This repository contains models, datasets and experiments described in Extracting a Knowledge Base of Mechanisms from COVID-19 Papers.
- Please cite our paper if you use our datasets or models in your project. See the BibTeX.
- Feel free to email us.
We provide two annotated datasets:
- COFIE: Coarse-grained mechanism relations (
) - COFIE-G: Granular mechanism relations (
From project root, run scripts/data/
to download both datasets to the data
will be downloaded todata/cofie/[train,dev,test].json
. Development and test sets for are also available in tabular format:data/cofie-gold/[dev,test]-gold.tsv
will be downloaded todata/cofie-g/split/[train,dev,test].json
. Tabular format:data/cofie-g-gold/[dev,test]-gold.tsv
We provide models pre-trained on COFIE and COFIE-G.
From project root, run scripts/pretrained/
to download all the available pretrained models to the pretrained
directory. If you only want one model, here are the download links.
- Dependencies
- Making predictions on existing datasets
- Relation extraction evaluation metric
- Training with Allentune
This code repository is forked from DYGIE++, Wadden 2019.
This code was developed using Python 3.7. To create a new Conda environment using Python 3.7, do conda create --name cofie python=3.7
This library relies on AllenNLP and uses AllenNLP shell commands to kick off training, evaluation, and testing.
We use the Allentune for hyperparameter search. For installing a compatible version of the Allentune library, please download the allentune git repo outside of dygiepp directory using:
git clone
Then replace the files provided in this repository using command
cp -r allentune_files/[location of downloaded allentune]
The you can proceed with installing allentune by running
pip install --editable .
in allentune downloaded folder.
After installing allentune please proceed with installing required libraries for DyGIE++. The necessary dependencies can be installed with
pip install -r requirements.txt
To make a prediction, you can use allennlp predict
. For example, to make a prediction with a pretrained granular relation model:
allennlp predict pretrained/ternary-model.tar.gz \
data/cofie-g/split/test.json \
--predictor dygie \
--include-package dygie \
--use-dataset-reader \
--output-file predictions/cofie-g-test.jsonl \
--cuda-device 0 \
For predicting coarse relations using a pretrained model:
allennlp predict pretrained/binary.tar.gz \
data/cofie/test.json \
--predictor dygie \
--include-package dygie \
--use-dataset-reader \
--output-file predictions/cofie-test.jsonl \
--cuda-device 0 \
Running these commands will provide json-formatted predictions.
Alternatively you can use the predict scripts provided by this library to generate both .tsv and .json file. You can use :
python --data_dir data/cofie --device 0 --serial_dir pretrained/binary-model.tar.gz --pred_dir predictions/cofie-test/
for coarse relation predictions and
python --data_dir data/cofie-g/collated --device 0 --serial_dir pretrained/ternary-model.tar.gz --pred_dir predictions/cofie-t-test/
for granular relation predictions.
We report Precision/Recall/F1
measured by using exact and partial span-matching functions. Full details are described in our paper.
We use Allentune for hyperparameter tuning. To train a model for coarse relation extraction using Allentune, you can run the script below.
python scripts/train/ --data_dir data/cofie --device 0,1,2,3 --serial_dir models/cofie/ --gpu_count 4 --cpu_count 12 --device 0,1,2,3
To train the model for granular relations:
python scripts/train/ --data_dir data/processed/collated_events/ --serial_dir ./models/events --gpu_count 4 --cpu_count 12 --device 0,1,2,3
The default number of training samples is set to 30. For more training options please use the --h
To obtain predictions for the development set over all Allentune runs:
python --data_dir data/cofie --device 0 --serial_dir models/cofie/
for the coarse relation model and
python --serial_dir ./models/cofie-t --data_dir ./data/cofie-t/ --pred_dir ./predictions/cofie-t
for the granular relation model.
You can get test set predcitions by indicating only the run index you want to use for inference:
python --data_dir data/cofie --device 0,1,2,3 --serial_dir models/cofie/ --pred_dir predictions/cofie
for coarse relations and
python --serial_dir ./models/cofie-t --data_dir ./data/cofie-t/ --pred_dir ./predictions/cofie-t --test_data --test_index 17
for granular relations.
If using our dataset and models, please cite:
title={{Extracting a Knowledge Base of Mechanisms from COVID-19 Papers
author={Tom Hope and Aida Amini and David Wadden and Madeleine van Zuylen and E. Horvitz and Roy Schwartz and Hannaneh Hajishirzi},
Please don't hesitate to reach out.
Email: [email protected]
, [email protected]