Add the package in your composer.json by executing the command.
composer require hazestudio/laravel-gopay-sdk
This will both update composer.json and install the package into the vendor/ directory.
Next, add the service provider and facade to config/app.php
Add the service provider to providers:
'providers' => [
And add the facade to aliases:
'aliases' => [
'GoPay' => HazeStudio\LaravelGoPaySDK\Facade::class,
First initialise the config file by running this command:
php artisan vendor:publish
With this command, initialize the configuration and modify the created file, located under config/gopay.php
return [
'goid' => 'YOUR_GOID',
'clientId' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
'clientSecret' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
'defaultScope' => 'ALL', //GoPay\Definition\TokenScope Constants
'languages' => [
'en' => 'ENGLISH',
'sk' => 'SLOVAK',
'cs' => 'CZECH'
], //Map Laravel languages to GoPay\Definition\Language Constants
'timeout' => 30
//or just
\GoPay::scope(GoPay\Definition\TokenScope::ALL) //Override default scope
Name | Class |
PaymentCreated | HazeStudio\LaravelGoPaySDK\Events\PaymentCreated |
Event::listen(\HazeStudio\LaravelGoPaySDK\Events\PaymentCreated::class, function ($event) {
use GoPay;
use GoPay\Definition\Payment\Currency;
use GoPay\Definition\Payment\PaymentInstrument;
use GoPay\Definition\Payment\BankSwiftCode;
//This will log every http request to the GoPay api
GoPay::log(function($request, $response){
\PC::gp_request($request); //PHP Console package
\PC::gp_response($response); //PHP Console package
//Or Laravel Log
\Log::info("{$request->method} {$request->url} -> {$response->statusCode}");
$user = \Auth::user();
$response = GoPay::lang($user->locale)->scope('CREATE_PAYMENT')->createPayment([
'payer' => [
'default_payment_instrument' => PaymentInstrument::BANK_ACCOUNT,
'allowed_payment_instruments' => [PaymentInstrument::BANK_ACCOUNT],
'default_swift' => BankSwiftCode::FIO_BANKA,
'allowed_swifts' => [BankSwiftCode::FIO_BANKA, BankSwiftCode::MBANK],
'contact' => [
'first_name' => 'Zbynek',
'last_name' => 'Zak',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'phone_number' => '+420777456123',
'city' => 'C.Budejovice',
'street' => 'Plana 67',
'postal_code' => '373 01',
'country_code' => 'CZE',
'amount' => 1000,
'currency' => Currency::CZECH_CROWNS,
'order_number' => '001',
'order_description' => 'pojisteni01',
'items' => [
['name' => 'item01', 'amount' => 50],
['name' => 'item02', 'amount' => 100],
'additional_params' => [
array('name' => 'invoicenumber', 'value' => '2015001003')
'callback' => [
'return_url' => 'http://www.your-url.tld/return',
'notification_url' => 'http://www.your-url.tld/notify'
if ($response->hasSucceed()) {
$url = $response->json['gw_url'];
echo $response;