A set of tasks for use with Fabric and EC2 (and Cloudflare!)
You have to install from the github repo at the moment:
pip install -e git+https://github.com/dbuxton/cloth.git#egg=cloth
Export your EC2 credntials as environment variables.
export AWS_EC2_REGION=eu-west-1
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-access-key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-secret-key>
export CLOTH_BACKEND=cloudflare # If not set defaults to ec2
export [email protected]
export CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY=<your-cloudflare-api-key>
export CLOUDFLARE_ZONE=example.com
To use just import some or all of the tasks into your fabric file. Or create a blank fabfile.py with teh following contents.
#! /usr/bin/env python
from cloth.tasks import *
This will give you a good few commands.
⚡ fab -l
Available commands:
all All nodes (including cloudflare)
cloudflare Just cloudflare nodes (can also enter a regex)
ec2 Just ec2 nodes (can use a regex)
free Show memory stats
list List EC2 name and public and private ip address
nodes Select nodes based on a regular expression
preview Preview nodes
production Production nodes
updates Show package counts needing updates
upgrade Upgrade packages with apt-get
uptime Show uptime and load
Of most interest should be the 'all' and 'nodes' tasks. These allow you to load EC2 instances for further command running.
⚡ fab all list
The above should list all of your EC2 and Cloudflare instances including the name and public and private ip addresses.
⚡ fab nodes:"^production.*" list
The above should list all of your EC2 instances that start with 'production'. This takes a regex as the argument so you can get whatever instances you like.
⚡ fab all uptime
As an example of running a command on a set of EC2 instances try the above. This should show the uptime and load averages for all your EC2 instances. Use -P as well to have that happen in parallel.
I generally use a convention for the names of my EC2 machines, in particular:
The production and preview tasks simple filter for those with a platform value of production or preview. More interesting is that roles are being set based on the second part of the name. For instance if I have a set of instances called:
- production-backend-1
- production-backend-2
- production-backend-3
- production-proxy
- production-database
I could write a task like so:
def passenger():
"Show details about passenger performance"
The run that task with:
⚡ fab all passenger
That task would only be run on the three backend instances.