This is a CLI that allows you to launch a chess server and a chess client.
This project uses Lombok to generate boilerplate code. When opening this project in IntelliJ, annotation processing is recommended. Maven will compile the project without any additional configuration.
To build the JAR, run the following command from the root of the repository:
./mvnw clean package
To run the JAR, run the following command from the root of the repository:
java -jar target/pw-mp-chess-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <command>
The CLI methods are documented in the form of usage messages, given using the --help
java -jar target/pw-mp-chess-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --help
The CLI supports the following commands:
: Creates a server instance, ready to accept connections.client
: Creates a client instance, expects the server to be available first.
The server will only handle one game at a time in this implementation of the protocol. If two clients connect, they will be able to play together.
The server command has one argument, the port to listen on. By default, it is the protocol's standard port, which is 6343.
The server will output the state of the game in its standard output.
The client command has two arguments, the host and the port to connect to. The host is defaulted to localhost for convenience, but can be changed to connect to a remote server. The port is defaulted to the protocol's standard port, which is 6343.
The client starts a GUI that allows the user to play the game.
Let's create a server instance on the default port.
java -jar target/pw-mp-chess-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server
The server will add a log line when it is ready to accept connections.
Now we need to start two clients, one for each player.
java -jar target/pw-mp-chess-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar client &
java -jar target/pw-mp-chess-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar client &
The clients will connect to the server and start a game. Two GUIs will open, one for each player.
In this basic implementation, the server will shut down when the game is over.
The complete version of the protocol is available in this document.
COLOR <color>
: The server sends the color of the player to the client when there are two players connected.<color>
MOVE <fromX> <fromY> <toX> <toY>
: The server sends the move of the opponent to the client. All coordinates must be between 0 and 7.<fromX>
: The X coordinate of the piece to move.<fromY>
: The Y coordinate of the piece to move.<toX>
: The X coordinate of the destination.<toY>
: The Y coordinate of the destination.
PROMOTION <ordinalPieceType> <toX> <toY>
: The server sends the promotion of the opponent to the client. All coordinates must be between 0 and 7. Will only be sent to the server if there is a move before.<ordinalPieceType>
: The ordinal of the piece type.1
: Rook2
: Knight3
: Bishop4
: Queen
: The X coordinate of the destination.<toY>
: The Y coordinate of the destination.
REPLAY <answer>
: The server sends "Yes" to the client if both players want to play again, otherwise "No".<answer>
: Yes or No
ERROR <errorOrdinal>
: The client will create an error message with the error type. The received message will be replaced by the error message. The message will not be sent to the server.<errorOrdinal>
: The ordinal of the error type.1
: INVALID_MESSAGE - Shown if the message is not the spectated one or if the message is not in the list.2
: INVALID_NBR_ARGUMENTS - Shown if the number of arguments is not the expected one.3
: INVALID_MOVE - Shown if the move is not valid.4
: INVALID_PROMOTION - Shown if the piece type is not valid.5
: INVALID_REPLAY - Shown if the replay answer is not valid.6
: INVALID_COLOR - Shown if the color is not valid.
MOVE <fromX> <fromY> <toX> <toY>
: The client sends the that he has done to the server. All coordinates must be between 0 and 7.<fromX>
: The X coordinate of the piece to move.<fromY>
: The Y coordinate of the piece to move.<toX>
: The X coordinate of the destination.<toY>
: The Y coordinate of the destination.
PROMOTION <ordinalPieceType> <toX> <toY>
: The client sends the promotion that he has done to the server.<ordinalPieceType>
: The ordinal of the piece type.1
: Rook2
: Knight3
: Bishop4
: Queen
REPLAY <answer>
: The client sends "Yes" to the server if he wants to play again, otherwise "No".<answer>
: Yes or No
actor White as White
participant Server as Server
actor Black as Black
White -->> Server: Establish connection
Black -->> Server: Establish connection
Server ->> White: COLOR WHITE
Server ->> Black: COLOR BLACK
loop eachTurn
alt moveValid
White ->> Server: MOVE fromX fromY toX toY
opt if promotion
White ->> Server: PROMOTION PieceType toX toY
Server ->> Black: MOVE fromX fromY toX toY
opt if promotion
Server ->> Black: PROMOTION PieceType toX toY
else moveNotValid
White ->>+ Server: MOVE fromX fromY toX toY
Server ->>- Server: print(Move invalid)
Note over White,Black: The same will happen from Black to White until EndGame.
White ->> Server: REPLAY Yes
Black ->> Server: REPLAY Yes
Server -->> White: REPLAY Yes
Server -->> Black: REPLAY Yes
Note over White,Black: Another Game begins.
else noAgreement
White ->> Server: REPLAY No
White ->> White: Exit()
Black ->> Server: REPLAY Yes
Server -->> White: REPLAY No
Server -->> Black: REPLAY No
Black ->> Black: Exit()