Multi-objective reactive motion generation based on composable energy policy
- Tested in Python 3.7
Install the repository. Inside the repository
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install numpy matplotlib pybullet future
- Pinocchio
conda install pinocchio -c conda-forge
- PyTorch
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
- Test simple OSC only for left-arm control
python scripts/darias_energy_control/OSC/
- Test simple OSC for whole-body control(Left arm and base)
python scripts/darias_energy_control/OSC/
- Test simple original CEP by running the python file
python scripts/darias_energy_control/
python scripts/darias_energy_control/
- Test CEP of TIAGo++ with different energy components
python scripts/darias_energy_control/
python scripts/darias_energy_control/
python scripts/darias_energy_control/
- Cascade control
- CEP bayesian network for TaskGoto and PathPlan energy components
- RRT tree
- Vector fields based on rrt tree
- One path generated by rrt-based vector field
- Heatmap for closest point