- deego is a vm manager for dummies (like me);
- deego is for those that feel threatened every time they need a VM;
- deego is for those that want virtualization to be easy (as it should);
- deego is all it can be and more (ok pushed a little here).
A line of code is worth, well, the number of characters you need to type. So let's get to it.
from deego import VM
def main():
vm = VM.create(
ram=512, #MB
disk_size=8000 #MB
vm.start() # this will block until VM booted
print vm.ip
print vm.run_command('ls /')
Man, this is kinda embarassing. I wanted to show more, but that's pretty much all I got.
Glad you asked, since it's so freaking awesome cool stuff: libvirt. Yeah, I wanted to say more, but once again it's that simple.
deego will always try to select the best possible way to create the VM in your environment.
We'll try to create VMs using the providers in this order:
- linux containers (LXCManager);
- kvm (KVMManager);
- vmware (VMWareManager);
- virtual box (VBoxManager).
Please note that you can easily pass them to the VM class if you want a specific one:
from deego import VM, KVMManager
def main():
vm = VM.create(
vm.start() # this will block until VM booted
print vm.ip
print vm.run_command('ls /')
Ubuntu server. We'll always try to use the latest stable version of ubuntu, so you don't have to worry about it.
The easiest way of provisioning a VM: not doing it. Provisioning is entirely left as an exercise to the reader.
Fork, Code, Pull Request, Rinse, Repeat.