A file-driven workflow with Cylc
In the file-driven workflow paradigm (e.g. Snakemake) you specify input and
output files for each step, and rules to make those files. The system infers
the task graph by working backward (make
-style): each step should run if its
output files don't already exist or are older than the input files.
This is an appropriate model if you need to rerun the same finite workflow in the same workspace, after making changes that do not necessarily require every step to rerun.
Cylc is natively dependency-driven: you specify a task dependency graph that the scheduler executes from the top down. File IO locations may be configured for tasks in order to get executables to cooperate in the workflow context, but Cylc itself does not look at the files.
Dependency-driven workflows can respond to events that can't be inferred by backward file checking. For example, you could trigger an alternate graph path if a task fails after generating its expected outputs (the outputs could be incomplete, say).
In fact conditional triggering is not compatible with the file-driven approach
in general. In (A | B) => C
, if C
s outputs don't exist, should they be
generated by A
or by B
? In the top down approach, C will be triggered
by A or B according to events at run time.
Dependency driven cycling workflows in Cylc can also continue indefinitely, in which case there are no "final" output files to work back from.
We can emulate the file-driven paradigm in Cylc by prefixing a file check to each task and performing a noop if the outputs do not need to be regenerated.
The workflow is still driven by top-down dependencies, but the tasks don't (re)generate files that are already up to date.
This has the same result as the bottom-up approach, but you can use other dependency-driven devices at the same time.
We want to compare N model configurations driven by the same input data:
- Clean the raw input data to the form needed by the model
- Run the N model configurations on the cleaned input data
- Compare the output of the N model configurations and report results
Now add new model configurations and run the workflow again:
- The raw input data should not be reprocessed
- The new model configurations should run, but the original ones should not re-run
- The comparison and report task should run again, to include the new results
Change the raw input data and run the workflow again:
- Now all tasks should regenerate all of their output files.
In the task definition below, the generic skip
script (in the workflow bin
directory) compares the timestamps of multiple input and output files, and
returns failure status if the outputs need to be regenerated.
script = "skip || my-exe" # don't run exe if skip returns 0
INPUT = "/path/to/input.*"
OUTPUT = "/path/to/output.*"
├── flow.cylc # Cylc workflow configuration
└── bin
├── clean # toy data cleaning executable
├── model # toy model executable
├── report # toy model comparison report generator
├── fake-exe # (fake output file generator)
└── skip # checks if output files are outdated
The complete workflow config - for any number of model configurations, 10 as an example - looks like this:
Note we still have to write the dependency graph (it is not inferred from task inputs and outputs). However: this has the advantage that you can understand the workflow at a glance; and dependencies have other advantages (above).
Visualized with cylc graph
For convenience, the tasks have been given the same names as their executables,
so that the same script
item inherited from root
can be used to invoke the
executable by the task name. The parameterised model runs are all invoked by
the same model
executable, so we strip the parameter off the task name to
handle that. (Models can still get their parameter value from job environment).
Tasks should normally read and write from the self-contained workflow run directory, but for make-like model each new run needs access to the same intermediate data files, so we keep everything in an external data directory. For this example, create a mock input data file:
$ touch /tmp/data/covid.raw
Install and play a new instance of the worflow each time. Cylc is designed to keep track of workflow state, including "workflow completed", and it will restart rather then rerun from scratch if the same instance is re-played.:
$ cylc install demo && cylc play demo && cylc tui demo
Watch progress at run time:
cylc tui demo # (if installed as demo)
watch -n 1 "ls -ort /tmp/data" # to see outputs files appearing
Run it again: no outputs should be regenerated.
Run it again after touching /tmp/data/covid.raw
: all outputs should be
Run it again after adding more models to the list: only the new ones, and the final report task, should run.
The toy executables in the example all read file IO locations from the
environment as $INPUT
. That's unlikely in practice,
but it's just a convenience to avoid distracting messy detail here.
The skip
script reads input and output file globs from the same environment
variables $INPUT
, by default. That's also just for convenience
in this example, however you can use the command line for more realistic cases:
skip /path/to/inputs*.nc /path/to/outputs*.png
For convenience, the example just lists model names as task parameters, and the parameter value is used to (toy-)select the right model configuration at run time.
This can easily be extended to discover model configurations automatically,
e.g. from a list in a file or from a model config sub-directory. Just
write a Python function to do the discovery, put in <source-dir>lib/python/
and call it using Jinja2 in the workflow definition, like this:
{% from "models" import get_models %}
{% set MODEL_CONF_DIR = "/home/oliverh/cylc-src/covid/models" %}
[task parameters]
m = {{ ', '.join(get_models(MODEL_CONF_DIR)) }}