Twistr is a Domain name permutation and enumeration library powered by Rust. It aims to directly port the well-known dnstwist tool allowing for fast and flexible interfacing capabilities with the core libraries based on client's requirements.
This is particularly helpful if you're from outside the Rust space and would like to get up and running quickly.
- Install Rust
git clone
cd examples/twistrs-cli
cargo r --
Keep in mind that this will not run with a release build and will be naturally slower, however it should allow you to explore some of the functionality.
The core library is composed of the domain permutation module and the domain enrichment module that can be used individually or chained together.
The following is a boiled-down version of the twistrs-cli example that uses tokio mpsc.
use twistrs::enrich::DomainMetadata;
use twistrs::permutate::Domain;
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
async fn main() {
let domain = Domain::new("").unwrap();
let permutations = domain.all().unwrap();
let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1000);
for permutation in permutations {
let domain_metadata = DomainMetadata::new(permutation.clone());
let mut tx = tx.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move
if let Err(_) = tx.send((permutation.clone(), domain_metadata.dns_resolvable().await)).await {
println!("received dropped");
while let Some(i) = rx.recv().await {
println!("{:?}", i);
- Granular control over Permutation or Enrichment modules
- Use specific permutation algorithms (e.g. homoglyphs)
- Use specific data enrichment methods (e.g. DNS lookup)
- Concurrency out of the box
- Exceptionally fast end-to-end results
- Core library allowing easy extensions (i.e. CLI, API & streams)
Q: If I want to use a different set of dictionaries to the one provided out of the box by the libary, how can I achieve that?
A: Currently the library (for ease-of-use) bakes the dictionaries into the final binary through a build script. To customise this, you would need to update the dictionary files and compile the library using cargo b
or cargo b --release
. You can also reference the library in your own Cargo.toml, pointing to a local copy.
Q: How does the cached GeoIP lookup work?
A: Currently requires the client to supply their own maxminddb
reader and dataset. Twistrs at this point in time
is mostly an auxillliary wrapper to streamline processing of the DomainMetadata results.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Twistrs by you, shall be licensed as MIT, without any additional terms or conditions.