Bulk-upload as easy as
brew install hcgatewood/ghissue/ghissue
ghissue create issues.txt
The input file contains a repo target, followed by hyphen-separated issues.
The first line of each issue contains metadata, while all following lines comprise the Issue body. Labels, assignees, and body are optional.
Title | Labels | Assignees
Title | Labels | Assignees
Title | Labels | Assignees
- Install ghissue
brew install hcgatewood/ghissue/ghissue
- Create a GitHub personal access token and save its contents to the
environment variable - Replace
below with a repo to which you have write access
We'll create two issues: a self-assigned feature request and a bug report. Place the following into a file named issues.txt
Update the README | feature,milestone4 | hcgatewood23
Update readme with examples.
Add note that Issue body can contain multiple lines.
Fix CLI bug | bug
Bug report: CLI needs to be fixed. Someone please claim.
Now bulk-create the Issues
$ ghissue create issues.txt --open
Preferred installation method via Homebrew
brew install hcgatewood/ghissue/ghissue
If you can't or don't want to use Homebrew, consider these additional install methods
go get -u github.com/hcgatewood/ghissue
install via Gogo run github.com/hcgatewood/ghissue
don't install, run directly via Go- Check out the per-release assets
- Compile from source
See testdata/
for more examples.
CLI flags for the create
--byline Append hcgatewood/ghissue byline to Issue body (default true)
--dryrun Don't actually create the Issues
--help help for create
--info Print more info about the Issues
--open Open browser to view new Issues
Note: can disable the byline with --byline=false