Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate student who loves coding and doing projects. Here you can find some of the projects I've been working on.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning cybersecurity and machine learning
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on machine learning and cybersecurity related projects
- 📫 How to reach me: Email or Linkedin
Here are some of my notable projects:
- PyLock - PyLock is a password manager that allows users to securely store and retrieve their passwords. It uses encryption to ensure that the stored passwords are safe and protected.
- Word-Analyzer - Word Analyzer is a Java-based project that provides text analysis capabilities. It includes a web interface for users to input text and perform various operations such as analyzing word frequency, replacing words, and removing words. The project is designed to help users gain insights into their text data and perform text manipulation tasks easily.
- SMTP - This project provides an implementation of an SMTP server/client, use to send verification code in Python.