Disconnect Nearby Access Points and Stations by forging and Transmitting Deauthentication Frames. Built on top of scapy and utilizes channel hopping and forging frames from a single interface. Works with python 3.
Install Scapy:
$ pip3 install scapy==2.4.3
Clone the Repo and check manual:
$ git clone https://github.com/hash3liZer/wifijammer.git
$ cd wifijammer/
$ python3 wifijammer.py --help
python3 [scriptname] [argument...]
python3 wifijammer.py --help
Args Description Default
-h, --help Throwback this help manaul False
-i, --interface Monitor Mode Interface to use
for scanning & deauthentication None
-c, --channel Channel to put monitor interface
on All
-a, --accesspoints Comma-seperated list of access-
points to target All
-s, --stations Comma-seperated list of stations
to target All
-f, --filters Comma-seperated list of Mac-
addresses to skip target None
-p, --packets Number of deauthentication
packets to send per turn. 25
-d, --delay Delay b/w transmission of pkts 0.1s
-r, --reset To refresh the target list after
the list has reached a specific
number, like --reset 5 None
--code (Int) Deauthentication Code
to send with packets 7
--world Scan for channels from 1-14,
default is 1-11 False
--aggressive Run in Aggressive Mode. Send
Continuous frames to Broadcast
Doesn't work when hoppping False
--no-broadcast Don't send deauthentication
packets to broadcast address False
--verbose Print device manufacturing
details False
Disconnecting AccessPoints from their stations on channel 6:
$ python3 wifijammer.py --interface wlan1mon --channel 6 --aggressive
This tool is only intended for testing purposes and should be used where there is allowance of having de-authentication tests. The user should have prior consent for testing against the target. The author will not be held responsible regarding any case of misuse.
Twitter: hash3liZer
Email : admin@shellvoide.com