I know there are lots of apps that are more efficient and easy to use. But I created this as a hobby project. You can create a Server and Client to communicate. The Server is made with and client made with . My Kind Request
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If you are using LINUX you can download files from here. If you are using WINDOWS you can download files from here.
go to the directory where downloaded file are located
and open CMD or POWERSHELL in that location
run the app using cliChat-server.exe
or cliChat-client.exe
go to the directory where downloaded file are located
and open TERMINAL in that location
run the app using ./cliChat-server
or ./cliChat-client.exe
Usage is same for any OS
- Then it will ask port number to run the Server
- If you see message
Server Started on PORT <port>
. Your server started successfully
- You should enter a NickName first
- Then it will ask for the Address of server to connect
- If there are no any Error you can see
Connected to Server <address>
- Server also can see your connectivity
- Now you can send messages by just typing on console.
- Server can see your Message
- Other connected users also can see your messages
- When You Disconnects other Users and Server can see you disconnection
That how you should use this application.
- Find number of users in the Server/chg <new name>
- Change NickName ex:-/chg Elon