Simple PHP script for combine multiple images into one image. Useful for HTML coders..
php img-combiner.php -d .
- combines all png images into the one png image in the actual directory
php img-combiner.php -d /home/honca -f "icon1.png,icon2.png" -m 10
- combines images icon1.png and icon2.png from my home directory into the one image with margin 10 pixels around each icon
php img-combiner.php -d /home/honca/pictures -t "jpg,jpeg" -c 12 -o "jpg"
- combines all jpg images in pictures directory into the one jpg image with 12 items per line
php img-combiner.php -d . -c 4 -m 1 -e positions.txt
- combines all png images into the one png image and exports all positions to the text file