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Multiverse 1.0

Multiverse is a GPU-accelerated AI training simulator with high performance and high fidelity. It enables researchers to evaluate the performance of AI/LLM training systems given:

  • Parallel strategies: TP, DP.

  • Collective communication algorithms: Ring allreduce.

  • Topology: Fattree, Bcube, HPN.

  • Congestion control algorithms: DCQCN.

It's worth mentioning that Multiverse can also run completely on the CPUs, and it still applies Data-oriented Design (DOD) ideas to improve simulation efficiency.

Below is the architecture of Multiverse 1.0. In the coming months we will release Multiverse 2.0, which is fully GPU-accelerated and supports more LLM training options.


Table of Contents

  1. Key Features

  2. Project Structure

  3. Build Multiverse

  1. Run Multiverse
  1. Examples
  1. Future Work

  2. Contributing

  3. License

Key Features

  • System Simulator: Built on the astrasim-1.0-ns3 framework for LLM framework-level simulation, added shared memory communication method and adapted the new network layer implementation to support the new network simulator, currently it runs on CPUs, in the future it will also be accelerated by GPU.

  • Network Simulator: Accelerated by Data-oriented Design (DOD) paradigm and GPU. It also can be run in CPU, which means that both System Simulator and Network Simulator are run in CPU.

  • Shared Memory Communication: Efficient data transfer between the System Simulator and the Network Simulator via shared memory.

Project Structure

System simulator (multiverse_system)

  • astra-sim: Contains the all code for astrasim-1.0-ns3.

  • astra-sim\network_frontend: Includes the new implementation code for the network layer interface.

Network simulator (multiverse_network)

  • external: Include some ECS engine repos.

  • src: The network simulator based on ECS engine repos and cuda.

  • scripts: The start scripts for simulation.

Build Multiverse

So far, the system simulator and the network simulator require different specific running environments.

Build with Docker (Recommended)

1. System simulator

Pull docker from docker hub and create a docker container named as multiverse_ss.

docker pull naspthu/multiverse-ss:1.0.0 (or docker pull

docker run -itd --privileged -v path_to_workdir:path_to_workdir -p 11110:22 --gpus all --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --cap-add SYS_NICE --cap-add IPC_LOCK --ipc=host --restart=unless-stopped --name multiverse_ss naspthu/multiverse-ss:1.0.0 /bin/bash

Start up the container, clone the code using git, and then perform the compilation.

sudo docker exec -it  multiverse_ss  /bin/bash

cd ./path_to_workdir

git clone [email protected]:Harnets/multiverse.git

git submodule init 

git submodule update multiverse_system

cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_system

cd astra-sim

git submodule init

git submodule update

cd extern/network_backend/ns3/simulation/

./waf configure (only required once)

cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_system

./build/astra_ns3/ -c

2. Network simulator

Pull docker from docker hub and create a docker container named as multiverse_net.

docker pull naspthu/multiverse-net:latest (or docker pull

docker run -itd --privileged -v path_to_workdir/multiverse/:path_to_workdir/multiverse/ -p 11111:22 --gpus all --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 --cap-add SYS_NICE --cap-add IPC_LOCK --ipc=host --restart=unless-stopped --name multiverse_net naspthu/multiverse-net:latest /bin/bash

Start up the container, clone the code using git, and then perform the compilation.

sudo docker exec -it  multiverse_net  /bin/bash 

cd ./path_to_workdir

git clone --recursive [email protected]:Harnets/multiverse.git
cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_network/

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..

make -j

cd ..

pip install -e .

Build Manually

System Simulator

1. Prepare the running environment

The process can be seen in the README of multiverse system

2. Download the repo

git clone [email protected]:Harnets/multiverse.git

3. Complete the build for the system simulator

cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_system

git submodule init 

git submodule update multiverse_system

cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_system

cd astra-sim

git submodule init

git submodule update

cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_system/extern/network_backend/ns3/simulation/

./waf configure (only required once)

cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_system

./build/astra_ns3/ -c

Network Simulator

1. Prepare the running environment

The process can be seen in the README of multiverse network

2. Clone the repository:

git clone --recursive [email protected]:Harnets/multiverse.git

3. Build the network simulator:

cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_network/

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..

make -j

cd ..

pip install -e .

Run Multiverse

Start the Simulators

Note: You need to first start the system simulator, then run the network simulator. The order matters!

1. Start system simulator

cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_system

./build/astra_ns3/ -d

2. Start network simulator

cd path_to_workdir/multiverse/multiverse_network/

bash ("--enable_gpu_sim" controls the network simulator is run on CPUs or GPUs)

Configuration Parameters

  • Workload configuration: Please refer to astra-sim/scripts/workload_generator/ for details.

  • Network simulator configuration: You can configure the topology, congestion control algorithms, etc. For example, to set the fattree topology and CC algorithm:

python scripts/ --num_env $num_env --enable_gpu_sim 'cpu' --fattree_K $fattree_K --cc_method $cc_method


1 Training GPT-13B with 16 NPUs, TP group size=4, DP group size = 32, Fattree K=8


System Simulator Configuration
Parameter Description Default Value
-tp --tp_size TP group size 4
-dp --dp_size DP group size 32
-w --workload Path to workload ./A100-128-Megatron-GPT13B-tp4-pp1-dp32.txt
Network Simulator Configuration
Parameter Description Default Value
`MAX_NPU_FLOW_NUM Max length of queue for store the new/finished flow event 2000(must > #NPU)
-k --fattree_k Fattree K 8
-c --cc_method congestion control method(0 is DCQCN, 1 is HPCC, ...) 0

Run Simulation

1. Start system simulator

./build/astra_ns3/ -d

2. Start network simulator


Future Work

Strategy/Algorithm TP✔️ DP✔️ PP EP✔️
Collective Communication Ring allreduce✔️ Halving doubling allreduce Binary tree allreduce /
Topology Fattree✔️ HPN Rail-optimized Bcube
Congestion Control DCQCN✔️ HPCC Timely Poseidon
Scale up network DES PCIe NVLINK TTPoE UALink

✔️ indicates that the corresponding function is ready in Multiverse 1.0. Others are future works.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to report issues or submit pull requests. Please follow our contribution guidelines.

Contact Us

[email protected]


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


GPU-accelerated LLM Training Simulator






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Contributors 3
