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Translations from Hosted Weblate (#5335)
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Felienne authored Mar 29, 2024
1 parent 141c3fa commit 789c899
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Showing 6 changed files with 102 additions and 101 deletions.
86 changes: 43 additions & 43 deletions content/achievements/pt_PT.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,138 +1,138 @@
title: Adventure is Worthwhile
title: A aventura vale a pena
text: Store a program from an adventure
title: Deadline Daredevil I
title: Prazo Daredevil I
text: Submit 1 Hedy program
title: Deadline Daredevil II
title: Prazo Daredevil II
text: Submit 3 Hedy programs
title: Deadline Daredevil III
title: Prazo Daredevil III
text: Submit 10 Hedy programs
title: Detention!
title: Detenção!
text: Remove a student from a class
title: Did you say please?
title: Disseste "por favor"?
text: Create a program with the 'ask' command
title: Do you have a copy?
title: Tem uma cópia?
text: Delete a saved program
title: Double-check
title: Verificação dupla
text: Get a duplicate program name warning
title: End of Semester
title: Fim do semestre
text: Delete a class
title: Epic Education
title: Educação épica
text: Join a class
title: Error or empty?
title: Erro ou vazio?
text: Create a program that has no output
title: Fresh Look
title: Novo visual
text: Change your profile picture
title: Full House
title: Casa cheia
text: Have a class with more than 20 students
title: Getting Started I
title: Introdução I
text: Run 1 Hedy program
title: Getting Started II
title: Introdução II
text: Run 10 Hedy programs
title: Getting Started III
title: Introdução III
text: Run 50 Hedy programs
title: Getting Started IV
title: Introdução IV
text: Run 200 Hedy programs
title: Getting Started V
title: Introdução V
text: Run 500 Hedy programs
title: Let's Go Live
title: Vamos ao vivo
text: Create a public profile
title: Hedy-ious
title: Hedy-ante
text: Print 10 times the same string without using a loop
title: Hedy Certificate of Completion
text: Hedy Certificate of Completion
title: Certificado de conclusão da Hedy
text: Certificado de conclusão da Hedy
title: Hedy Hacking
text: Create a timeout due to your program running too long
title: Hedy Honor
title: Honra Hedy
text: Run a program that prints the text 'Hedy'
title: Indiana Jones
text: Search within the explore page
title: Let's Focus
title: Vamos concentrar-nos
text: Turn on the programmers mode
title: Make Some Noise
title: Fazer barulho
text: Let your program be read aloud
title: My Class, my Rules
title: A minha turma, as minhas regras
text: Customize a class
title: Next Question...
text: Finish a Hedy quiz
title: Ninja Turtle
title: Tartaruga Ninja
text: Create a program with the turtle
title: On Second Thoughts
title: Pensando melhor
text: Rename a class
title: One for the Money, Two for the Show
text: Duplicate a class
text: Duplicar uma turma
title: One to Remember I
title: Para recordar I
text: Save 1 Hedy program
title: One to Remember II
title: Para Recordar II
text: Save 5 Hedy programs
title: One to Remember III
title: Para Recordar III
text: Save 10 Hedy programs
title: One to Remember IV
title: Para Recordar IV
text: Save 25 Hedy programs
title: One to Remember V
title: Para Recordar V
text: Save 50 Hedy programs
title: Programming Panic
title: Pânico de programação
text: Try to run a faulty program 3 times in a row
title: Programming Protagonist
title: Programação Protagonista
text: Run a successful program after an error
title: Quiz Master
title: Mestre do Quiz
text: Get the maximum score on a quiz
title: Ready, Set, Education!
title: Pronto, Preparar, Educação!
text: Create a class
title: Ring the Bell
title: Tocar a campainha
text: Finish the teacher tutorial
title: Sharing is Caring
title: Partilhar é cuidar
text: Share a saved program
title: Talk-talk-talk
title: Fala, fala, fala
text: Create a program with a least 5 ask keywords
title: Gotta Use Them All
title: Tenho de os utilizar todos
text: Use all Hedy commands at least once
title: Watch out!
title: Cuidado!
text: Create a program that results in a (non-empty) warning
title: Caminho começado é meio caminho andado
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28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions content/adventures/sl.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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example_code: "```\nname {is} {ask} What is the name of the main character?\n{print} name is now going to run in the woods\n{print} name is a bit scared\n{print} Suddenly she hears a crazy noise...\n{sleep}\n{print} name is afraid this is a haunted forest\n```"
story_text_2: "### Vaja\nZdaj je čas, da v svojo zgodbo, ki ste jo ustvarili v prejšnji stopnji, dodate spremenljivke.\nPojdite v \"Moji programi\", poiščite svojo zgodbo iz 1. stopnje in prekopirajte kodo. Kodo prilepite na vnosno okno v tej stopnji.\n\nTa koda ne bo delovala v tej stopnji, ker še niste uporabili spremenljivk.\nUkaze `{ask}` in `{echo}` v kodi spremenite v pravilno obliko, ki ste se je naučili v tej stopnji.\n\n**Dodatno** V kodo dodajte ukaz `{sleep}` in tako povečajte napetost v zgodbi.\n"
story_text: "In level 3 you can make your story more fun. You can use randomness for any monster, animal or other obstacle, like this:\n"
example_code: "```\nanimals {is} 🦔, 🐿, 🦉, 🦇\n{print} They now hear the sound of an animals {at} {random}\n```\n"
story_text: "V tretji stopnji lahko zgodbo naredite bolj zabavno. Pri vsaki pošasti, živali ali drugi oviri lahko uporabite naključja, kot je ta:\n"
example_code: "```\nživali {is} 🦔, 🐿, 🦉, 🦇\n{print} Sedaj slišijo zvok živali {at} {random}\n```\n"
story_text_2: "Ukaz`{add}` je lahko priročen za vašo zgodbo.\n"
example_code_2: "```\n{print} They hear a sound\nanimals {is} 🐿, 🦔, 🦇, 🦉\nanimal {is} {ask} What do you think it is?\n{add} animal {to_list} animals\n{print} it was an animals {at} {random}\n```\n"
story_text_3: "To je primer ukaza `{remove}` v vaši zgodbi\n\n### Vaja\nSvojo zgodbo iz prejšnjih stopenj kopirajte v to stopnjo.\nNa tej stopni ste se naučili 3 nove ukaze: `{at} {random}`, `{add} {to_list}` in `{remove} {from}`.\nDodajte nove vrstice kode v svojo zgodbo tako, da bodo vsi novi ukazi vsaj enkrat uporabljeni v vaši zgodbi.\n"
example_code_3: "```\n{print} His backpack got way too heavy.\n{print} Inside were a bottle of water, a flashlight and a brick.\nbag {is} water, flashlight, brick\ndump {is} {ask} Which item should he dump?\n{remove} dump {from} bag\n```\n"
story_text: "### Exercise\nCopy the example code and finish it by adding quotation marks on the blanks in lines 1 and 2.\nThe blanks in line 3 and 4 should not be replaced by quotation marks, but a `{sleep}` and a `{clear}` command. Can you make it work?\n\n### Exercise 2\nGo back to the previous level and copy your story code. Make the code work in this level by adding quotation marks in the right spots.\nMind: The variables in your own story should be outside of the quotation marks. Just like the second line of the example code. In that line the variable name is placed outside of the quotation marks.\n"
example_code: "```\nname {is} {ask} _ What is your name? _\n{print} _ The main character is called _ name\n_\n_\n{print} name _ is now going to walk in the woods _\n{print} name _ is a bit scared _\nanimals {is} 🦔, 🐿, 🦉, 🦇\n{print} _ He hears the sound of a _ animals {at} {random}\n{print} name _ is afraid this is a haunted forest _\n```\n"
story_text: "### Vaja\nKopirajte kodo primera in jo dokončajte tako, da dodate narekovaje na prazna mesta v vrsticah 1 in 2.\nPraznih mest v vrsticah 3 in 4 ne smete nadomestiti z narekovaji, temveč z ukazoma `{sleep}` in `{clear}`. Vam bo uspelo?\n\n### Vaja 2\nVrnite se na prejšnjo stopnjo in kopirajte kodo svoje zgodbe. Poskrbite, da bo program deloval na tej stopnji tako, da na prava mesta dodate narekovaje.\nPozor: Spremenljivke v vaši zgodbi morajo biti zunaj narekovajev. Tako kot v drugi vrstici kode iz primera. V tej vrstici je ime spremenljivke postavljeno zunaj narekovajev.\n"
example_code: "```\nime {is} {ask} _ Kako vam je ime? _\n{print} _ Glavnemu junaku je ime _ name\n_\n_\n{print} ime _ se bo sedaj sprehodil-a po gozdu _\n{print} name _ je nekoliko preplašen-a _\nživali {is} 🦔, 🐿, 🦉, 🦇\n{print} _ Sliši zvok _ živali {at} {random}\n{print} ime _ se boji tega zakletega gozda _\n```\n"
story_text: "In this level you can program different endings, which will make your story even more fun.\nIn the example code you can see how to make 2 different endings.\n\n### Exercise 1\nWrite a new short story of at least 6 lines of code about a topic of your choosing.\nNo inspiration? Choose one of these topics: a superhero, a boring school day, stranded on a desert island.\n\nNow give the player a change to choose a happy or a bad end, just like in the example code.\nProgram both the endings.\n\n### Exercise 2\nCopy the story you've created in your own story adventure in the previous levels.\nFind a way to add at least 2 `{if}` and `{else}` commands to your story.\nThis can be with a happy or bad ending, but you can also try to find other ways to incoporate the commands.\n"
story_text: "Na tej stopnji lahko programirate različne konce, s katerimi bo vaša zgodba še bolj zabavna.\nV primeru si lahko ogledate, kako ustvariti 2 različna konca.\n\n#### Vaja 1\nNapišite novo kratko zgodbo z vsaj 6 vrsticami kode o temi, ki jo izberete sami.\nNimate navdiha? Izberite eno od teh tem: superjunak, dolgočasen šolski dan, samotni otok.\n\nSedaj dajte igralcem možnost, da izberejo srečen ali nesrečen konec, tako kot je prikazano v primeru.\nSprogramirajte oba konca.\n\n#### Vaja 2\nKopirajte zgodbo, ki ste jo ustvarili v svoji dogodivščini v prejšnjih stopnjah.\nPoiščite način, kako zgodbi dodati vsaj dva ukaza `{if}` in `{else}`.\nTo je lahko s srečnim ali slabim koncem, lahko pa poskusite najti tudi druge načine za vključitev ukazov.\n"
example_code: "```\nname {is} {ask} 'Who is walking in the forest?'\n{print} name ' walks through the forest'\n{print} name ' encounters a monster'\nend {is} {ask} 'Would you like a good or a bad ending?'\n{if} end {is} good {print} name ' takes the sword and the monster quickly runs away'\n{else} {print} 'The monster eats ' name\n```\n"
story_text: "V zgodbi nekdo večkrat ponovi iste besede. Na primer, ko nekdo kliče na pomoč ali poje pesem.\nTakšna ponavljanja lahko vključite v svojo zgodbo, na tej stopnji z `{repeat}`.\n\n### Vaja\nV svojo zgodbo dodajte ponavljanje. Vrnite se v svoje shranjene programe, izberite program zgodbe s prejšnje stopnje,\npoiščite vrstico, ki vsebuje `{print}`, in jo ponovite!\n"
Expand All @@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ adventures:
story_text: "Using the `{while}` loop can make your stories more interesting. For example, you can use `{while} game == 'on'` so you can play until the game is over.\nOr you can use `{while} sword == 'lost'` so the player can't continue the game until they have found something.\n\n### Exercise\nThe example code shows you how to use the `{while}` loop in a story. Now **think of your own scenario** in which the player has to find something before they can continue.\n"
example_code: "```\nkeys = 'lost'\n{print} 'You are standing in your garden and you have lost your keys.'\n{print} 'Where do you want to look for them?'\n{print} 'You can choose: tree, flowerbed, rock, postbox'\n{while} keys == 'lost'\n location = {ask} 'Where do you want to look?'\n {if} location == 'flowerbed'\n {print} 'Here they are!'\n keys = 'found'\n {else}\n {print} 'Nope they are not at the ' location\n{print} 'Now you can enter the house!'\n```\n"
story_text: "We are going to print another story, but now we have to use brackets with `{print}`.\n\n### Exercise 1\nCreate a story of at least 5 sentences. You don't have to use 'name' just yet.\n"
story_text: "Natisnili bomo še eno zgodbo, vendar moramo zdaj uporabiti oklepaje z `{print}`.\n\n### Vaja 1\nUstvarite zgodbo z vsaj petimi stavki. Zaenkrat vam še ni treba uporabiti spremenljivke 'ime'.\n"
example_code: "```\n{print}('Dobrodošel v to zgodbo!')\n```\n"
story_text_2: "### Exercise 2\nWe have already prepared an `{input}` for you. First, use the `name` variable in your story.\nThen add a second `{ask}` and use that variable as well.\nTip: Remember the commas in a `{print}` between text and variables!\n"
story_text_2: "### Vaja 2\nZa vas smo že pripravili `{input}`. Najprej v svoji zgodbi uporabite spremenljivko `name`.\nNato dodajte `{ask}` še enkrat in rezultat prav tako shranite v spremenljivko.\nNasvet: Ne pozabite na vejice med besedilom in spremenljivkami pri ukazu `{print}`!\n"
example_code_2: "```\nime= {input}(\"Kako vam je ime?\")\n{print}('Dobrodošli v to zgodbo!')\n```\n"
name: '{add} {to_list} & {remove} {from}'
default_save_name: add_remove_command
description: introducing {add} {to_list} and {remove} {from}
default_save_name: ukaz_dodaj_odstrani
description: predstavitev {add} {to_list} in {remove} {from}
story_text: "## Add to\nYou can add items to the list with the `{add} {to_list}` command. To add an item to a list you can simply type: `{add} penguin {to_list} animals` or you can use the `{ask}` command like in the example code.\n"
example_code: "```\nanimals {is} dog, cat, kangaroo\nlike {is} {ask} What is your favorite animal?\n{add} like {to_list} animals\n{print} I choose animals {at} {random}\n```\n"
story_text_2: "## Remove from\nIf you can add items to a list, of course you can also take them off. This is done with the `{remove} {from}` command.\n"
example_code_2: "```\nanimals {is} dog, cat, kangaroo\ndislike {is} {ask} What animal do you not like?\n{remove} dislike {from} animals\n{print} I choose animals {at} {random}\n```\n"
story_text_3: "### Exercise\nTry out the new commands in this virtual restaurant. Add the flavor the player is hoping for to the list and remove the flavors they are allergic to.\n"
story_text: "## Dodaj v\nNa seznam lahko dodajate elemente z ukazom `{add} {to_list}`. Če želite dodati objekt na seznam, lahko preprosto vnesete: `{add} penguin {to_list} animals` ali pa lahko uporabite ukaz `{ask}`, kot je prikazano v primeru.\n"
example_code: "```\nživali {is} pes, mačka, kenguru\nnajljubša {is} {ask} Katero žival imate najraje?\n{add} najljubša {to_list} živali\n{print} Jaz izberem živali {at} {random}\n```\n"
story_text_2: "## Odstrani iz\nČe lahko objekte dodajate na seznam, jih lahko seveda tudi odstranite. To storite z ukazom `{remove} {from}`.\n"
example_code_2: "```\nživali {is} pes, mačka, kenguru\nnajman_ljuba {is} {ask} Katere živali ne marate najbolj?\n{remove} najman_ljuba {from} živali\n{print} Jaz izberem živali {at} {random}\n```\n"
story_text_3: "#### Vaja\nPreizkusite nove ukaze v tej virtualni restavraciji. Na seznam dodajte okus, katerega ima obiskovalec rad, in odstranite okuse, na katere je alergičen.\n"
example_code_3: "```\n{print} Mystery milkshake\nflavors {is} strawberry, chocolate, vanilla\nhope {is} {ask} What flavor are you hoping for?\n_\nallergies {is} {ask} Are you allergic to any flavors?\n_\n{print} You get a flavors {at} {random} milkshake\n```\n"
name: '{and} & {or}'
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