Ed25519 adapter for WebAssembly and JS implementations
npm i @hazae41/ed25519
- 100% TypeScript and ESM
- No external dependencies
import { Ed25519 } from "@hazae41/ed25519"
npm i @hazae41/ed25519.wasm
import { Ed25519 } from "@hazae41/ed25519"
import { Ed25519Wasm } from "@hazae41/ed25519.wasm"
await Ed25519Wasm.initBundled()
Ed25519.set(await Ed25519.fromNativeOrWasm(Ed25519Wasm))
npm i @noble/curves
import { Ed25519 } from "@hazae41/ed25519"
import * as Ed25519Noble from "@noble/curves/ed25519"
Ed25519.set(await Ed25519.fromNativeOrNoble(Ed25519Noble))
npm i @noble/ed25519
import { Ed25519 } from "@hazae41/ed25519"
import * as ed25519 from "@noble/ed25519"
Ed25519.set(await Ed25519.fromNativeOrNoble({ ed25519 }))