A program for converting images to sound
This project was created by me (Stephen Hunter Barbella) and Matthew Kenigsberg.
python ImageToSound.py -i ImageName -o AudioFileName
This python script calls a java program that converts the image into a text file describing its pixels.
It then converts it to a text file that contains song information.
Then it is converted to a DAT file containing more specific information about the sound and it adds guitar like sounds.
Lastly the DAT file is converted into a .wav file using the CLI program SOX.
The result is an audio file based on the image.
The example image is a picture I took in Corsica. Github would not allow a file over 25MB so I cut the song down from 3 minutes to 1.5 minutes using Audacity.
Notice the repetition at the start. This is caused by the blue sky causing the same note to be played.