Notebook | Type | Description |
Cats vs Dogs | Basic | Simple FastAI notebook using a Resnet model on Cats-vs-Dogs dataset |
DCGAN | Advance | DCGAN implemented in Pytorch |
FixMatch | Advance | FixMatch used to segregate medical xray data from noise |
GLOM | Advance | Implementation of my interpretation of GLOM |
MLP Mixer | Advance | MLPMixer implemented in Pytorch |
MNIST From Scratch | Basic | Classification on MNIST Dataset From Scratch |
ResNet-34 | Basic | ResNet-34 implementation in Pytorch |
Siamese Input | Advance | A Classification network with Siamses style network with multiple views of a medical implant |
SOT | Advance | Single Object Tracking with previous frame |
VGG | Basic | VGG implementation in VGG |
UNET | Advance | UNET Implementation in Pytorch |
WSOL | Advance | Weakly Supervised Object Localization implemented in Pytorch |