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Hearing Recording Storage Service

.github custom workflows is used to combine passing dependabot PRs into a single branch


To be able to run the application locally, you will need to be able to run the docker images for CCD and other services.

You will need to be able to run this command:

az login

So standard az cli tools are needed, as well as log in with appropriate roles

In order for integration tests to run, a docker image is needed for the postgres testcontainers.

For this to pull from hmcts ACR you must login to the ACR first:

az login # if not logged in already
az acr login --name hmctspublic


To clone repo and prepare to pull containers:

git clone
cd em-hrs-api/

Clean and build the application:

Requires docker desktop running

./gradlew clean
./gradlew build

To run the application:

At the moment java version must be set to 17 as 21 is not supported for local setup by CFTLib

az login
./gradlew bootWithCCD

NOTE: if you get error in one of the gradle task you can try ./gradlew bootWithCCD --no-daemon

This will start the API container exposing the application's port, locally configured to [8081]

In order to test if the application is up, you can call its health endpoint:

  curl http://localhost:8081/health

Contained within the response should be similar to this:



  1. sometimes your database will be out of sync with changes To fix this run: ./gradlew migratePostgresDatabase

  2. before running any integration tests from hrs-ingestor, you will need to prime the CCD data API with the hrs spreadsheet. This can be achieved by running ./gradlew functional

  3. Sonarqube only does analysis

Local Dev

First Time Build

You'll need to get sonarqube, and initialise it and change the password to adminnew

to fetch the latest image, run it and open the browser run: make sonarqube-fetch-sonarqube-latest make report-sonarqube

in the browser, log in as admin (password=admin), go to http://localhost:9000/account/security/ and change password to adminnew

Subsequent Builds (these must all pass before raising a PR)


  • make check-all


  • make sonarqube-run-local-sonarqube-server
  • sonarqube-run-tests-with-password-as-adminnew


  • make docker-compose-dependencies-up
  • make app-run
  • make app-smoke-test

Connecting to Database

Using PGAdmin, or IntelliJ Ultimate:

host:localhost port:6432 username:emhrs pass:emhrs jdbc_url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:6432/emhrs

Idea Setup

Increase import star to 200 to avoid conflicts with checkstyle

Auto import of non ambiguous imports,imports%2C%20never%20imports%20any%20package.

Import the checkstyle code scheme into the java code settings

Reverse the import layout settings / modify until the checkstyle passes Uncheck "Comment at first column"

Swagger UI

To view our REST API go to http://{HOST}/swagger-ui/index.html On local machine with server up and running, link to swagger is as below

http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html if running on AAT, replace localhost with ingressHost data inside values.yaml class in the necessary component, making sure port number is also removed.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

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