$ make clean all
Server is listening on [::]:1234
[B023040025 @ hw3]$ help
usage 1: connect [IP] [PORT] [username]
usage 2: chat [username] [message]
usage 3: chat {[username1] [username2] ...} [message]
usage 4: bye
- Use "select" to handle which socket descriptor has been changed.
- Create a "linke-list" to save each client's information.
- Use this list to handle messages exchange between clients.
IPC Server
- Create a "shared memory" (size = MAX_USERS defined at ipc_user.h) to save each client's information.
- Use semaphore to lock/unlock when read/write shared memory.
- After successfully login, Fork a new process to handle messages exchange between clients.
- For each child process, create a thread to monitor the shared memory.
- Connect to Server. (IP: localhost or or ::1, PORT: 1234 )
- Get User's command and do corresponding actions.
- Create a thread to receive messages send from the server(othrer clients).