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Eddie Hedges
May 14, 2021
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⚠️ Notice ⚠️

This library is no longer maintained.

Credential Playground

This CLI is an introduction to the Bloom Protocol credential structure and a framework for developing issuers.

Installing with Git

install node if you havent already (version 10 recommended) *if you have nvm run nvm use

no need to change any config

git clone
cd bloom-credential-playground
npm install
bin/ interactive


Interactive Mode

Run the CLI in interactive mode to use the autocompletion features.

bin/ interactive

1. Account Creation

First you will need to use the account subcommand to create a local account

bin/ account create --email --name "John Doe"

You can optionally specify the --privateKey to use your own private key

Create a second account to play the part of the credential issuer.

bin/ account create --email --name "Issuer Company"

2. Credential Issuance

Issue a credential from account 2 to account 1.

The sample commands in this doc use sample data from SG-Verify

bin/ issuance create --type ndi --subjectId "" --issuerId ""

In this example, credentials are extracted from the raw data in src/issuers/default/ndi.ts and formatted into the Selective Disclosure Merkle Tree format. This format gets stored on the client. Users can compute Verifiable Credentials and Verifiable Presentations when they wish to share the data with a third party.

Specifying A Source File

You can raw data from a file path by including the src field.

bin/ issuance create --type ndi --subjectId "" --issuerId "" --src "src/issuers/default/ndi-sample.json"

Encrypting The Credential Components

Include the --encrypt flag to encrypt the credential components for the subject using their AES key.

bin/ issuance create --type ndi --subjectId "" --issuerId "" --encrypt

Inspect the encrypted cyphertext with the inspect command

bin/ issuance inspect --id 1 --cyphertext

Decrypt the cyphertext with the --decrypt flag

bin/ issuance inspect --id 1 --decrypt

3. Sharing

Compute credentials from the Selective Disclosure Merkle Tree.

bin/ share preview --id 1 --type income

This command prints the formatted credential, computed from the Selective Disclosure Merkle Tree.

Format credentials into a Verifiable Presentation for sharing.

bin/ share share --id 1 --type income

Integrate with share-kit request data JSON.

bin/ share share --id 1 --r JSON_COPIED_WHEN_CLICKING_QR

4. Validation

Verify the integrity of the shared Verifiable Presentation and perform all of the embedded proofs.

bin/ verify verify --id 1

Run the above command with the verbose flag to see each verification logged.

bin/ verify verify --id 1 --verbose

✔ Presentation context is present
✔ Presentation type is correct
✔ Credential ID is present
✔ Credential type is valid option
✔ Issuer is valid address format
✔ Issuance date is valid RFC3339 format
✔ Subject is valid address format
✔ Credential data is present
✔ Authorization array is valid or omitted
✔ Credential subject passed validation
✔ Type string is present
✔ Created timestamp is valid RFC3339 format
✔ Creator is valid address format
✔ Valid data node version: batch
✔ Valid batch layer 2 hash format
✔ Valid batch attestation signature format
✔ Valid batch attestation signature
✔ Valid subject signature format
✔ Valid request nonce format
✔ Valid layer 2 hash format
✔ Valid root hash format
✔ Valid root hash nonce format
✔ Valid merkle proof position
✔ Valid merkle leaf data format
✔ Valid merkle proof position
✔ Valid merkle leaf data format
✔ Valid merkle proof position
✔ Valid merkle leaf data format
✔ Valid merkle proof position
✔ Valid merkle leaf data format
✔ Valid Merkle proof array
✔ Valid network stage
✔ Valid data node
✔ Valid attester address format
✔ Valid subject address format
✔ Verified data passed validation
✔ Merkle proof passed validation
✔ Credential proof passed validation
✔ Credential proof subject matches embedded subject
✔ Validated array of Verifiable Credentials
✔ Presentation type is present
✔ Presentation creaded date is valid RFC3339 format
✔ Creator is valid address format
✔ Nonce is present
✔ Domain is present
✔ Credential hash is valid format
✔ Validated presentation proof
✔ Embedded credential hash matches the computed credential hash
✔ Signature digest matches the computed credential hash
✔ Signature string is formatted correctly
✔ Signature matches the proof creator
✔ Token matches the proof nonce
Verified data of type income from subject 0xd0d45aac45bf6d33b0f6d7544522866d929f3125
Verified data: {"data":{"lastupdated":"2019-09-17","high":{"value":4999},"source":"2","classification":"C","low":{"value":4000}}}
Completed verification

Encrypted Data Storage

When you create an account, an AES encryption key is automatically generated. If you generated an account before this feature was available you can either generate a new account or add an encryption key to an existing account.

bin/ account updateKey --account --type Encryption

Share Kit Integration

The CLI can communicate with any deployed Bloom Share Kit instance. In order to POST the signed Verifiable Presentation to a destination, specify the requestData field in the share command. The snippet below uses the JSON retrieved from a Share Kit QR code on

bin/ share share --id 15 --requestData {"action":"request_attestation_data","token":"9a70cc32-dc86-471e-9b4a-1489e5064eaa","url":"","org_logo_url":"","org_name":"Bloom Starter","org_usage_policy_url":"","org_privacy_policy_url":"","types":["email","full-name","address","phone","income"]}


Extending the playground

It should be fairly easy to add additional issuer types to the demo. See how it is done in src/issuers/ndi.ts and src/issuers/base.ts > loadData, getClaimNodes.


Installing with docker

docker login
mkdir $HOME/.bloom-credential-playground
docker run -v $HOME/.bloom-credential-playground:/app/sqlite -it hellobloom/bloom-credential-playground

Hot reloading and debugging

Use the VSCode debug profiles to attach the debugger to the server or the tests or both

using bin/ will enable hot reloading.

or use the VSCode debug profile "interactive" to debug with hot reloading interactively

or use the VSCode debug profile "cli" to debug the cli


You can run the cli in interactive mode with the interactive subcommand (default in the docker image) or you can run other subcommands directly from the command line for example

docker run -v $HOME/.bloom-credential-playground:/app/sqlite -it hellobloom/bloom-credential-playground account ls

You can re-run recent commands with the replay subcommand for example

bin/ replay --cmd 0

will rerun the most recent command


  • sometimes the debugger takes a few seconds to actually attach when using "interactive"