Plot Ternary figure for ternary system
Mingqing Liao. (2018, December 6). hitliaomq/TernaryPlot 1.1.1 (Version 1.1.1). Zenodo.
[1] QU L., LIU Y., LIAO M., Ultra-high temperature ceramics melting temperature prediction via machine learning. Ceramics International, 2019, 45:18551-18555. DOI
TernaryPlot(X, Y, Z)
TernaryPlot(X, Y, Z, PlotType)
TernaryPlot(__, Name, Value)
TernaryPlot(X, Y, Z) creates a 3-D ternary surf with A+B+C=1
TernaryPlot(X, Y, Z, PlotType) creates ternary plot with type defined by PlotType
TernaryPlot(__, Name, Value) specifies the ternary axies properties using one or more Name, Value pair arguments
X, Y, Z: The data need to be drawn
They should be same in size, 1D or 2D
X, Y [0, 1], Z no limit -
surf or s - for surface
contour or c - for countour
contourl or c+l - for contour + label
contourf or c+f - for contour with color
contourfl or c+f+l - for contour with color with label -
Others Name, Value pair arguments
Grid: on or off(default)
Tick: on(default) | off
Label: {'A', 'B', 'C'}(default)
LabelPos: 'center'(default) | corner
Caxis: [cmin, cmax]
Author: Liao Mingqing
E-mail: [email protected]
Cite: Mingqing Liao. (2018, December 6). hitliaomq/TernaryPlot. Zenodo. DOI: Acknowledge: When coding this package, the following code was taken as a reference.
For test, just load the file TEST.mat , then type TernaryPlot(X, Y, Z)
load the test data TEST.mat , then type TernaryPlot(X, Y, Z, ''Box', 'on', 'Grid', 'on', 'Tick', 'off', 'LabelPos', 'corner')
then rotate the figure:
Data: 2018-12-27
New Feather: 1. add some new parameters: e.g. Box, LabelPos to control the Box and Label Position
- remove the N parameters, using the default 100
- Change the input type, using Name, Value pair arguments.
V 1.2
New Feather: Improve the 3D view for 's' plot type, don't need normalized by yourself
V 1.1
New Feather: Fix a little bug
V 1.0
Data: 2018-11-15
Function: Plot Ternary figure for ternary system
Plot type: color mapping, contour, contour with label, contour with color, contour with label and color
For color mapping, it provide 3D view(need normalization)
Some basic default value for input