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Create Raspbian Homebridge Image refs/tags/v1.2.3 #19

Create Raspbian Homebridge Image refs/tags/v1.2.3

Create Raspbian Homebridge Image refs/tags/v1.2.3 #19

name: Create Raspbian Homebridge Image using pi-gen
run-name: Create Raspbian Homebridge Image ${{ github.ref }}
types: [released]
name: Verify Release Tag
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
version: ${{ steps.get_version.outputs.version }}
- name: Get Release Tag
id: get_version
uses: jannemattila/get-version-from-tag@v3
- name: Tag Info
run: |
echo "Release Tag: ${{github.ref}}"
echo "Latest Tag: ${{ steps.get_version.outputs.version }}"
- name: Tag Info Matches
if: endsWith(github.ref, steps.get_version.outputs.version )
run: |
echo Latest Tag matches Release tag
- name: Tag Info Doesn't Match
if: ${{ !endsWith(github.ref, steps.get_version.outputs.version ) }}
run: |
echo Latest Tag does not matches Release tag
exit 1
name: Build RPI Homebridge (${{ }}) Image ${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}
needs: tag
runs-on: [ubuntu-latest]
fail-fast: false
name: [
- pi-gen-version: arm64
release: bookworm
name: 64bit
devices: '["pi5-64bit", "pi4-64bit", "pi3-64bit"]'
- pi-gen-version: master
release: bookworm
name: 32bit
devices: '["pi5-32bit", "pi4-32bit", "pi3-32bit", "pi2-32bit", "pi1-32bit"]'
# The build
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: Setup Dependencies
# run: |
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get --yes --no-install-recommends install binfmt-support qemu-user-static
# docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset
# f022813 aka 1.7.0
- uses: usimd/pi-gen-action@f022813e54a67d9f8fe8a6a6d620a5da3739a632
name: Run pi-gen ( get some popcorn this will take awhile )
id: build
# Compression to apply on final image (either "none", "zip", "xz" or "gz").
compression: zip
# Compression level to be used. From 0 to 9 (refer to the tool man page for more
# information on this. Usually 0 is no compression but very fast, up to 9 with the
# best compression but very slow).
compression-level: 6
# Disable the renaming of the first user during the first boot. This make it so
# 'username' stays activated. 'username' must be set for this to work. Please be
# aware of the implied security risk of defining a default username and password
# for your devices.
disable-first-boot-user-rename: 1
# Additional options to include in PIGEN_DOCKER_OPTS
# '--env IMG_DATE=Raspbian'
docker-opts: '--env BUILD_VERSION="${{ github.repository }}-${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}-\(${{ }}\)"'
# Set whether a NOOBS image should be built as well. If enabled, the output
# directory containing the NOOBS files will be saved as output variable
# 'image-noobs-path'.
enable-noobs: false
# Enable SSH access to Pi.
enable-ssh: 1
# If this feature is enabled, the action will configure pi-gen to not export any
# stage as image but the last one defined in property 'stage-list'. This is
# helpful when building a single image flavor (in contrast to building a
# lite/server and full-blown desktop image), since it speeds up the build process
# significantly.
export-last-stage-only: true
# Comma or whitespace separated list of additional packages to install on host
# before running pi-gen. Use this list to add any packages your custom stages may
# require. Note that this is not affecting the final image. In order to add
# additional packages, you need to add a respective 'XX-packages' file in your
# custom stage.
extra-host-dependencies: ''
# Comma or whitespace separated list of additional modules to load on host before
# running pi-gen. If your custom stage requires additional software or kernel
# modules to be loaded, add them here. Note that this is not meant to configure
# modules to be loaded in the target image.
extra-host-modules: ''
# Token to use for checking out pi-gen repo.
github-token: ${{ github.token }}
# Host name of the image.
hostname: homebridge
# Final image name.
image-name: 'Homebridge-${{ matrix.release }}-${{ }}'
# Default keyboard keymap.
keyboard-keymap: gb
# Default keyboard layout.
keyboard-layout: English (UK)
# Default locale of the system image.
locale: en_GB.UTF-8
# Password of the intial user account, locked if empty.
password: 'raspberry'
# Path where selected pi-gen ref will be checked out to. If the path does not yet
# exist, it will be created (including its parents).
pi-gen-dir: pi-gen
# GitHub repository to fetch pi-gen from, must be a fork from RPi-Distro/pi-gen.
pi-gen-repository: RPi-Distro/pi-gen
# Release version of pi-gen to use. This can both be a branch or tag name known in
# the pi-gen repository.
pi-gen-version: ${{ matrix.pi-gen-version }}
# The release version to build images against. Valid values are jessie, stretch,
# buster, bullseye, bookworm, and testing.
release: ${{ matrix.release }}
# Setting to `1` will prevent pi-gen from dropping the "capabilities" feature.
# Generating the root filesystem with capabilities enabled and running it from a
# filesystem that does not support capabilities (like NFS) can cause issues. Only
# enable this if you understand what it is.
setfcap: ''
# List of stage name to execute in given order. Relative and absolute paths to
# custom stage directories are allowed here. Note that by default pi-gen exports
# images in stage2 (lite), stage4 and stage5. You probably want to hook in custom
# stages before one of the exported stages. Otherwise, the action will make sure
# any custom stage will include an image export directive.
stage-list: stage0 stage1 stage2 ./stage3_homebridge
# System timezone.
timezone: Europe/London
# Use qcow2 images to reduce space and runtime requirements.
use-qcow2: 0
# Name of the initial user account.
username: pi
# Print all output from pi-gen.
verbose-output: false
# Wifi country code of default network to connect to.
wpa-country: ''
# SSID of a default wifi network to connect to.
wpa-essid: ''
# Password of default wifi network to connect to.
wpa-password: ''
# This is not currently used
- name: Calculate Image Checksum
id: get_sha256_checksum
run: |
export IMGFILENAME=`basename ${{ }}`
export IMAGE_SHA256_CHECKSUM=$(shasum -a 256 ${{ }} | awk '{print $1}')
echo "$IMAGE_SHA256_CHECKSUM ${{ }}"
- name: Upload Image to release v${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}
uses: AButler/[email protected]
files: '${{ }}'
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
release-tag: v${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}
- name: Generate rpi-image-repo.json
id: generate_rpi-image-repo
run: |
export RPI_IMAGER_NAME="Homebridge ${{ matrix.release }} (${{ }})"
export RPI_IMAGER_DESCRIPTION="Official Homebridge Raspberry Pi Image ${{ matrix.release }} (${{ }})"
export RPI_IMAGER_IMAGE_URL="${{ github.repository }}/releases/download/v${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}/${{ env.IMGFILENAME }}"
export RPI_IMAGER_DEVICES='${{ matrix.devices }}'
./ --rpi_imager_url ${RPI_IMAGER_IMAGE_URL}
- name: Rename rpi-image-repo to ./rpi-image-repo-${{ }}.json
run: |
mv pi-gen/deploy/rpi-image-repo.json ./rpi-image-repo-${{ }}.json
- name: Upload Info to release ${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}
uses: AButler/[email protected]
files: './*.json'
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
release-tag: v${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}
name: Prep ${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }} Info file
needs: [tag, build_images]
runs-on: [ubuntu-latest]
#- uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
# id: app-token
# with:
# app-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }}
# private-key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# token: ${{ }}
- uses: robinraju/[email protected]
name: Downloard image info files from release ${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}
# The github tag. e.g: v1.0.1
# Download assets from a specific tag/version
tag: v${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}
# The name of the file to download.
# Use this field only to specify filenames other than tarball or zipball, if any.
# Supports wildcard pattern (eg: '*', '*.deb', '*.zip' etc..)
fileName: "*.json"
- name: Combine rpi-image-repo JSON's
run: |
- name: Upload combined rpi-image-repo to release ${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}
uses: AButler/[email protected]
files: 'rpi-image-repo.json'
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
release-tag: v${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}
- name: Push ${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }} Image to Homebridge Registry
uses: dmnemec/copy_file_to_another_repo_action@main
source_file: 'rpi-image-repo.json'
destination_repo: 'homebridge/'
destination_branch: 'source'
destination_folder: 'src/public/'
user_email: 'github-actions[bot]'
user_name: 'github-actions[bot]'
commit_message: 'New Homebridge Image Release ${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}'
needs: [tag, build_images, finalize_info]
uses: homebridge/.github/.github/workflows/discord-webhooks.yml@latest
title: "Homebridge Raspbian Image Release"
description: |
Version `v${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}`
url: "${{ needs.tag.outputs.version }}"