A Javascript client for the Novation MIDI controllers LaunchPad Mini and LaunchControl.
Please submit an issue in case of bugs or feature suggestions.
You can the examples locally or use the live version at https://haschdl.github.io/p5/launchController/Examples/LaunchController.html
Connect your Launch Control to your computer
Using a supported browser, navigate to demo page
If prompted, give permission to the web site to access MIDI devices
Example 1: This example shows the current value of knobs and status of pads. The library provides two ways of working with pads. In Toggle, each pad can be individually activated; in Radio, only one pad can be activated at a time. Radio is useful if you want to use the pads as selector - in example 2 I use it the pads to a pick a color from a list.
See video in docs folder: LaunchControllerBrowser.mp4
Example 2: This example shows how to use the library in a p5.js drawing. Use knobs 1 to 4 to control the shape, and pick a color by using one of the pads.
Please note that using MIDI in the browser has very limited support. See https://caniuse.com/#search=MIDI page for details. Tested only with Chrome 70.