Developed a small application that calls dev environment api to register a new account or login to an existing account, monitors to store the session secret when the magic link has been visited in the new account email.
This project was a technical challenge for Fast Bitcoins which I have created using React Native + Typescript. It is consuming a REST API provided by Fast Bitcoins to test it. I also used Redux Toolkit to state management. I have also used React Query to cache requests.
- React - version 17.0.2
- React Native - version 0.68.2
- React Navigation - version 6
- Redux Toolkit - version 1.8.1
- React Query - version 3.39.1
- Jest - version 27.5.1
- React Native Testing Library - version 9.1.0
- Home which should be Select Language Screen
- Screen which validate email if it is registered or not
- New Account to choose country and state if country is United States
- Single property details screen
For iOS You will need Node, Watchman, the React Native command line interface, Xcode and CocoaPods.
For Android You will need Node, Watchman, the React Native command line interface, a JDK, and Android Studio.
Setting up the environment following React Native doc instructions.
$ yarn
$ yarn start
$ yarn android
$ npx pod-install && yarn ios