Awesome Hiking Checklist [ru]
A highly subjective list of the items you may need in a simple camping trip.
- This is not necessary or sufficient list. Used for self-examination, to avoid forgetting even basic items.
- Some items are optional for the weather or time of year.
- It was written for myself and will likely not take into account your personal preferences. However, corrections and additions are strongly welcomed.
- English is not my native language. But I'll try.
Navigation ↑
What will help you get to where you need to go. And back.
- paper map
- compass
- gps
Communication ↑
- phone
- walkie talkie
Illumination ↑
What will help in the dark.
- flashlight (headlamp, hand-held)
- lamp (led, gas)
- chemical light source
- candle
Documents ↑
- any ID (laminated copy)
- medical insurance
- certificates for knives
- tickets
- permits and passes
- namecard in a backpack
- wallet
- stash separated from a wallet
Shelter ↑
What you will sleep in.
- tent or hammock
- sleeping pad
- sleeping bag or quilt
- tarp
What you will prepare food with
- stove (fuel canister, liquid fuel)
- saw for firewood (safer than Axe!)
- fire lighting (lighter, matches, tinder or fire starters)
- pots and pans
- grill, campfire tripod
Food ↑
What gives energy.
- nuts + dried fruits
- chocolate
- salt
- tea / coffee
- dehydrated or freeze dried meals
- vacuum packed food (store bought like tuna or salmon, home made with vacuum sealer)
- fresh food for shorter trips
- frozen food for longer trips (weather dependent)
Water ↑
Water is life.
- water bottles (to carry clean water in)
- filter and pump (to process water and remove bacteria/viruses - depends on filter!)
- kettle (bring water to a strong boil for several minutes to kill life in it)
- purification tablets (in case filter stops working)
Clothes ↑
- insoles
- raincoat / rain pants
- change of socks
- change of underpants
- warm hat, warm gloves, warm layers
- gaiters
- bug net hat
- warm sweater with neck (comes in handy even in the summer)
- headgear (bandana, shemagh)
- camp shoes
- swim suit
- water shoes
- leather gloves
First Aid ↑
- dressings
- adhesive plaster (bactericidal, patches)
- bandages
- sterile cotton wool
- elastic bandage
- disinfectant
- miramistin / chlorhexidine
- alcohol wipes
- cream (baby, protective, moisturizing)
- local warming ointment
- remedy for corns
- теймурова паста
- antihistamine
- pills (Супрастин, Драмина)
- localized ointment (Фенистил)
- painkillers (Цитрамон, Нимесулид, Ибупрофен, Дротаверин)
- rehydration (Регидрон)
- healing remedies (Пантенол, клей БФ)
- remedies for diarrhea (Лоперамид, Денол)
- specific
Unsorted ↑
What doesn't fit in any other category
- bug repellent
- mp3-player
- waterproof cover for backpack
- warmers (catalytic, chemical)
- batteries
- gloves (working, washable)
- sitting pad
- Utensils
- mug
- spoon
- bowl
- knife (swiss army, hiking, washable, potato peeler)
- toothpicks
- sewing kit
- wristwatch
- shovel
hairbrush- toothbrush, toothpaste
- toilet paper
- wet wipes
- trash bags
- whistle
book - writing items (pen, pencil, notepad/notebook)
- entertainment (harmonica, guitar, ukulele, etc.)
- mirror (plastic)
What would be nice to do in advance.
- charge all rechargeable batteries
- replace non rechargeable batteries
- sharpen knives
- test out the tent
- clean the pots
- get cash out of the bank
- review the route
- inform relatives / friends about your route plan
- break in new shoes and boots
- test all new gear close to home
*No. Don't do it *
- Leave the glass bottles at home