Tentez helps you switching traffic.
If you don't want to build from source go grab a binary release.
or use go install
$ go install github.com/FeLvi-zzz/tentez/cmd/tentez@latest
# show plan
$ tentez -f ./examples/example.yaml plan
1. pause
2. switch old:new = 70:30
- tentez-web
- tentez-api
- tentez-foo
3. sleep 600s
4. pause
5. switch old:new = 30:70
- tentez-web
- tentez-api
- tentez-foo
6. sleep 600s
7. pause
8. switch old:new = 0:100
- tentez-web
- tentez-api
- tentez-foo
9. sleep 600s
# show plan and apply
$ tentez -f ./examples/example.yaml apply
1. pause
2. switch old:new = 70:30
1. tentez-web
2. tentez-api
3. tentez-foo
3. sleep 600s
4. pause
5. switch old:new = 30:70
1. tentez-web
2. tentez-api
3. tentez-foo
6. sleep 600s
7. pause
8. switch old:new = 0:100
1. tentez-web
2. tentez-api
3. tentez-foo
9. sleep 600s
1 / 9 steps
enter "yes", continue steps.
If you'd like to interrupt steps, enter "quit".
> yes
2 / 9 steps
Switch old:new = 70:30
1. tentez-web switched!
2. tentez-api switched!
3. tentez-foo switched!
3 / 9 steps
Sleep 600s
Resume at 2022-02-05 15:10:03
Remain: 600s
Remain: 1s
Apply complete!
# get target resources' current states.
$ tentez -f ./examples/example.yaml get
- target: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:listener/app/my-lb/0123456789abcdef/0123456789abcdef
- arn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets1/0123456789abcdef
weight: 0
- arn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets2/fedcba9876543210
weight: 100
- target: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:listener/app/my-lb/0123456789abcdef/0123456789abcdef/0123456789abcdef
- arn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets1/0123456789abcdef
weight: 0
- arn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets2/fedcba9876543210
weight: 100
- target: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:listener/app/my-lb/0123456789abcdef/0123456789abcdef/0123456789abcdef
- arn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets1/0123456789abcdef
weight: 0
- arn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets2/fedcba9876543210
weight: 100
# rollback
$ tentez -f ./examples/example.yaml rollback
1. pause
2. switch old:new = 100:0
1. tentez-web
2. tentez-api
3. tentez-foo
1 / 2 steps
enter "yes", continue steps.
If you'd like to interrupt steps, enter "quit".
> yes
continue step
2 / 2 steps
Switch old:new = 100:0
1. tentez-web switched!
2. tentez-api switched!
3. tentez-foo switched!
Switched at 2022-03-12 12:05:30
Apply complete!
# show version
$ tentez version
tentez version: x.x.x (rev: xxxxxxx)
- Listener
- forward target group. for default LB listener rule.
- Listener Rule
- forward target group. for except default LB listner rule.
- Listener
A tentetsuki
is railroad switch
in Japanese. It is a mechanical device used to guide trains from one track to another. This tool switches traffic, like a "tentesuki".
"Tentez" pronounces "ten-tets".