Study Robotics & ME. Coding Freshman. Robotics Apprentice.
Hi, I'm Yujie He and simply go by Jay. I ...
(am) learning to reinvent the customized research wheels. 📈 v4r-plot 🖥️ YujieScripts ⌨️ yujie_shell 🎞️ rosbag_filter_gui
(enjoy) working on challenging but cool 🤖 robotics and CV projects.
VIsual odometry Crazyflie autonomous navigation Pedestrian trajectory analysis Visual tracking for UAV -
(have) contributed to fascinating 🏎 DIANRacing and 🛠 Mechatronics Modules team
🎼 listen classical & KPop music
Recommendation my bias: the cross-border performance by the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra--Red Flavor (Orchestra Ver.)
🥾 hiking & phone photography in the free time.
🗺️ my Random Walk in Switzerland map to record my footprint with ⛰️ magnificent views since Sep 2020
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