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Santiago Weight committed Nov 6, 2022
1 parent 9d70df0 commit 7e06c77
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Showing 3 changed files with 378 additions and 26 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions plugins/hls-refactor-plugin/src/Development/IDE/GHC/ExactPrint.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ module Development.IDE.GHC.ExactPrint
ExceptStringT (..),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +111,13 @@ import GHC.Parser.Annotation (AnnContext (..),
DeltaPos (SameLine),
EpaLocation (EpaDelta),
import GHC (DeltaPos(..))
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (generatedSrcSpan)
import GHC (Anchor(..))
import GHC (AnchorOperation(..))
import GHC (realSrcSpan)
import GHC (EpAnnComments(..))
import Debug.Trace (traceShowM, trace, traceM)

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -475,6 +484,90 @@ modifyMgMatchesT ::
modifyMgMatchesT (MG xMg (L locMatches matches) originMg) f = do
matches' <- mapM f matches
pure $ MG xMg (L locMatches matches') originMg

insertAtStart' :: (Monad m, HasDecls ast) => ast -> HsDecl GhcPs -> TransformT m ast
insertAtStart' old newDecl = do
srcs <- replicateM 5 uniqueSrcSpanT
liftT $ insertAt (insertDeclAtStart srcs) old . noLocA $ newDecl
insertDeclAtStart ssps (L _ newDecl) [] = [L (noAnnSrcSpanDP (ssps !! 0) (DifferentLine 1 4)) newDecl]
insertDeclAtStart _ (L _ newDecl) [L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor dRealSpan (MovedAnchor (SameLine _))) dAnn dComments) dSpan) d] =
[ L (noAnnSrcSpanDP generatedSrcSpan (DifferentLine 1 2)) newDecl,
L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor dRealSpan (MovedAnchor $ DifferentLine 1 0)) dAnn dComments) dSpan) d
insertDeclAtStart ssps (L _ newDecl) (L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor dRealSpan ancOp) dAnn dComments) dSpan) d:ds) =
let newDeclSpan = ssps !! 0
newDecl' = L
(EpAnn (Anchor dRealSpan ancOp) mempty emptyComments)
secondDecl' = L
(Anchor (realSrcSpan $ newDeclSpan) (MovedAnchor $ DifferentLine 1 0))
in newDecl' : secondDecl' : ds
insertDeclAtStart _ d ds = d : ds

prependDeclToWhereDecls decl newWhereDecl = do
traceShowM "tag2"
ds <- balanceCommentsList =<< hsDecls decl
traceShowM "tag3"
let ds' = prependDecl (wrapDecl newWhereDecl) ds
traceShowM "tag4"
replaceDecls decl ds'

prependDecl :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]
prependDecl ldecl = \case
[] -> [setEntryDP ldecl (DifferentLine 1 2)]
ld1:lds -> ldecl':ld1'':lds
(ancOp, ld1'') = case ld1 of
L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn d1Anc d1Ann (EpaComments (L (Anchor c1Rss cAnc) c1:restCs))) ss) d1 ->
-- NOTE cannot use setEntryDP to simply assign `DL 1 0` here because when there is no prior decl, the
-- DeltaPos on the declaration is absolute instead of relative, and so we must manually update the
-- DeltaPos to be relative (since there is about to be a prior declaration).
let ld1' = L
(setAnchorDp d1Anc $ DifferentLine 1 0)
(EpaCommentsBalanced (L (Anchor c1Rss $ MovedAnchor $ DifferentLine 1 0) c1:restCs) []))
in (cAnc, ld1')
(L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn d1Anc d1Ann (EpaCommentsBalanced (L (Anchor c1Rss cAnc) c1:restCs) d1AfterCs)) ss) d1) ->
-- NOTE cannot use setEntryDP to simply assign `DL 1 0` here because when there is no prior decl, the
-- DeltaPos on the declaration is absolute instead of relative, and so we must manually update the
-- DeltaPos to be relative (since there is about to be a prior declaration).
let ld1' = L
(setAnchorDp d1Anc $ DifferentLine 1 0)
(EpaCommentsBalanced (L (Anchor c1Rss $ MovedAnchor $ DifferentLine 1 0) c1:restCs) d1AfterCs))
in (cAnc, ld1')
(L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor d1Rss d1AncOp) d1Ann epaCs@(EpaComments [])) ss) d1) ->
let ld1' = L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor d1Rss $ MovedAnchor $ DifferentLine 1 0) d1Ann epaCs) ss) d1
in (d1AncOp, ld1')
(L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor d1Rss d1AncOp) d1Ann epaCs@(EpaCommentsBalanced [] _)) ss) d1) ->
let ld1' = L (SrcSpanAnn (EpAnn (Anchor d1Rss $ MovedAnchor $ DifferentLine 1 0) d1Ann epaCs) ss) d1
in (d1AncOp, ld1')
L (SrcSpanAnn EpAnnNotUsed _) _ -> trace "tag6" error "Unexpected EpAnnNotUsed"
ldecl' = setEntryDP ldecl (maybe (trace "tag7" error "what to do with UnchangedAnchor?") id $ getAnchorOpDp ancOp)

setAnchorDp :: Anchor -> DeltaPos -> Anchor
setAnchorDp (Anchor rss _) dp = Anchor rss (MovedAnchor dp)

getAnchorOpDp :: AnchorOperation -> Maybe DeltaPos
getAnchorOpDp (MovedAnchor dp) = Just dp
getAnchorOpDp UnchangedAnchor = Nothing

graftSmallestDeclsWithM ::
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

module Development.IDE.Plugin.CodeAction
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,21 +92,27 @@ import qualified Text.Fuzzy.Parallel as TFP
import Text.Regex.TDFA (mrAfter,
(=~), (=~~))
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,1)
import GHC (realSrcSpan)
import GHC.Parser.Annotation (emptyComments)
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (generatedSrcSpan)
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint (noAnnSrcSpanDP1,
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Transform
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,0)
import Control.Monad.Except (lift)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity (..))
import Extra (maybeToEither)
import GHC (AddEpAnn (AddEpAnn),
Anchor (anchor_op),
Anchor (..),
AnchorOperation (..),
AnnsModule (am_main),
DeltaPos (..),
EpAnn (..),
EpaLocation (..),
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Lens (bimap)

import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types (Annotation (annsDP),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,7 +183,8 @@ bindingsPluginDescriptor recorder plId = mkExactprintPluginDescriptor recorder $
, wrap suggestNewDefinition
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,1)
, wrap suggestAddArgument
, wrap (undefinedVariableCodeAction addAsLastArgument)
, wrap (undefinedVariableCodeAction addToWhere)
, wrap suggestDeleteUnusedBinding
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -950,12 +957,30 @@ newDefinitionAction IdeOptions {..} parsedModule Range {_start} name typ
ParsedModule {pm_parsed_source = L _ HsModule {hsmodDecls}} = parsedModule

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,2,1)

type UndefinedVariableCodeAction = ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> Either ResponseError [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]

type UndefinedVariableHandler = ParsedModule -> Range -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> Either ResponseError [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]

-- When GHC tells us that a variable is not bound, it will tell us either:
-- - there is an unbound variable with a given type
-- - there is an unbound variable (GHC provides no type suggestion)
-- - there is a typed hole `_`
-- When we receive either of these errors, we produce a text edit that will add a new argument (as a new pattern in the
-- last position of each LHS of the top-level bindings for this HsDecl).
-- When we receive either of these errors, we can produce a text edit that will put this variable in scope, such as:
-- - Adding an argument binding
-- - Adding a binding in a where clause
-- - ... up to your creativity :)
undefinedVariableCodeAction :: UndefinedVariableHandler -> UndefinedVariableCodeAction
undefinedVariableCodeAction handler parsedModule Diagnostic {_message, _range}
| Just (name, typ) <- matchVariableNotInScope message = handler parsedModule _range name typ
| Just (name, typ) <- matchFoundHoleIncludeUnderscore message = handler parsedModule _range name (Just typ)
| otherwise = pure []
message = unifySpaces _message

-- Handle unbound variables by adding a new argument as a new pattern in the last position of each LHS of the
-- top-level bindings for this HsDecl.
-- TODO Include logic to also update the type signature of a binding
Expand All @@ -964,17 +989,8 @@ newDefinitionAction IdeOptions {..} parsedModule Range {_start} name typ
-- foo :: a -> b -> c -> d
-- foo a b = \c -> ...
-- In this case a new argument would have to add its type between b and c in the signature.
suggestAddArgument :: ParsedModule -> Diagnostic -> Either ResponseError [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
suggestAddArgument parsedModule Diagnostic {_message, _range}
| Just (name, typ) <- matchVariableNotInScope message = addArgumentAction parsedModule _range name typ
| Just (name, typ) <- matchFoundHoleIncludeUnderscore message = addArgumentAction parsedModule _range name (Just typ)
| otherwise = pure []
message = unifySpaces _message

-- TODO use typ to modify type signature
addArgumentAction :: ParsedModule -> Range -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> Either ResponseError [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
addArgumentAction (ParsedModule _ parsedSource _ _) range name _typ =
addAsLastArgument :: UndefinedVariableHandler
addAsLastArgument (ParsedModule _ parsedSource _ _) range name _typ =
let addArgToMatch (L locMatch (Match xMatch ctxMatch pats rhs)) = do
let unqualName = mkRdrUnqual $ mkVarOcc $ T.unpack name
Expand All @@ -986,17 +1002,56 @@ addArgumentAction (ParsedModule _ parsedSource _ _) range name _typ =
let decl' = L locDecl (ValD xVal (FunBind xFunBind idFunBind mg' coreFunBind))
pure [decl']
decl -> pure [decl]
case runTransformT $ modifySmallestDeclWithM spanContainsRangeOrErr insertArg (makeDeltaAst parsedSource) of
case runTransformT $ modifySmallestDeclWithM (flip spanContainsRangeOrErr range) insertArg (makeDeltaAst parsedSource) of
Left err -> Left err
Right (newSource, _, _) ->
let diff = makeDiffTextEdit (T.pack $ exactPrint parsedSource) (T.pack $ exactPrint newSource)
in pure [("Add argument ‘" <> name <> "’ to function", fromLspList diff)]
spanContainsRangeOrErr = maybeToEither (responseError "SrcSpan was not valid range") . (`spanContainsRange` range)

-- TODO use typ to initialise type signature
addToWhere :: ParsedModule -> Range -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text -> Either ResponseError [(T.Text, [TextEdit])]
addToWhere (ParsedModule _ parsedSource _ _) range name _typ = bimap traceShowId id $ do
let mkUnqual name = noLocA $ mkRdrUnqual $ mkVarOcc $ T.unpack name
equalAnn dp = AddEpAnn AnnEqual (EpaDelta dp [])
addArg = modifySmallestDeclWithM (flip spanContainsRangeOrErr range) $ \case
(L locDecl (ValD xVal (FunBind xFunBind idFunBind mg coreFunBind))) -> do
declMatchSrcSpan <- uniqueSrcSpanT
grhsSrcSpan <- uniqueSrcSpanT
mg' <- modifyMgMatchesT mg $ \match -> do
spanInRange <- lift $ getLoc match `spanContainsRangeOrErr` range
if spanInRange
then do
let grhs_ann = GrhsAnn Nothing $ equalAnn (SameLine 0)
rhs_hole = L (noAnnSrcSpanDP1 generatedSrcSpan) $ HsVar NoExtField (mkUnqual "_")
grhs = GRHS (EpAnn (generatedAnchor m1) grhs_ann emptyComments) [] rhs_hole
grhss = GRHSs emptyComments [L grhsSrcSpan grhs] (EmptyLocalBinds NoExtField)
newDeclMatchAnn = emptyEpAnnAnchor (generatedAnchor m0)
newDeclMatch =
noLocA (Match newDeclMatchAnn (FunRhs (mkUnqual name) Prefix SrcStrict) [] grhss)
newDeclMg = MG NoExtField (L (noAnnSrcSpanDP0 declMatchSrcSpan) [newDeclMatch]) Generated
newDecl = (FunBind NoExtField (mkUnqual name) newDeclMg [])
traceShowM "tag1"
prependDeclToWhereDecls match (noLocA newDecl)
else pure match
let decl' = L locDecl (ValD xVal (FunBind xFunBind idFunBind mg' coreFunBind))
pure [decl']
_ -> pure []
(newSource, _, _) <- runTransformT $ addArg (makeDeltaAst parsedSource)
let diffText = makeDiffTextEdit (T.pack $ exactPrint parsedSource) (T.pack $ exactPrint newSource)
pure [("Add to where ‘" <> name <> "", fromLspList diffText)]

spanContainsRangeOrErr :: SrcSpan -> Range -> Either ResponseError Bool
spanContainsRangeOrErr srcSpan range = maybeToEither (responseError "SrcSpan was not valid range") . (`spanContainsRange` range) $ srcSpan

generatedAnchor :: AnchorOperation -> Anchor
generatedAnchor anchorOp = GHC.Anchor (GHC.realSrcSpan generatedSrcSpan) anchorOp

emptyEpAnnAnchor :: Monoid a => Anchor -> EpAnn a
emptyEpAnnAnchor anchor = EpAnn anchor mempty emptyComments

fromLspList :: List a -> [a]
fromLspList (List a) = a

suggestFillTypeWildcard :: Diagnostic -> [(T.Text, TextEdit)]
suggestFillTypeWildcard Diagnostic{_range=_range,..}
Expand Down

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