Telespy is a blended malware program that uses advanced techniques to steal information without detection. Telespy uses telegram as a command and control server and executes malicious activities while running in the background. The information is transferred to the victim's telegram bot, and the attacker can interact with the victim's PC using telegram messages. Implemented various features, including password extraction and decryption from Chrome, execution of arbitrary commands, screenshot capture, keystroke recording, and reverse shell capabilities, showcasing a broad range of technical skills.
1: Grabbing Screenshots of the victim's screen
2: Extracting Cookies From Chrome Browser
3: Extracting Passwords From Chrome Browser
4: Executing Arbitrary Commands
5: Capturing Key Strokes
6: Establishing Reverse Shell To victim Device
7: Grabbing Windows Title
8: Stealing Files From Victim's device
The environment for the execution of malware can be set with the undetectable VBS script. The VBS script will install a Python environment quietly along with the dependencies. After that, the script will be executed in the background. NOTE You'll need to create a telegram bot first and add the API key of the BOT to the script to make sure it will connect back to you.