The Pixel It is an ESP8266 / ESP32 (under construction) and WS2812B-LED based PixelArt display, controlled and fed via a JSON API. Settings and small tests are possible via the web interface, also a node-red node (node-red-contrib-pixelit) for the JSON API is available.
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PixelIt Web |
Thanks to these great people for supporting this project.
- (miccgn) memory optimization
- (miccgn) added MQTT discovery information in HomeAssistant style
- (miccgn) fix mqtt LWT
- (miccgn) increase interval between reconnect attempts
- (miccgn) added support for Max44009 lux sensor
- (miccgn) offer Zigzag animation and random animation for Clock Auto Fallback
- (miccgn) added button actions for MP3 control
- (miccgn) rearrange and fix WebUI
- (miccgn) added support for local hardware buttons
- (miccgn) added LDR smoothing
- (miccgn) added support for BH1750 light sensor
- (miccgn) added ZigZagWipe, bitmapWipe and randomization for wipes
- (miccgn) fixed MP3Player
- (miccgn) added possibility to set GL55xx type and resistor value in settings
- (miccgn) added selectable pins for MP3Player and Sensors (ESP8266 only)
- (miccgn) optimization of read BME680
- (miccgn) added multiple Bitmaps
- (o0shojo0o) added offset options for gas sensor
- (miccgn) added BME680 support
- (o0shojo0o) added delay for AM2320 sesnor
- (o0shojo0o)
Pixel Gallery
is now a part of the WebUi
- (o0shojo0o) added option for auto fallback animation
- (o0shojo0o) fixed auto brightness overrides sleep mode
- (o0shojo0o) fixed clock auto fallback overrides sleep mode
- (o0shojo0o) added option for DayLightSaving
- (o0shojo0o) added option for 12H / 24H
- (o0shojo0o) added new WebUi on vue base
- (o0shojo0o) fixed clock draw
- (o0shojo0o) fixed auto brightness, to high values
- (o0shojo0o) fixed bitmapAnimation -> rubberbanding
- (foorschtbar) added some UTF8 icons to font
- (foorschtbar) rewirtten UTF8 mapper function
- (o0shojo0o) added offset options for sensors
- (o0shojo0o) added
Clock auto fallback
function - (o0shojo0o) added config for
Clock auto fallback
- (o0shojo0o) added API endpoint
- (o0shojo0o) added config for temperature (°C or °F)
- (foorschtbar) added support for BME280
- (foorschtbar) moved most libs to common section
- (o0shojo0o) extension of the API with the call setGpio
- (o0shojo0o) added download statistics to the update page
- (foorschtbar) improved MQTT reconnect
- (o0shojo0o) support decimal number input for UTC
- (o0shojo0o) bugfix for Firefox
- (foorschtbar) added a customizable hostname
- (o0shojo0o) add update notification to dashboard
- (o0shojo0o) add GitHub link to dashboard
- (o0shojo0o) fix links in dashboard
- (o0shojo0o) transferred the other stuff from cdn to repo
- (foorschtbar) tweaked dashboard a little bit
- (foorschtbar) added a note field
- (foorschtbar) allow a Hostname as MQTT Server (Broker)
- (o0shojo0o) add dashboard.css and pixel.js to repo
- (foorschtbar) switches now have the proper mouse pointer
- (o0shojo0o) add auto brightness options
- (o0shojo0o) add auto brightness
- (o0shojo0o) add hexColor to Clock, Text, Bar and Bars
- (o0shojo0o) fix wemos_d1_mini32 build
- (xarnze) show message on hotspot mode
- (xarnze) added support for 4x 8x8 CJMCU 64 Matrix (Type 3)
- (o0shojo0o) reactivate for esp8266 builds getSketchSize
- (o0shojo0o) set mqtt setBufferSize to 8000
- (o0shojo0o) add env for d1_mini
- (rliegmann) add some missing llibs
- (rliegmann) add some libs into .pio
- (rliegmann) Merge pull request #2 from rliegmann/feature/clockDefaultsToFS-
- (rliegmann) block out getSketchSize temporary
- (rliegmann) change some build options in pio
- (rliegmann) clock default settings, adjust MQTT buffer size, some typo
- (rliegmann) Merge pull request #1 from rliegmann/feature/cross-esp-platform
- (rliegmann) add ESP32 and ESP8266 libs
- (rliegmann) remove VisualStudio overhead + port to platformIO
- (o0shojo0o) change MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE from 4000 to 8000
- (o0shojo0o) new versioning
- (o0shojo0o) Added support for DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix of the JSON from the API response
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix memory leak
- (o0shojo0o) Added special characters to font
- (o0shojo0o) Support for DHT22 added
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix of the JSON decoder logic (thanks to @pixelthis )
- (o0shojo0o) There was a change in the send interval (via MQTT and Websocket) of the light sensor and the MatrixInfo
- The light sensor sends a maximum of once per second when the lux value changes.
- The MatrixInfo transmits once every 3 seconds when a value is changed.
- (o0shojo0o) Now the protocol websocket on port 81 has been added.
- (o0shojo0o) And the biggest innovation is the webinterface which is now available on PixelIt.
- (o0shojo0o) Added Wifimanager configuration timeout (180 seconds)
- (o0shojo0o) Added option to disable the boot screen
- (o0shojo0o) Add more option to set Matrix Temp Correction
- (o0shojo0o) Add new option to set Matrix Temp Correction
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix animation handling
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix DSToffset
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix NTP TimeZone will now be interpreted correctly
- (o0shojo0o) Add new option to set NTP-Server
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix bitmap handling on scrolltext
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix Erroneous representation of full screen bitmap
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix bitmap flickering on scrolling text
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix, there were problems with the animations in combination with the fade transition effect, so they were not displayed correctly.
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix Clock Color: If red was set to 0, the color was always ignored.
- (o0shojo0o) add optional BitmapAnimation param: limitLoops
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix BitmapAnimation: First frame was displayed too short.
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix BitmapAnimation: Animation was displayed a bit too late when a text was submitted with
- (o0shojo0o) add optional Internal Clock param: withSeconds
- (o0shojo0o) add config param: scrollTextDefaultDelay
- (o0shojo0o) add optional Text param: scrollTextDelay
- (o0shojo0o) add optional BitmapAnimation param: rubberbanding
- (o0shojo0o) replace umlauts
- (o0shojo0o) add support for "Pixel Bitmap Creator" Live Preview (beta)
- (o0shojo0o) Bugfixes MQTT was always enabled
- (o0shojo0o) add MQTT user & password
- (o0shojo0o) add "Text-Color" for internal Clock
- (o0shojo0o) add autoreboot after save config
- (o0shojo0o) add option to set Matrix Type at runtime (need reboot)
- (o0shojo0o) add MQTT Support
- (o0shojo0o) add animated 8x8 icons (max. 6 frames)