This project provides a backend for org-mode that specifcally concentrates on producing useable slidesets. It tires to leverage the RISE project and support pythontutor.
Mid-term goal is to write a slide deck and script for Computer Science 101 Intorudciton to Programming class with it. (Taught at Paderborn University, winter term 2016/2017).
Specifically, Org-mode annotations should enable animations on slides, play nice with source code, etc.
- A similar backend exists and inspired this one: . I tried to base on that one, but couldn't quite figure it out. The present one tries to stay closer to org-mode backend conventions, to the best of my knowlegde:
- EIN: - great, but different goal.
- ob-python: similar.
Load ox-juslides.el into emacs and evaluate it. Or set it up for auto-loading.
- Evaluating ox-juslides provides a new backend to org-mode
- This backend allows you to produce iPython / Jupyter
.ipynbNotebook files - Load these notebook files using
jupyter notebook bla.ipynb - To display as slides, you need to have RISE installed. Follow instructions there to display the slide set (easy once set up correctly)
Basically, look at ; it has extensive examples with comments.
- First-level headings define Sections in the document; do not use them with content
- Second-level headings define slides
- Third- and further down headings can be used on slides
- If they have the property animate, they will be turned into a fragment
- Source code blocks are supported
- Can have an animate attribute as well