This project is a wrapper for nixtract
, that splits up the files to be processed into batches and submits them to SLURM.
(NeuroImaging eXTRACTion) is a collection of simple command-line tools that provide a decently unified interface to extract and process timeseries data from NIFTI, GIFTI, and CIFTI neuroimaging files.
- Currently only NIFTI files are supported by
, see this issue. - Currently probabilistic atlases are not supported by
, see this issue. - In order to use
input data must have been preprocessed with fMRIprep. Seenixtract
documentation for the--regressors
flag, under the section 'NIFTIs'.
For Compute Canada:
module load python/3.6
mkdir ENV
Where ENV
is the name of your environment.
virtualenv --no-download ~/ENV
ENV is name of empty directory containing environment.
source ~/ENV/bin/activate
pip install --no-index --upgrade pip
pip install pandas
pip install natsort
pip install nixtract
pip install nilearn
pip install nixtract-slurm
Must have venv activated and be on the login node. To use nixtract-slurm see documentation below.
usage: nixtract-slurm [-h] --out_path OUT_PATH --config_path CONFIG_PATH
--account ACCOUNT [--time TIME] [--mem MEM]
[--n_jobs N_JOBS] [--rerun_completed]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--out_path OUT_PATH Required: Path to output directory.
--config_path CONFIG_PATH Required: Path to config file for nixtract.
--account ACCOUNT Required: Account name for SLURM.
--time TIME Optional: Specify time (per job) for SLURM.
Must be formatted "hours:minutes:seconds".
--mem MEM Optional: Specify memory (per job) for SLURM.
Must be formatted for SLURM e.g. '1G', '500MB'.
--n_jobs N_JOBS Optional: Specify number of jobs for SLURM.
--rerun_completed Flag to ignore completed output in out_path and process all input.
output in the out_path
- See
- See
- SLURM output for each job eg
, for debugging.
- SLURM output for each job eg
- Mapping from input file to job number, to find corresponding SLURM output.
- SLURM submission script of most recent run.
- Finished
for each inputfile.nii.gz
The only required parameter is account
. If left to default:
will be determined based on the number of files to be processed:- Less than 1000: ~50 files per job
- Less than 10,000: ~200 files per job
- Otherwise: ~500 files per job
(per job) will be set as a function of the number of files per job, ~10s per file.mem
(per job) will be set to '1G'.
If any of the parameters are specified, the remaining defaults will be set in accordance. The default parameters were determined using subjects from the ADHD200 and development fMRI datasets and the MIST 64 and 444 atlases. If input data is considerably larger (longer scans or finer grained parcellation) the parameters should be adjusted accordingly.
In case SLURM jobs are killed or fail for whatever reason, after debugging and tweaking the SLURM parameters, just rerun nixtract-slurm
with the same parameters and out_path
. Before launching another set of jobs to SLURM, nixtract-slurm
will search in the out_path
directory for finished files and omit the corresponding input files from the TODO list.
To disable this behaviour and run all the files, use the --rerun_completed