Given a set of positive and negative training example documents, this program builds a model that can then be used to predict the class of other documents.
Copyright © and Morten Hustveit, 2015
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Let's train a model to distinguish between .h
and .cc
$ find base/ -name \*.cc |
xargs text-classifier --strategy=plain learn training-data 0
$ find base/ -name \*.h |
xargs text-classifier --strategy=plain learn training-data 1
$ text-classifier --cost-function=f1 --weight=bns --no-normalize \
analyze training-data model
7531 of 35030 features pass threshold.
C_pos=1.12e-05 C_neg=1.93-05 mean_F1=0.89 min_F1=0.80 max_F1=1.0
C_pos=2.24e-05 C_neg=3.87-05 mean_F1=0.98 min_F1=0.89 max_F1=1.0
C_pos=4.48e-05 C_neg=7.73-05 mean_F1=1.00 min_F1=1.00 max_F1=1.0
Now let's use the model on a different set of files:
$ find tools/text-classifier -name \*.cc -or -name \*.h |
xargs text-classifier --no-normalize classify model |
sort -k2 -g | column -t
tools/text-classifier/ -0.131145343
tools/text-classifier/ -0.0867494419
tools/text-classifier/ -0.0808973536
tools/text-classifier/ -0.0731460601
tools/text-classifier/ -0.0576973334
tools/text-classifier/ -0.025508523
tools/text-classifier/model.h 0.254370809
tools/text-classifier/svm.h 0.273033738
tools/text-classifier/html-tokenizer.h 0.280142158
tools/text-classifier/common.h 0.283355683
tools/text-classifier/utf8.h 0.288347989
tools/text-classifier/23andme.h 0.30374068
- libkj from Cap'n Proto, version 0.5 or later, and
- libsparsehash.
The corresponding Debian packages are called libcapnp-dev
and libsparsehash-dev