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This project was created in collaboration between the Software and Application Innovation Lab at Boston University and the Boston University faculty members, Ilija Dukovski and Daniel Segre, behind the cell biology simulation software COMETS. The goal of this collaboration was to enable running the COMETS software through a web interface.

This repository contains the code necessary for the website, backend logic, and COMETS runner. The website provides an interface for a subset of the COMETS parameters. Those parameters are then used to run a COMETS simulation within a Kubernetes job. The website then has the ability to display the resulting visualizations of the simulation.

Software Organization

The code is divided into a frontend, backend, and runner which handles the major functionality of COMETS-web. Each have a README which covers the specifics of that package.

  • packages/backend: Backend which keeps track of COMETS simulations and provides a means for the frontend to submit jobs and retrieve job results
  • packages/frontend: Frontend view which includes a form for capturing a subset of the COMETS simulation parameters as well as a means to visualize results.
  • packages/runner: Wrapper around COMETS which allows for running the software with a container. Includes a CLI interface, supporting libraries, and Dockerfile for building a containerized COMETS instance.


  • Submitting COMETS job for simulation
  • Execution of COMETS simulation within Kubernetes Job
  • Visualization of simulation results
  • Email to user on job completion
  • Email to maintainers on job failure

Running Locally

The instructions for running each component are documented in their respective READMEs. For running the supporting software (MongoDB, Redis, Ngrok), refer to the instructions below.

1. Create Ngrok Account

Ngrok is needed to tunnel the local Redis connection. This enables having the COMETS runner notify the backend on competition through the locally running Redis instance.

  • Signup for Ngrok here
  • Copy your auth token for the next step from here

2. Make Configuration

  • Navigate to ./local
  • Copy .env.sample to .env
  • Fill out the .env file

3. Start up Services

From ./local run the command

docker compose up

4. Capture the Tunneled URL

Ngrok will have generated a tunnel for the Redis connection, this will change each time docker compose is run.

  • Navigate to localhost:4040 in the browser
  • Copy the tunnel URL for later use

System Overview

Sample Usage

	actor User
	User ->> Frontend: Enter parameters, email, submit
	Frontend ->> Backend: Submit simulation request
	Backend ->> MongoDB: Store Request
	Backend ->> K8s: Create job
	K8s -->> Backend: Job ID
	Note over K8s,Backend: Backend will poll for pod status <br /> and report on failure
	K8s ->> Runner: Create job
	Runner ->> COMETS: Run simulation
	COMETS -->> Runner: Simulation results
	Runner ->> S3: Upload generated graphs
	Runner -->> Backend: Notify of completion
	Note over Runner,Backend: Completion notification is actually handled through <br /> Redis + BullMQ
	Backend ->> MongoDB: Store results
	Backend -->> User: Email notification
	User ->> Frontend: View results
	Frontend ->> Backend: Get results
	Backend ->> MongoDB: Get results
	MongoDB -->> Backend: Results
	Backend ->> S3: Get signed URLs
	S3 -->> Backend: Signed URLs
	Frontend -->> User: Graph visualizations



Term Definition
COMETS Computation Of Microbial Ecosystems in Time and Space
COMETS-web Software in this repository which handles running COMETS in a web environment
Kubernetes (K8s) Container management environment
NERC New England Research Cloud
OpenShift Red Hat maintained Kubernetes cluster/environment

Tech Stack

Task Tool
Backend API Interface GraphQL
Backend Framework NestJS
Backend Language Typescript
Database MongoDB
Deployment Environment NERC OpenShift
Frontend Component Library MUI
Frontend Form Library JSON Forms
Frontend Framework React
Frontend Language Typescript
Job Runner Kubernetes Job
Queue Database Redis
Runner Language Python
Runner Container Docker
Work Queue Management BullMQ


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