [+] WPAX.ahk v0.1.7 - WPAX_RollToggle(): New action for toggling rolling a window to its captionbar Signed-off-by: hoppfrosch <hoppfrosch@gmx.de>
[*] WPAX_MouseLocator(): Using integer coordinates for Gui Show