Since Apple blocked to open other Expo projects in the Expo application on iOS devices, I will show you how to install Expo and how to show the application on your smartphone, on an iOS or Android simulator manually.
- Is is recommended to use the latest NodeJS version and to install watchman with
brew install watchman
. If you don't have brew, you can install it here. I use nvm (node version manager) to easily switch between NodeJS version but it can be stressful to install this. - Run
npm install expo-cli --global
to get the command line tool. - Download the GitHub repository or clone it:
cd folder/to/clone-into/
git clone
- Start the project on an iOS or Android simulator or on your smartphone. I would recommend you to run it on your smartphone if you have not worked with a simulator.
- run
cd folder/where/you/put/the/project/
to navigate to the folder - run
ornpm install
to install node modules - run
yarn start
ornpm start
to start the project
Then, a window in the browser tab should open and you will see a QR code. Now you should download the Expo application on your smartphone. Download the application for iOS or Android. Scan the QR code with your camera and the project will open in the expo application.
Also, you can open the application on a simulator by pressing a for Android or i for iOS in the command line tool or by pressing 'Run on Android device/emulator' or 'Run on iOS simulator' on the Expo window in your web browser. Here are guides for setting up the simulators for iOS and Android: iOS/Android.
If you have questions, then contact me or read the official Expo Docs.