Authentication plugin using Tuleap Oauth2 App. With this plugin user can:
- Be logged in Jenkins by using his Tuleap credentials.
You can either install the plugin via the Jenkins Plugins Center, or manually. If you install the plugin manually you have to :
- Clone the repository
- In the repository directory:
mvn clean install
- See If you want to install via the Jenkins CLI see :
Go to the Global security menu. Manage Jenkins => Configure Global Security . In Security Realm chose Tuleap Authentication. Fill the form.
- The Tuleap URI must be an https URI.
- The client ID and the Client secret can be found in your Tuleap OAuth2 Application.
Click on the log in button. If you are not logged in Tuleap then the Tuleap login will be displayed. If you did not accept the application authorization then the page will be displayed and you have to click on Authorize You should be redirected to your Jenkins instance root URL and you should be logged with the username used to be logged in Tuleap.