My workflow mainly consists of vim and tmux. Here's some of the decisions I've made to improve that workflow.
Some plugins to improve vim workflow
- vim-plug: a simple plugin manager
- vim-airline: a lightweight statusline
- vim-fugitive: run git commands within vim!
- vim-commentary: easily comment out lines
I've always really enjoyed the Monokai theme from Sublime. Here's what I used to improve syntax highlighting and colors:
- vim-sublime-monokai: started here and tweaked color choices for C types, functions, and literals. (I'll probably edit this more as I start to develop more in other languages)
- vim-cpp-modern: wanted vim to highlight more! Slightly tweaked what/how tokens were colored
- vim-python: improved python highlighting
- rippl.vim: highlighter my friend made for our language
My goals here were to improve appearance and copy/paste functionality. I'll admit that I should really learn how to effectively use vim panes but in the meantime...
- edkolev/tmuxline.vim: a lightweight tmux statusline that comes with vim-airline integration
- roxma/vim-tmux-clipboard: effectively allows for easy copy/paste between vim/tmux and vim buffers in different tmux panes
- C – some code from the linux kernel
- Python - some code from cs3157/boatswain
- I am currently setting symlinks manually for the dotfiles. Maybe I'll look into GNU Stow...
- Add git shorthands to
Here's a list of dotfiles resources that I used for inspiration :^)