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🧠 OE Python Template

License PyPI - Python Version CI Read the Docs Quality Gate Security Maintainability Technical Debt Code Smells Coverage Ruff MyPy GitHub - Version GitHub - Commits PyPI - Version PyPI - Status Docker - Version Docker - Size Copier Open in Dev Containers Open in GitHub Codespaces


📚 Online documentation - 📖 PDF Manual

Copier template to scaffold Python projects compliant with best practices and modern tooling.

Use Cases:

  1. Fast and easy to use project setup
  2. Consistent update of already scaffolded projects to benefit from new and improved features.
  3. Dummy CLI application and service demonstrating example usage of the generated directory structure and build pipeline

Scaffolding Instructions

Step 1: Install uv package manager and copier

if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then                 # Install dependencies for macOS X
  if ! command -v brew &> /dev/null; then             ## Install Homebrew if not present
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then            # Install dependencies for Linux
  sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install curl -y # Install curl
if ! command -v uvx &> /dev/null; then                # Install uv package manager if not present
  curl -LsSf | sh
  source $HOME/.local/bin/env
uv tool install copier                                # Install copier as global tool

Step 2: Now create an empty repo on GitHub and clone it to your local machine in a directory of your choice. Change to that directory.

Step 3: Scaffold the project

copier copy gh:helmut-hoffer-von-ankershoffen/oe-python-template .

Step 4: Setup the local environment

uv run nox -s setup_dev

Step 5: Perform inital commit and push

git add .
git commit -m "feat: Initial commit"

Visit your GitHub repository and check the Actions tab. The CI workflow should fail at the SonarQube step, as this external service is not yet configured for our new repository.

Step 6: Follow the instructions in to setup the connections to external services such as Cloudcov, SonarQube Cloud, Read The Docs,, and Streamlit Community Cloud.

Step 7: Release the first versions



  • You can remove this section post having successfully scafolded your project.
  • The following sections refer to the dummy application and service provided by this template. Use them as inspiration and adapt them to your own project.


Adding OE Python Template to your project as a dependency is easy.

uv add oe-python-template             # add dependency to your project

If you don't have uv installed follow these instructions. If you still prefer pip over the modern and fast package manager uv, you can install the library like this:

pip install oe-python-template        # add dependency to your project

Executing the command line interface (CLI) is just as easy:

uvx oe-python-template

The CLI provides extensive help:

uvx oe-python-template --help                # all CLI commands
uvx oe-python-template hello-world --help    # help for specific command


Usage Examples

Minimal Python Script:

"""Example script demonstrating the usage of the service provided by OE Python Template."""

from dotenv import load_dotenv
from rich.console import Console

from oe_python_template import Service

console = Console()


message = Service.get_hello_world()

Show script code - Read the reference documentation

Streamlit App

Serve the functionality provided by OE Python Template in the web by easily integrating the service into a Streamlit application.

Try it out! - Show the code

... or serve the app locally

uv sync --all-extras                                # Install streamlit dependency part of the examples extra, see pyproject.toml
uv run streamlit run examples/          # Serve on localhost:8501, opens browser



Show the Jupyter code

... or run within VSCode

uv sync --all-extras                                # Install ipykernel dependency part of the examples extra, see pyproject.toml

Install the Jupyter extension for VSCode

Click on examples/notebook.ipynb in VSCode and run it.


Show the marimo code

Execute the notebook as a WASM based web app

uv sync --all-extras                                # Install ipykernel dependency part of the examples extra, see pyproject.toml
uv run marimo run examples/ --watch      # Serve on localhost:2718, opens browser

or edit interactively in your browser

uv sync --all-extras                                # Install ipykernel dependency part of the examples extra, see pyproject.toml
uv run marimo edit examples/ --watch     # Edit on localhost:2718, opens browser

... or edit interactively within VSCode

Install the Marimo extension for VSCode

Click on examples/ in VSCode and click on the caret next to the Run icon above the code (looks like a pencil) > "Start in marimo editor" (edit).

Command Line Interface (CLI)

Run with uvx

Show available commands:

uvx oe-python-template --help

Execute commands:

uvx oe-python-template hello-world
uvx oe-python-template hello-world --json
uvx oe-python-template echo "Lorem Ipsum"


The service loads environment variables including support for .env files.

cp .env.example .env              # copy example file
echo "THE_VAR=MY_VALUE" > .env    # overwrite with your values

Now run the usage examples again.

Run with Docker

You can as well run the CLI within Docker.

docker run helmuthva/oe-python-template --help
docker run helmuthva/oe-python-template hello-world
docker run helmuthva/oe-python-template hello-world --json
docker run helmuthva/oe-python-template echo "Lorem"

Execute command:

docker run --env THE_VAR=MY_VALUE helmuthva/oe-python-template echo "Lorem Ipsum"

Or use docker compose

The .env is passed through from the host to the Docker container.

docker compose up
docker compose run oe-python-template --help

Extra: Lorem Ipsum

Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam.

Further Reading

  • Check out the reference with detailed documentation of public classes and functions.
  • Our release notes provide a complete log of recent improvements and changes.
  • In case you want to help us improve 🧠 OE Python Template: The contribution guidelines explain how to setup your development environment and create pull requests.

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