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Releases: hetio/hetnetpy

hetio/hetnetpy v0.3.1

13 Jun 21:24
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Upgrade package infrastructure (pre-commit checks, packaging, setup) and drop official Python 3.5 support.

hetio/hetnetpy v0.3.0

10 Jul 23:46
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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3315264 PyPI

This release is the first with the new package name hetnetpy. Users should now use pip install hetnetpy and import hetnetpy. import hetio will still work but will trigger a FutureWarning.

hetio/hetio v0.2.11

10 Jul 22:01
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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3312467 PyPI

Final release before this package is renamed to hetnetpy from hetio. See #40 for more information on the renaming. import hetio will raise a DeprecationWarning. Users are recommended to switch to hetnetpy or downgrade to v0.2.10 to avoid the warning.

There are no functional changes in this release.

hetio/hetio v0.2.10

02 May 18:29
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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2658700 PyPI

May 2019 release with convenience functions and other enhancements.


Consistent metanode/metaedge/metapath .abbrev property

permute_pair_list: default to inplace=False

Add construct_pdp_query to build cypher queries for PDP

Improve imports to be lazy / less likely to throw errors

Migrate neo4j nomenclature to hetnet module

is_symmetric method for metapaths

hetio/hetio v0.2.9

15 Aug 19:30
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hetio/hetio v0.2.9


Relocate GitHub repository from dhimmel/hetio to hetio/hetio.


Support path-like obojectes in readwrite.

extract_all_metapaths: get all metapaths for any source/target metanodes

sparsify_or_densify: workaround scipy float16 todense bug

MetaGraph: metanode and metaedge getter methods

MetaGraph: metagraph.get_metapath

Optimize matrix.sparsify_or_densify

graph.count_nodes & matrix.get_node_identifiers functions

Enable edge/path sorting
Enable deterministic extract_metapaths ordering

dhimmel/hetio v0.2.8

27 Mar 14:41
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Add the hetio.matrix module for exporting edges to an adjacency matrix.

dhimmel/hetio v0.2.7

15 Feb 15:28
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Add subgraph functionality. `graph.get_subgraph()` allows subseting a hetnet to
return a new hetnet. This can be useful for creating hetnets for testing or
development. Subgraphs of Hetionet v1.0 have been added to `test/data`.

Fixes a bug that caused AttributeError when calling `metapath.get_unicode_str()`.

dhimmel/hetio v0.2.6

04 Apr 20:11
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hetio.hetnet.Graph.add_edge() now accepts nodes in addition to node_ids
as input to source_id and target_id.

hetio.hetnet documentation improvements.

Fix node display in Jupyter notebooks. Previously, edge information was
printed causing notebooks to crash.

Test coverage for path count and degree-weighted path count computation.

dhimmel/hetio v0.2.5: test @hetio-release-bot deploy

28 Mar 14:46
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@hetio-release-bot is an account for automatically deploying
GitHub releases from Travis CI. It's purpose is to limit the
scope of GitHUb's OAuth to a single repository.

dhimmel/hetio v0.2.4: readwrite and dependencies updates

17 Mar 21:18
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Removes YAML support for writing metagraphs and graphs.

Improves reliability of reading json or pickle files with or without

Support xz compression.

Improve readwrite test coverage.