What's Changed
- Add missing intellij env by @hfhbd in #787
- Add visual guides in IDE for column 6, 7, 12, 80 by default by @hfhbd in #788
- Remove targetConfiguration in build by @hfhbd in #789
- Publish to GitHubPackages by @hfhbd in #791
- Implement experimental Declarative Gradle plugin by @hfhbd in #799
- Revert "Publish to GitHubPackages (#791)" by @hfhbd in #800
Updated Dependencies
- Bump app.softwork.serviceloader-compiler from 0.0.12 to 0.0.13 by @dependabot in #786
- Bump com.gradle.develocity from 3.18.1 to 3.18.2 by @dependabot in #793
- Bump kotlin from 2.1.0-RC to 2.1.0-RC2 by @dependabot in #796
- Bump app.softwork.serviceloader-compiler from 0.0.13 to 0.0.14 by @dependabot in #797
- Bump kotlin from 2.1.0-RC2 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #798
Full Changelog: v0.2.17...v0.2.18