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Fix count handling for backward and refactoring
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haya14busa committed Dec 1, 2014
1 parent dfbcb0d commit 4341003
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 32 deletions.
79 changes: 47 additions & 32 deletions autoload/asterisk.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,43 +48,38 @@ endfunction
" @return command: String
function! asterisk#do(mode, config) abort
let config = extend(s:default_config(), a:config)
let pattern = (s:is_visual(a:mode) ?
\ s:convert_2_word_pattern(s:get_selected_text(), config) : s:cword_pattern(config))
if s:is_empty_cword(pattern)
" 'E348: No string under cursor'
if s:is_visual(a:mode)
return "\<Esc>:echohl ErrorMsg | echom 'asterisk.vim: No selected string' | echohl None\<CR>"
return '*'
let is_visual = s:is_visual(a:mode)
" Raw cword without \<\>
let cword = (is_visual ? s:get_selected_text() : expand('<cword>'))
if cword is# ''
return s:generate_error_cmd(is_visual)
let should_plus_one_count = s:should_plus_one_count(pattern, config, a:mode)
" v:count handling
let should_plus_one_count = s:should_plus_one_count(cword, config, a:mode)
let maybe_count = (should_plus_one_count ? string(v:count1 + 1) : '')
let pre = (s:is_visual(a:mode) || should_plus_one_count ? "\<Esc>" . maybe_count : '')
let pre = (is_visual || should_plus_one_count ? "\<Esc>" . maybe_count : '')
" Including \<\> if necessary
let pattern = (is_visual ?
\ s:convert_2_word_pattern_4_visual(cword, config) : s:cword_pattern(cword, config))
if config.do_jump
let key = (config.direction is s:DIRECTION.forward ? '/' : '?')
return pre . key . pattern . "\<CR>"
call s:set_search(pattern)
" :h function-search-undo
" :h v:searchforward
let hlsearch = 'let &hlsearch=&hlsearch'
let searchforward = printf('let v:searchforward = %d', config.direction)
let echo = printf("echo '%s'", pattern)
return printf("%s:\<C-u>%s | %s | %s\<CR>", pre, hlsearch, searchforward, echo)
return s:generate_set_search_cmd(pattern, pre, config)

" @return cword: String
function! s:cword_pattern(config) abort
return printf((a:config.is_whole ? '\<%s\>' : '%s'), expand('<cword>'))
" @return \<cword\>: String
function! s:cword_pattern(cword, config) abort
return printf((a:config.is_whole ? '\<%s\>' : '%s'), a:cword)

" This function is based on
" Author : thinca <[email protected]>
" License : zlib License
" @return selected_pattern: String
function! s:convert_2_word_pattern(pattern, config) abort
" @return \<selected_pattern\>: String
function! s:convert_2_word_pattern_4_visual(pattern, config) abort
let text = a:pattern
let type = (a:config.direction is# s:DIRECTION.forward ? '/' : '?')
let [pre, post] = ['', '']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,29 +110,49 @@ function! s:convert_2_word_pattern(pattern, config) abort
return '\V' . pre . text . post

function! s:is_empty_cword(pattern) abort
return a:pattern =~# '\m^\%(\\V\)\=\%(\\<\\>\)\=$'

"" Set pattern and history for search
" @return nothing
function! s:set_search(pattern, ...) abort
function! s:set_search(pattern) abort
let @/ = a:pattern
call histadd('/', @/)

"" Generate command to turn on search related option like hlsearch to work
" with :h function-search-undo
" @return command: String
function! s:generate_set_search_cmd(pattern, pre, config) abort
" :h function-search-undo
" :h v:hlsearch
" :h v:searchforward
let hlsearch = 'let &hlsearch=&hlsearch'
let searchforward = printf('let v:searchforward = %d', a:config.direction)
let echo = printf("echo '%s'", a:pattern)
return printf("%s:\<C-u>%s | %s | %s\<CR>", a:pre, hlsearch, searchforward, echo)

"" Generate command to show error with empty pattern
" @return error_command: String
function! s:generate_error_cmd(is_visual) abort
" 'E348: No string under cursor'
let m = 'asterisk.vim: No selected string'
return (a:is_visual
\ ? printf("\<Esc>:echohl ErrorMsg | echom '%s' | echohl None\<CR>", m)
\ : '*')

" @return boolean
function! s:should_plus_one_count(pattern, config, mode) abort
function! s:should_plus_one_count(cword, config, mode) abort
" For backward only because count isn't needed with <expr> but it requires
" +1 for backward and for the case that cursor is not at the head of
" pattern
return a:config.direction is# s:DIRECTION.backward && ! s:is_head_of_cword(a:pattern)
" cword
return (a:config.direction is# s:DIRECTION.backward && ! s:is_head_of_cword(a:cword))
\ || (!s:is_visual(a:mode) && s:get_pos_char() !~# '\k')

" @return boolean
function! s:is_head_of_cword(pattern) abort
function! s:is_head_of_cword(cword) abort
let c = col('.')
return a:pattern is# getline(line('.'))[c - 1 : c + strlen(a:pattern) - 2]
return a:cword is# getline(line('.'))[c - 1 : c + strlen(a:cword) - 2]

" Assume the current mode is middle of visual mode.
Expand Down

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