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Manipulator (mp)

Small library for manipulating PHP objects.

Build Status Code Coverage Latest Stable Version


It's like symfony/property-access with more features, faster (no reflection usage) and without over-engineering (~300 lines of code, few functions).


  • PHP 5.4+ (hhvm & php7 are supported)


The recommended way of installing the component is through Composer.

Run following command:

composer require nayjest/manipulator


Function mp\instantiate

Creates class instance using specified constructor arguments.

  • string $class — Target class name
  • array $arguments — Constructor arguments (optional)
Returned Value

Function returns instantiated object

    $user = \mp\instantiate(MyApp\User::class, [$firstArgument, $secondArgument]);

Function mp\setPublicProperties

Assigns values from array to existing public properties of target object.

By default this function ignores fields having no corresponding properties in target object, but this behavior can be changed if TRUE will be passed to third argument.

  • object $targetObject — target object
  • array $fields — fields to assign, keys must be same as target object property names
  • bool $createProperties — (optional, default value: false) allows to create new properties in target object if value is TRUE
Returned Value

Function returns array containing names of successfully assigned properties.

Function mp\setValuesUsingSetters

Assigns values from array to corresponding properties of target object using setters.

This function works similar to mp\setPublicProperties(), but uses setter methods instead of public properties.

Field names may be in snake or camel case, it will be converted to camel case and prefixed by 'set' to check availability of corresponding setter in target object.

Fields having no corresponding setters in target object will be ignored.

This function does not work with magic setters created using __set() php method.

  • object $instance — target object
  • array $fields — fields to assign, keys are used to check availability of corresponding setters in target object
Returned Value

Function returns array containing names of successfully assigned properties.

use mp;

class Target
     private $somePropery;
     public function setSomeProperty($value)
          $this->someProperty = $value;
     public function getSomeProperty()
          return $this->someProperty;

$target = new Target;

$result = mp\setValuesUsingSetters($target, [
    'some_property' => 1, // 'someProperty' => 1 will also work
    'some_other_property' => 2
# $target->setSomeProperty(1) will be called.
# Value of 'some_other_property' will be ignored since $target has no 'setSomeOtherProperty' setter.

echo $target->getSomeProperty(); // 1
var_dump($result); // array(0 => 'some_property')

Function mp\setValues

Assigns values from $fields array to $target. Target may be object or array.

By default mp\setValues ignores fields having no corresponding properties or setters in target object but this behavior can be changed if MP_CREATE_PROPERTIES option is used.

Assigning values using setters can be disabled by removing MP_USE_SETTERS option (it's enabled by default).

When target is an array, mp\setValues will call array_merge PHP function.

  • object|array &$target — target object or array
  • array $fields — fields to assign
  • int $options (optional, default value: MP_USE_SETTERS) supported options: MP_USE_SETTERS, MP_CREATE_PROPERTIES
Returned Value

Function returns array containing names of successfully assigned properties.

use mp;

class Target
     private $property1;
     public $property2;
     public function setProperty1($value)
          $this->property1 = $value;

$target1 = new Target;
$target2 = new Target;
$target3 = new Target;
$target4 = new Target;

$fieldsToSet = [
    'property1' => 1,
    'property2' => 2,
    'property3' => 3,
$result1 = mp\setValues($target1, $fieldsToSet); // MP_USE_SETTERS by default
$result2 = mp\setValues($target1, $fieldsToSet, MP_USE_SETTERS | MP_CREATE_PROPERTIES);
$result3 = mp\setValues($target1, $fieldsToSet, MP_CREATE_PROPERTIES);
$result4 = mp\setValues($target1, $fieldsToSet, 0);


# Options Assigned properties
1 not specified (MP_USE_SETTERS by default) property1, property2
2 MP_USE_SETTERS | MP_CREATE_PROPERTIES property1, property2, property3 (created)
3 MP_CREATE_PROPERTIES \ property2, property3 (created)
4 0 property2

Function mp\getWritable

Returns names of writable properties for objects and classes or existing keys for arrays.

Only public object properties and properties having setters considered writable.

For setters, this function will return property names based on setter names (setter names are converted to snake case, 'set' prefixes are removed).

Detecting properties by setters can be disabled by specifying second argument as FALSE.

  • object|string|array $target — object or class name or array
  • bool $useSetters — (optional, default value: true) if true, properties having setters will be added to results
Returned Value

Array containing names of writable properties.

Function mp\getMethodsPrefixedBy

Returns method names from target object/class that starts from specified keyword and followed by uppercase character.

  • string $keyword — method name prefix
  • object|string $target — object or class name
Returned Value

Array containing method names.

class MyClass {
    public function getProperty1(){};
    public function getProperty2(){};

$objectMethodNames = \mp\getMethodsPrefixedBy('get', $obj);  // will return methods of $obj that looks like getters
$classMethodNames = \mp\getMethodsPrefixedBy('get', 'MyClass');  // will return methods of 'MyClass' class that looks like getters.
// $classMethodNames will contain ['getProperty1', 'getProperty2']

Function mp\getSetters

Returns method names from target object/class that looks like setters.

  • object|string $target — object or class name
Returned Value

Array containing method names.

Function mp\getGetters

Returns method names from target object/class that looks like setters.

  • object|string $target — object or class name
Returned Value

Array containing method names.

Function mp\getValues

Returns values of object properties or array elements specified in $propertyNames argument.

This function supports getters, i. e. value returned by getSomeValue() method of target object can be requested as 'some_value' property.

  • object|array $src
  • string[] $propertyNames
Returned Value

Array containing required values.

Function mp\getValue

Extracts value specified by property / field / method name from object or array. This function supports property paths (prop1.prop2.prop3) and getters.

  • For $propertyName = 'prop_name', this function will try to extract data in following order from:
  • $src['prop_name']
  • $src->prop_name
  • $src->getPropName()
  • $src->prop_name()
  • $src->isPropName()
  • array|object $src
  • string $propertyName
  • mixed $default — (optional, default value: null) default value
  • string|null $delimiter — (optional, default value: '.') used to specify property paths

Function mp\getValueByRef

Extracts value specified by property / field / method name from object or array by reference if possible. This function acts like mp\getValue with only difference that value will be returned by reference if possible.

Function mp\setValue

Assigns value, supports property paths (prop1.prop2.prop3).

  • array|object &$target
  • string $propertyName
  • mixed $value
  • string|null $delimiter — (optional, default value: '.') used to specify property paths
Returned Value

This function returns TRUE if value was successfully assigned, FALSE otherwise


This package bundled with PhpUnit tests.

Command for running tests:

composer test


Please see Contributing Guidelines and Code of Conduct for details.


© 2014 — 2016 Vitalii Stepanenko

Licensed under the MIT License.

Please see License File for more information.


Small library for manipulating PHP objects



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