Found here:
$ make update
$ make umbrellas
- almightycouch/gitgud
- artemis-platform/artemis_teams
- aviacommerce/avia
- buddygg/buddy_matching
- captainfact/captain-fact-api
- civilcode/acme-ex
- ehealth-ua/ehealth.api
- elixirseattle/tanx
- eve-of-darkness/eve-of-darkness
- fremantle-capital/tai
- joaquimadraz/
- loomnetwork/blockscout
- mbta/api
- oestrich/grapevine
- omgnetwork/elixir-omg
- omgnetwork/elixir-omg/tree/master/priv/perf
- omgnetwork/ewallet
- poanetwork/blockscout
- richmorin/pa_all/tree/master/PA_elixir/server
- ruby2elixir/emcasa-backend
- sergiotapia/magnetissimo
- simplabs/breethe-server
- statuspal/statuspal
- access-company/antikythera - Elixir framework to build your own in-house PaaS
( 2022-10-19 / 313 commits / 161 stars ) - acconrad/peergym - A health and fitness club directory written in Elixir/Phoenix
( 2018-06-27 / 150 commits / 5 stars ) - AlloyCI/alloy_ci - Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery coordinator, written in Elixir.
( 2022-01-07 / 528 commits / 289 stars ) - andersju/webbkoll - An online tool that checks how a website is doing with regards to privacy
( 2022-11-10 / 456 commits / 270 stars ) - artemis-platform/artemis_teams - Collaborative Team-Based Tools written in Elixir and Phoenix
( 2021-05-13 / 1310 commits / 3 stars ) - asciinema/asciinema-server - Web app for hosting asciicasts
( 2022-04-29 / 2510 commits / 1993 stars ) - astarte-platform/astarte_data_updater_plant - Outdated Astarte platform data updater service repository.
( 2019-12-09 / 750 commits / 4 stars ) - astarte-platform/astarte_rpc - Astarte platform RPC protocol buffers and Elixir AMQP clients.
( 2022-10-24 / 506 commits / 3 stars ) - audioslides/ - Use Amazon Polly, Google Slides and FFMpeg to create videos that can be updated at anytime byΒ anyone. This project is written in Elixir.
( 2019-09-09 / 482 commits / 19 stars ) - aviacommerce/avia - open source e-commerce framework
( 2022-08-08 / 774 commits / 478 stars ) - axelclark/ex338 - Web application to manage the 338 Challenge fantasy sports league
( 2022-08-17 / 994 commits / 17 stars ) - barsoom/review - A tool for commit-by-commit code review of repositories on GitHub
( 2020-06-28 / 512 commits / 29 stars ) - blockscout/blockscout - Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
( 2022-09-05 / 10888 commits / 2071 stars ) - Bluetab/td-audit - Event management service for truedat project
( 2022-10-31 / 491 commits / 2 stars ) - Bluetab/td-bg - TdBG is a back-end service developed as part of True Dat project that supports the genearation of a Business Glossary
( 2022-10-31 / 1730 commits / 5 stars ) - Bluetab/td-ie - /truedat Ingest Engine back-end service
( 2022-10-31 / 399 commits / 0 stars ) - Bluetab/td-se - /truedat Search Engine back-end service
( 2022-10-31 / 185 commits / 0 stars ) - bors-ng/bors-ng - π A merge bot for GitHub Pull Requests
( 2022-11-09 / 2316 commits / 1368 stars ) - BuddyGG/buddy_matching - Somewhat generic player matching service built with Elixir and Phoenix
( 2019-03-02 / 346 commits / 63 stars ) - cancoin/bitcoin-voyager - Websocket and REST Server for querying Libbitcoin Server
( 2016-12-02 / 48 commits / 13 stars ) - CaptainFact/captain-fact-api - π CaptainFact - API. The one that serves and process all the data for
( 2019-04-02 / 961 commits / 177 stars ) - cesium/safira - safira platform (intra 2.0)
( 2022-06-07 / 281 commits / 37 stars ) - code-corps/code-corps-api - Elixir/Phoenix API for Code Corps.
( 2018-03-24 / 1211 commits / 235 stars ) - cruessler/lafamiglia - Browser-based strategic multiplayer game
( 2022-03-13 / 846 commits / 2 stars ) - danbruder/whiteboard - Multi-user real time whiteboard
( 2018-03-21 / 15 commits / 0 stars ) - danhper/opencov - Open source code coverage history webapp
( 2021-11-05 / 246 commits / 299 stars ) - dbstratta/margaret - π©βπ A publishing platform. An open-source alternative to Medium.
( 2019-05-13 / 1206 commits / 86 stars ) - derpibooru/philomena - Next-generation imageboard
( 2022-09-04 / 1840 commits / 177 stars ) - derrickreimer/level - Team communication optimized for deep work
( 2019-09-29 / 2918 commits / 1007 stars ) - digitalnatives/course_planner - An application to manage educational courses
( 2018-03-24 / 1730 commits / 35 stars ) - djthread/lucidboard - A realtime, collaborative kanban tool, built on Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.
( 2019-12-12 / 281 commits / 79 stars ) - dreamingechoes/diversity-in-tech - Phoenix application to rate tech companies according to how diverse friendly they are.
( 2018-08-24 / 150 commits / 7 stars ) - dreamingechoes/retrospectivex - Phoenix application to create retrospective boards.
( 2019-01-20 / 230 commits / 5 stars ) - dwyl/bestevidence - City, University of London BestEvidence app
( 2018-11-14 / 753 commits / 11 stars ) - dwyl/phoenix-ecto-encryption-example - π A detailed example for how to encrypt data in a Phoenix (Elixir) App before inserting into a database using Ecto Types
( 2022-11-08 / 199 commits / 234 stars ) - EdgeCommander/edge-commander - Device Management & Monitoring Application
( 2018-09-10 / 808 commits / 7 stars ) - edgurgel/httparrot - HTTP Request & Response Server. An incomplete clone of
( 2020-07-15 / 196 commits / 84 stars ) - ehealth-ua/ehealth.api -
( 2019-06-07 / 4338 commits / 8 stars ) - ElixirSeattle/tanx - Tank game created by the Programming Elixir study group
( 2019-04-05 / 229 commits / 110 stars ) - ellie-app/ellie - The Elm Live Editor
( 2020-04-12 / 364 commits / 694 stars ) - emadb/rovex - A multi mars rover implementation in Elixir.
( 2021-04-13 / 81 commits / 7 stars ) - eteubert/open_adventure_capitalist - A Phoenix LiveView experiment. Simple implementation of Adventure Capitalist.
( 2019-03-17 / 7 commits / 14 stars ) - Eve-of-Darkness/eve-of-darkness - Dark Age of Camelot Server
( 2019-09-11 / 66 commits / 15 stars ) - firestormforum/firestorm - An open-source forum engine, with an Elixir+Phoenix backend and an Elm frontend.
( 2019-10-03 / 212 commits / 966 stars ) - framasoft/mobilizon - Gather, organize and mobilize yourselves with a convivial, ethical, and emancipating tool.
( 2022-11-08 / 5281 commits / 240 stars ) - fremantle-industries/tai - A composable, real time, market data and trade execution toolkit. Built with Elixir, runs on the Erlang virtual machine
( 2022-01-25 / 1999 commits / 400 stars ) - freshcom/freshcom-api - Deprecated
( 2018-10-16 / 776 commits / 42 stars ) - GBH/ - Phoenix/Elixir web app for exploring and sharing bicycle touring routes
( 2018-01-07 / 232 commits / 47 stars ) - Glimesh/ - Glimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
( 2022-10-15 / 903 commits / 384 stars ) - HackerExperience/Helix -
( 2018-07-28 / 1512 commits / 53 stars ) - hashrocket/tilex - Today I Learned
( 2022-11-04 / 1424 commits / 474 stars ) - healthlocker/healthlocker - Inspire and motivate people to stay well.
( 2018-06-22 / 2972 commits / 70 stars ) - hexlet-codebattle/codebattle - Codebattle game
( 2022-10-30 / 3071 commits / 269 stars ) - hexpm/hexpm - API server and website for Hex
( 2022-11-08 / 2626 commits / 940 stars ) - infinityoneframework/infinity_one - A Team Collaboration Suite
( 2018-05-20 / 526 commits / 20 stars ) - instedd/active-monitoring -
( 2020-03-05 / 327 commits / 2 stars ) - instedd/aida -
( 2018-10-04 / 481 commits / 9 stars ) - instedd/surveda - InSTEDD Surveda
( 2022-11-01 / 3437 commits / 13 stars ) - jchristgit/bolt - A Discord guild moderation bot for managing large servers, based on Nostrum.
( 2022-10-19 / 1393 commits / 40 stars ) - joaquimadraz/ - Track recurring bills and subscriptions
( 2018-10-04 / 258 commits / 37 stars ) - johndavedecano/CoderJobs - A job board application built using Elixir and Phoenix Framework.
( 2018-06-26 / 76 commits / 26 stars ) - kenforthewin/mentat - scalable group chat with tags and pretty good privacy.
( 2021-04-10 / 88 commits / 91 stars ) - LittleKidogo/mula_spender - Some automated forms to aid in our spending
( 2018-03-28 / 556 commits / 3 stars ) - Logflare/logflare - Never get surprised by a logging bill again. Centralized structured logging for Cloudflare, Vercel, Elixir and Javascript.
( 2022-11-03 / 4460 commits / 411 stars ) - loomnetwork/blockscout -
( 2019-10-07 / 4163 commits / 16 stars ) - mainmatter/breethe-server - Air Quality Data for Locations around the World
( 2022-09-19 / 397 commits / 39 stars ) - maxim/cx_leaderboard - Elixir library for fast, customizable leaderboards
( 2019-06-08 / 74 commits / 18 stars ) - mbta/api - V3 MBTA API
( 2022-11-08 / 488 commits / 63 stars ) - mgwidmann/slack_coder - Slack Bot for watching your Github & CI builds
( 2017-11-27 / 643 commits / 15 stars ) - mirego/accent - The first developer-oriented translation tool. True asynchronous flow between translators and your team.
( 2022-09-27 / 532 commits / 890 stars ) - mozilla/reticulum - Phoenix web server for
( 2022-11-09 / 2936 commits / 385 stars ) - Nagasaki45/krihelinator - "Trendiness of open source software should be assessed by contribution rate, not by stars" - Meir Kriheli
( 2020-04-09 / 298 commits / 44 stars ) - ninjarab/hydra - Hydra is a free tool for predicting stock prices using technical analysis
( 2018-06-17 / 3 commits / 6 stars ) - oestrich/ex_venture - Text based MMORPG engine written in Elixir
( 2021-06-09 / 117 commits / 622 stars ) - oestrich/grapevine - The MUD Chat Network
( 2021-02-16 / 1209 commits / 141 stars ) - oestrich/spigot - A telnet test server for Grapevine's web client
( 2020-02-04 / 102 commits / 5 stars ) - omgnetwork/elixir-omg - OMG-Network repository of Watcher and Watcher Info
( 2020-10-29 / 4365 commits / 209 stars ) - omgnetwork/ewallet - eWallet Backend for the OmiseGO SDKs.
( 2020-01-14 / 826 commits / 320 stars ) - operable/cog - Bringing the power of the command line to chat
( 2018-07-11 / 2568 commits / 919 stars ) - papercups-io/papercups - Open-source live customer chat
( 2022-05-10 / 958 commits / 5038 stars ) - pcorey/inject_detect -
( 2017-09-26 / 278 commits / 10 stars ) - pedromtavares/moba - A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-10-06 / 361 commits / 144 stars ) - plausible/analytics - Simple, open-source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
( 2022-11-10 / 1759 commits / 12971 stars ) - puemos/riso - Riso - An open source developers recruiting tool
( 2019-01-13 / 72 commits / 1 stars ) - redrabbit/ - A Git source code management tool powered by Elixir with easy installation & high extensibility.
( 2022-10-13 / 1549 commits / 467 stars ) - ResiliaDev/Planga - Planga: Seamless Instant Chat Service
( 2019-01-17 / 391 commits / 33 stars ) - RichMorin/PA_all - Code and Data files for Pete's Alley
( 2020-02-21 / 80 commits / 0 stars ) - rizafahmi/elixirjobs - Job portal for Alchemist
( 2017-10-22 / 169 commits / 128 stars ) - rrrene/elixirstatus-web - Community site for Elixir project/blog post/version updates
( 2019-12-16 / 285 commits / 276 stars ) - ruby2elixir/emcasa-backend/ - Clone for now private repo:
( 2019-08-29 / 3600 commits / 4 stars ) - santiment/sanbase2 - The GraphQL API server used in Sanbase, Sanapi and all services using Sanapi
( 2022-11-10 / 10816 commits / 75 stars ) - sb8244/okr_app_pub - Public snapshot of OKR App
( 2019-07-07 / 5 commits / 15 stars ) - sep/planet_ex - Blog aggregator
( 2020-09-01 / 129 commits / 13 stars ) - sergiotapia/magnetissimo - Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.
( 2019-02-27 / 37 commits / 2598 stars ) - source-academy/backend - Backend of online learning environment Source Academy @ NUS (Elixir, Ecto, Phoenix, PostgreSQL)
( 2022-10-09 / 686 commits / 24 stars ) - statuspal/statuspal - Statuspal lets you communicate your web apps/services status π‘
( 2018-07-03 / 181 commits / 202 stars ) - straw-hat-labs/straw_hat_review - Review System
( 2018-05-21 / 435 commits / 11 stars ) - thoughtbot/community -
( 2018-08-23 / 106 commits / 22 stars ) - thoughtbot/constable - Better company announcements
( 2021-09-01 / 983 commits / 515 stars ) - usecanvas/api-v2 -
( 2017-04-04 / 486 commits / 110 stars ) - valo/melodica-inventory - The inventory system for biggest Bulgarian wedding agency
( 2019-06-17 / 210 commits / 7 stars ) - vutuv/vutuv - vutuv is a business network. Think of it as a fast, secure and less annoying open-source alternative for LinkedIn or XING.
( 2020-08-03 / 1179 commits / 282 stars ) - zooniverse/designator - Smart subject selector (used to be called CellectEx)
( 2022-05-12 / 197 commits / 2 stars ) - zven21/mipha - Proj Elixir Forum build with phoenix 1.5.
( 2020-09-28 / 266 commits / 157 stars ) - - ---
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars ) - - ---
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars )
- blockscout/blockscout - Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
(10888 commits / 2071 stars / 2022-09-05 ) - santiment/sanbase2 - The GraphQL API server used in Sanbase, Sanapi and all services using Sanapi
(10816 commits / 75 stars / 2022-11-10 ) - framasoft/mobilizon - Gather, organize and mobilize yourselves with a convivial, ethical, and emancipating tool.
(5281 commits / 240 stars / 2022-11-08 ) - Logflare/logflare - Never get surprised by a logging bill again. Centralized structured logging for Cloudflare, Vercel, Elixir and Javascript.
(4460 commits / 411 stars / 2022-11-03 ) - omgnetwork/elixir-omg - OMG-Network repository of Watcher and Watcher Info
(4365 commits / 209 stars / 2020-10-29 ) - ehealth-ua/ehealth.api -
(4338 commits / 8 stars / 2019-06-07 ) - loomnetwork/blockscout -
(4163 commits / 16 stars / 2019-10-07 ) - ruby2elixir/emcasa-backend/ - Clone for now private repo:
(3600 commits / 4 stars / 2019-08-29 ) - instedd/surveda - InSTEDD Surveda
(3437 commits / 13 stars / 2022-11-01 ) - hexlet-codebattle/codebattle - Codebattle game
(3071 commits / 269 stars / 2022-10-30 ) - healthlocker/healthlocker - Inspire and motivate people to stay well.
(2972 commits / 70 stars / 2018-06-22 ) - mozilla/reticulum - Phoenix web server for
(2936 commits / 385 stars / 2022-11-09 ) - derrickreimer/level - Team communication optimized for deep work
(2918 commits / 1007 stars / 2019-09-29 ) - hexpm/hexpm - API server and website for Hex
(2626 commits / 940 stars / 2022-11-08 ) - operable/cog - Bringing the power of the command line to chat
(2568 commits / 919 stars / 2018-07-11 ) - asciinema/asciinema-server - Web app for hosting asciicasts
(2510 commits / 1993 stars / 2022-04-29 ) - bors-ng/bors-ng - π A merge bot for GitHub Pull Requests
(2316 commits / 1368 stars / 2022-11-09 ) - fremantle-industries/tai - A composable, real time, market data and trade execution toolkit. Built with Elixir, runs on the Erlang virtual machine
(1999 commits / 400 stars / 2022-01-25 ) - derpibooru/philomena - Next-generation imageboard
(1840 commits / 177 stars / 2022-09-04 ) - plausible/analytics - Simple, open-source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
(1759 commits / 12971 stars / 2022-11-10 ) - Bluetab/td-bg - TdBG is a back-end service developed as part of True Dat project that supports the genearation of a Business Glossary
(1730 commits / 5 stars / 2022-10-31 ) - digitalnatives/course_planner - An application to manage educational courses
(1730 commits / 35 stars / 2018-03-24 ) - redrabbit/ - A Git source code management tool powered by Elixir with easy installation & high extensibility.
(1549 commits / 467 stars / 2022-10-13 ) - HackerExperience/Helix -
(1512 commits / 53 stars / 2018-07-28 ) - hashrocket/tilex - Today I Learned
(1424 commits / 474 stars / 2022-11-04 ) - jchristgit/bolt - A Discord guild moderation bot for managing large servers, based on Nostrum.
(1393 commits / 40 stars / 2022-10-19 ) - artemis-platform/artemis_teams - Collaborative Team-Based Tools written in Elixir and Phoenix
(1310 commits / 3 stars / 2021-05-13 ) - code-corps/code-corps-api - Elixir/Phoenix API for Code Corps.
(1211 commits / 235 stars / 2018-03-24 ) - oestrich/grapevine - The MUD Chat Network
(1209 commits / 141 stars / 2021-02-16 ) - dbstratta/margaret - π©βπ A publishing platform. An open-source alternative to Medium.
(1206 commits / 86 stars / 2019-05-13 ) - vutuv/vutuv - vutuv is a business network. Think of it as a fast, secure and less annoying open-source alternative for LinkedIn or XING.
(1179 commits / 282 stars / 2020-08-03 ) - axelclark/ex338 - Web application to manage the 338 Challenge fantasy sports league
(994 commits / 17 stars / 2022-08-17 ) - thoughtbot/constable - Better company announcements
(983 commits / 515 stars / 2021-09-01 ) - CaptainFact/captain-fact-api - π CaptainFact - API. The one that serves and process all the data for
(961 commits / 177 stars / 2019-04-02 ) - papercups-io/papercups - Open-source live customer chat
(958 commits / 5038 stars / 2022-05-10 ) - Glimesh/ - Glimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
(903 commits / 384 stars / 2022-10-15 ) - cruessler/lafamiglia - Browser-based strategic multiplayer game
(846 commits / 2 stars / 2022-03-13 ) - omgnetwork/ewallet - eWallet Backend for the OmiseGO SDKs.
(826 commits / 320 stars / 2020-01-14 ) - EdgeCommander/edge-commander - Device Management & Monitoring Application
(808 commits / 7 stars / 2018-09-10 ) - freshcom/freshcom-api - Deprecated
(776 commits / 42 stars / 2018-10-16 ) - aviacommerce/avia - open source e-commerce framework
(774 commits / 478 stars / 2022-08-08 ) - dwyl/bestevidence - City, University of London BestEvidence app
(753 commits / 11 stars / 2018-11-14 ) - astarte-platform/astarte_data_updater_plant - Outdated Astarte platform data updater service repository.
(750 commits / 4 stars / 2019-12-09 ) - source-academy/backend - Backend of online learning environment Source Academy @ NUS (Elixir, Ecto, Phoenix, PostgreSQL)
(686 commits / 24 stars / 2022-10-09 ) - mgwidmann/slack_coder - Slack Bot for watching your Github & CI builds
(643 commits / 15 stars / 2017-11-27 ) - LittleKidogo/mula_spender - Some automated forms to aid in our spending
(556 commits / 3 stars / 2018-03-28 ) - mirego/accent - The first developer-oriented translation tool. True asynchronous flow between translators and your team.
(532 commits / 890 stars / 2022-09-27 ) - AlloyCI/alloy_ci - Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery coordinator, written in Elixir.
(528 commits / 289 stars / 2022-01-07 ) - infinityoneframework/infinity_one - A Team Collaboration Suite
(526 commits / 20 stars / 2018-05-20 ) - barsoom/review - A tool for commit-by-commit code review of repositories on GitHub
(512 commits / 29 stars / 2020-06-28 ) - astarte-platform/astarte_rpc - Astarte platform RPC protocol buffers and Elixir AMQP clients.
(506 commits / 3 stars / 2022-10-24 ) - Bluetab/td-audit - Event management service for truedat project
(491 commits / 2 stars / 2022-10-31 ) - mbta/api - V3 MBTA API
(488 commits / 63 stars / 2022-11-08 ) - usecanvas/api-v2 -
(486 commits / 110 stars / 2017-04-04 ) - audioslides/ - Use Amazon Polly, Google Slides and FFMpeg to create videos that can be updated at anytime byΒ anyone. This project is written in Elixir.
(482 commits / 19 stars / 2019-09-09 ) - instedd/aida -
(481 commits / 9 stars / 2018-10-04 ) - andersju/webbkoll - An online tool that checks how a website is doing with regards to privacy
(456 commits / 270 stars / 2022-11-10 ) - straw-hat-labs/straw_hat_review - Review System
(435 commits / 11 stars / 2018-05-21 ) - Bluetab/td-ie - /truedat Ingest Engine back-end service
(399 commits / 0 stars / 2022-10-31 ) - mainmatter/breethe-server - Air Quality Data for Locations around the World
(397 commits / 39 stars / 2022-09-19 ) - ResiliaDev/Planga - Planga: Seamless Instant Chat Service
(391 commits / 33 stars / 2019-01-17 ) - ellie-app/ellie - The Elm Live Editor
(364 commits / 694 stars / 2020-04-12 ) - pedromtavares/moba - A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView
(361 commits / 144 stars / 2022-10-06 ) - BuddyGG/buddy_matching - Somewhat generic player matching service built with Elixir and Phoenix
(346 commits / 63 stars / 2019-03-02 ) - instedd/active-monitoring -
(327 commits / 2 stars / 2020-03-05 ) - access-company/antikythera - Elixir framework to build your own in-house PaaS
(313 commits / 161 stars / 2022-10-19 ) - Nagasaki45/krihelinator - "Trendiness of open source software should be assessed by contribution rate, not by stars" - Meir Kriheli
(298 commits / 44 stars / 2020-04-09 ) - rrrene/elixirstatus-web - Community site for Elixir project/blog post/version updates
(285 commits / 276 stars / 2019-12-16 ) - cesium/safira - safira platform (intra 2.0)
(281 commits / 37 stars / 2022-06-07 ) - djthread/lucidboard - A realtime, collaborative kanban tool, built on Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.
(281 commits / 79 stars / 2019-12-12 ) - pcorey/inject_detect -
(278 commits / 10 stars / 2017-09-26 ) - zven21/mipha - Proj Elixir Forum build with phoenix 1.5.
(266 commits / 157 stars / 2020-09-28 ) - joaquimadraz/ - Track recurring bills and subscriptions
(258 commits / 37 stars / 2018-10-04 ) - danhper/opencov - Open source code coverage history webapp
(246 commits / 299 stars / 2021-11-05 ) - GBH/ - Phoenix/Elixir web app for exploring and sharing bicycle touring routes
(232 commits / 47 stars / 2018-01-07 ) - dreamingechoes/retrospectivex - Phoenix application to create retrospective boards.
(230 commits / 5 stars / 2019-01-20 ) - ElixirSeattle/tanx - Tank game created by the Programming Elixir study group
(229 commits / 110 stars / 2019-04-05 ) - firestormforum/firestorm - An open-source forum engine, with an Elixir+Phoenix backend and an Elm frontend.
(212 commits / 966 stars / 2019-10-03 ) - valo/melodica-inventory - The inventory system for biggest Bulgarian wedding agency
(210 commits / 7 stars / 2019-06-17 ) - dwyl/phoenix-ecto-encryption-example - π A detailed example for how to encrypt data in a Phoenix (Elixir) App before inserting into a database using Ecto Types
(199 commits / 234 stars / 2022-11-08 ) - zooniverse/designator - Smart subject selector (used to be called CellectEx)
(197 commits / 2 stars / 2022-05-12 ) - edgurgel/httparrot - HTTP Request & Response Server. An incomplete clone of
(196 commits / 84 stars / 2020-07-15 ) - Bluetab/td-se - /truedat Search Engine back-end service
(185 commits / 0 stars / 2022-10-31 ) - statuspal/statuspal - Statuspal lets you communicate your web apps/services status π‘
(181 commits / 202 stars / 2018-07-03 ) - rizafahmi/elixirjobs - Job portal for Alchemist
(169 commits / 128 stars / 2017-10-22 ) - acconrad/peergym - A health and fitness club directory written in Elixir/Phoenix
(150 commits / 5 stars / 2018-06-27 ) - dreamingechoes/diversity-in-tech - Phoenix application to rate tech companies according to how diverse friendly they are.
(150 commits / 7 stars / 2018-08-24 ) - sep/planet_ex - Blog aggregator
(129 commits / 13 stars / 2020-09-01 ) - oestrich/ex_venture - Text based MMORPG engine written in Elixir
(117 commits / 622 stars / 2021-06-09 ) - thoughtbot/community -
(106 commits / 22 stars / 2018-08-23 ) - oestrich/spigot - A telnet test server for Grapevine's web client
(102 commits / 5 stars / 2020-02-04 ) - kenforthewin/mentat - scalable group chat with tags and pretty good privacy.
(88 commits / 91 stars / 2021-04-10 ) - emadb/rovex - A multi mars rover implementation in Elixir.
(81 commits / 7 stars / 2021-04-13 ) - RichMorin/PA_all - Code and Data files for Pete's Alley
(80 commits / 0 stars / 2020-02-21 ) - johndavedecano/CoderJobs - A job board application built using Elixir and Phoenix Framework.
(76 commits / 26 stars / 2018-06-26 ) - maxim/cx_leaderboard - Elixir library for fast, customizable leaderboards
(74 commits / 18 stars / 2019-06-08 ) - puemos/riso - Riso - An open source developers recruiting tool
(72 commits / 1 stars / 2019-01-13 ) - Eve-of-Darkness/eve-of-darkness - Dark Age of Camelot Server
(66 commits / 15 stars / 2019-09-11 ) - cancoin/bitcoin-voyager - Websocket and REST Server for querying Libbitcoin Server
(48 commits / 13 stars / 2016-12-02 ) - sergiotapia/magnetissimo - Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.
(37 commits / 2598 stars / 2019-02-27 ) - danbruder/whiteboard - Multi-user real time whiteboard
(15 commits / 0 stars / 2018-03-21 ) - eteubert/open_adventure_capitalist - A Phoenix LiveView experiment. Simple implementation of Adventure Capitalist.
(7 commits / 14 stars / 2019-03-17 ) - sb8244/okr_app_pub - Public snapshot of OKR App
(5 commits / 15 stars / 2019-07-07 ) - ninjarab/hydra - Hydra is a free tool for predicting stock prices using technical analysis
(3 commits / 6 stars / 2018-06-17 ) - - ---
(0 commits / 0 stars / --- ) - - ---
(0 commits / 0 stars / --- )
- santiment/sanbase2 - The GraphQL API server used in Sanbase, Sanapi and all services using Sanapi
( 2022-11-10 / 10816 commits / 75 stars ) - andersju/webbkoll - An online tool that checks how a website is doing with regards to privacy
( 2022-11-10 / 456 commits / 270 stars ) - plausible/analytics - Simple, open-source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
( 2022-11-10 / 1759 commits / 12971 stars ) - mozilla/reticulum - Phoenix web server for
( 2022-11-09 / 2936 commits / 385 stars ) - bors-ng/bors-ng - π A merge bot for GitHub Pull Requests
( 2022-11-09 / 2316 commits / 1368 stars ) - dwyl/phoenix-ecto-encryption-example - π A detailed example for how to encrypt data in a Phoenix (Elixir) App before inserting into a database using Ecto Types
( 2022-11-08 / 199 commits / 234 stars ) - mbta/api - V3 MBTA API
( 2022-11-08 / 488 commits / 63 stars ) - framasoft/mobilizon - Gather, organize and mobilize yourselves with a convivial, ethical, and emancipating tool.
( 2022-11-08 / 5281 commits / 240 stars ) - hexpm/hexpm - API server and website for Hex
( 2022-11-08 / 2626 commits / 940 stars ) - hashrocket/tilex - Today I Learned
( 2022-11-04 / 1424 commits / 474 stars ) - Logflare/logflare - Never get surprised by a logging bill again. Centralized structured logging for Cloudflare, Vercel, Elixir and Javascript.
( 2022-11-03 / 4460 commits / 411 stars ) - instedd/surveda - InSTEDD Surveda
( 2022-11-01 / 3437 commits / 13 stars ) - Bluetab/td-bg - TdBG is a back-end service developed as part of True Dat project that supports the genearation of a Business Glossary
( 2022-10-31 / 1730 commits / 5 stars ) - Bluetab/td-ie - /truedat Ingest Engine back-end service
( 2022-10-31 / 399 commits / 0 stars ) - Bluetab/td-se - /truedat Search Engine back-end service
( 2022-10-31 / 185 commits / 0 stars ) - Bluetab/td-audit - Event management service for truedat project
( 2022-10-31 / 491 commits / 2 stars ) - hexlet-codebattle/codebattle - Codebattle game
( 2022-10-30 / 3071 commits / 269 stars ) - astarte-platform/astarte_rpc - Astarte platform RPC protocol buffers and Elixir AMQP clients.
( 2022-10-24 / 506 commits / 3 stars ) - jchristgit/bolt - A Discord guild moderation bot for managing large servers, based on Nostrum.
( 2022-10-19 / 1393 commits / 40 stars ) - access-company/antikythera - Elixir framework to build your own in-house PaaS
( 2022-10-19 / 313 commits / 161 stars ) - Glimesh/ - Glimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
( 2022-10-15 / 903 commits / 384 stars ) - redrabbit/ - A Git source code management tool powered by Elixir with easy installation & high extensibility.
( 2022-10-13 / 1549 commits / 467 stars ) - source-academy/backend - Backend of online learning environment Source Academy @ NUS (Elixir, Ecto, Phoenix, PostgreSQL)
( 2022-10-09 / 686 commits / 24 stars ) - pedromtavares/moba - A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView
( 2022-10-06 / 361 commits / 144 stars ) - mirego/accent - The first developer-oriented translation tool. True asynchronous flow between translators and your team.
( 2022-09-27 / 532 commits / 890 stars ) - mainmatter/breethe-server - Air Quality Data for Locations around the World
( 2022-09-19 / 397 commits / 39 stars ) - blockscout/blockscout - Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
( 2022-09-05 / 10888 commits / 2071 stars ) - derpibooru/philomena - Next-generation imageboard
( 2022-09-04 / 1840 commits / 177 stars ) - axelclark/ex338 - Web application to manage the 338 Challenge fantasy sports league
( 2022-08-17 / 994 commits / 17 stars ) - aviacommerce/avia - open source e-commerce framework
( 2022-08-08 / 774 commits / 478 stars ) - cesium/safira - safira platform (intra 2.0)
( 2022-06-07 / 281 commits / 37 stars ) - zooniverse/designator - Smart subject selector (used to be called CellectEx)
( 2022-05-12 / 197 commits / 2 stars ) - papercups-io/papercups - Open-source live customer chat
( 2022-05-10 / 958 commits / 5038 stars ) - asciinema/asciinema-server - Web app for hosting asciicasts
( 2022-04-29 / 2510 commits / 1993 stars ) - cruessler/lafamiglia - Browser-based strategic multiplayer game
( 2022-03-13 / 846 commits / 2 stars ) - fremantle-industries/tai - A composable, real time, market data and trade execution toolkit. Built with Elixir, runs on the Erlang virtual machine
( 2022-01-25 / 1999 commits / 400 stars ) - AlloyCI/alloy_ci - Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery coordinator, written in Elixir.
( 2022-01-07 / 528 commits / 289 stars ) - danhper/opencov - Open source code coverage history webapp
( 2021-11-05 / 246 commits / 299 stars ) - thoughtbot/constable - Better company announcements
( 2021-09-01 / 983 commits / 515 stars ) - oestrich/ex_venture - Text based MMORPG engine written in Elixir
( 2021-06-09 / 117 commits / 622 stars ) - artemis-platform/artemis_teams - Collaborative Team-Based Tools written in Elixir and Phoenix
( 2021-05-13 / 1310 commits / 3 stars ) - emadb/rovex - A multi mars rover implementation in Elixir.
( 2021-04-13 / 81 commits / 7 stars ) - kenforthewin/mentat - scalable group chat with tags and pretty good privacy.
( 2021-04-10 / 88 commits / 91 stars ) - oestrich/grapevine - The MUD Chat Network
( 2021-02-16 / 1209 commits / 141 stars ) - omgnetwork/elixir-omg - OMG-Network repository of Watcher and Watcher Info
( 2020-10-29 / 4365 commits / 209 stars ) - zven21/mipha - Proj Elixir Forum build with phoenix 1.5.
( 2020-09-28 / 266 commits / 157 stars ) - sep/planet_ex - Blog aggregator
( 2020-09-01 / 129 commits / 13 stars ) - vutuv/vutuv - vutuv is a business network. Think of it as a fast, secure and less annoying open-source alternative for LinkedIn or XING.
( 2020-08-03 / 1179 commits / 282 stars ) - edgurgel/httparrot - HTTP Request & Response Server. An incomplete clone of
( 2020-07-15 / 196 commits / 84 stars ) - barsoom/review - A tool for commit-by-commit code review of repositories on GitHub
( 2020-06-28 / 512 commits / 29 stars ) - ellie-app/ellie - The Elm Live Editor
( 2020-04-12 / 364 commits / 694 stars ) - Nagasaki45/krihelinator - "Trendiness of open source software should be assessed by contribution rate, not by stars" - Meir Kriheli
( 2020-04-09 / 298 commits / 44 stars ) - instedd/active-monitoring -
( 2020-03-05 / 327 commits / 2 stars ) - RichMorin/PA_all - Code and Data files for Pete's Alley
( 2020-02-21 / 80 commits / 0 stars ) - oestrich/spigot - A telnet test server for Grapevine's web client
( 2020-02-04 / 102 commits / 5 stars ) - omgnetwork/ewallet - eWallet Backend for the OmiseGO SDKs.
( 2020-01-14 / 826 commits / 320 stars ) - rrrene/elixirstatus-web - Community site for Elixir project/blog post/version updates
( 2019-12-16 / 285 commits / 276 stars ) - djthread/lucidboard - A realtime, collaborative kanban tool, built on Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.
( 2019-12-12 / 281 commits / 79 stars ) - astarte-platform/astarte_data_updater_plant - Outdated Astarte platform data updater service repository.
( 2019-12-09 / 750 commits / 4 stars ) - loomnetwork/blockscout -
( 2019-10-07 / 4163 commits / 16 stars ) - firestormforum/firestorm - An open-source forum engine, with an Elixir+Phoenix backend and an Elm frontend.
( 2019-10-03 / 212 commits / 966 stars ) - derrickreimer/level - Team communication optimized for deep work
( 2019-09-29 / 2918 commits / 1007 stars ) - Eve-of-Darkness/eve-of-darkness - Dark Age of Camelot Server
( 2019-09-11 / 66 commits / 15 stars ) - audioslides/ - Use Amazon Polly, Google Slides and FFMpeg to create videos that can be updated at anytime byΒ anyone. This project is written in Elixir.
( 2019-09-09 / 482 commits / 19 stars ) - ruby2elixir/emcasa-backend/ - Clone for now private repo:
( 2019-08-29 / 3600 commits / 4 stars ) - sb8244/okr_app_pub - Public snapshot of OKR App
( 2019-07-07 / 5 commits / 15 stars ) - valo/melodica-inventory - The inventory system for biggest Bulgarian wedding agency
( 2019-06-17 / 210 commits / 7 stars ) - maxim/cx_leaderboard - Elixir library for fast, customizable leaderboards
( 2019-06-08 / 74 commits / 18 stars ) - ehealth-ua/ehealth.api -
( 2019-06-07 / 4338 commits / 8 stars ) - dbstratta/margaret - π©βπ A publishing platform. An open-source alternative to Medium.
( 2019-05-13 / 1206 commits / 86 stars ) - ElixirSeattle/tanx - Tank game created by the Programming Elixir study group
( 2019-04-05 / 229 commits / 110 stars ) - CaptainFact/captain-fact-api - π CaptainFact - API. The one that serves and process all the data for
( 2019-04-02 / 961 commits / 177 stars ) - eteubert/open_adventure_capitalist - A Phoenix LiveView experiment. Simple implementation of Adventure Capitalist.
( 2019-03-17 / 7 commits / 14 stars ) - BuddyGG/buddy_matching - Somewhat generic player matching service built with Elixir and Phoenix
( 2019-03-02 / 346 commits / 63 stars ) - sergiotapia/magnetissimo - Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.
( 2019-02-27 / 37 commits / 2598 stars ) - dreamingechoes/retrospectivex - Phoenix application to create retrospective boards.
( 2019-01-20 / 230 commits / 5 stars ) - ResiliaDev/Planga - Planga: Seamless Instant Chat Service
( 2019-01-17 / 391 commits / 33 stars ) - puemos/riso - Riso - An open source developers recruiting tool
( 2019-01-13 / 72 commits / 1 stars ) - dwyl/bestevidence - City, University of London BestEvidence app
( 2018-11-14 / 753 commits / 11 stars ) - freshcom/freshcom-api - Deprecated
( 2018-10-16 / 776 commits / 42 stars ) - instedd/aida -
( 2018-10-04 / 481 commits / 9 stars ) - joaquimadraz/ - Track recurring bills and subscriptions
( 2018-10-04 / 258 commits / 37 stars ) - EdgeCommander/edge-commander - Device Management & Monitoring Application
( 2018-09-10 / 808 commits / 7 stars ) - dreamingechoes/diversity-in-tech - Phoenix application to rate tech companies according to how diverse friendly they are.
( 2018-08-24 / 150 commits / 7 stars ) - thoughtbot/community -
( 2018-08-23 / 106 commits / 22 stars ) - HackerExperience/Helix -
( 2018-07-28 / 1512 commits / 53 stars ) - operable/cog - Bringing the power of the command line to chat
( 2018-07-11 / 2568 commits / 919 stars ) - statuspal/statuspal - Statuspal lets you communicate your web apps/services status π‘
( 2018-07-03 / 181 commits / 202 stars ) - acconrad/peergym - A health and fitness club directory written in Elixir/Phoenix
( 2018-06-27 / 150 commits / 5 stars ) - johndavedecano/CoderJobs - A job board application built using Elixir and Phoenix Framework.
( 2018-06-26 / 76 commits / 26 stars ) - healthlocker/healthlocker - Inspire and motivate people to stay well.
( 2018-06-22 / 2972 commits / 70 stars ) - ninjarab/hydra - Hydra is a free tool for predicting stock prices using technical analysis
( 2018-06-17 / 3 commits / 6 stars ) - straw-hat-labs/straw_hat_review - Review System
( 2018-05-21 / 435 commits / 11 stars ) - infinityoneframework/infinity_one - A Team Collaboration Suite
( 2018-05-20 / 526 commits / 20 stars ) - LittleKidogo/mula_spender - Some automated forms to aid in our spending
( 2018-03-28 / 556 commits / 3 stars ) - digitalnatives/course_planner - An application to manage educational courses
( 2018-03-24 / 1730 commits / 35 stars ) - code-corps/code-corps-api - Elixir/Phoenix API for Code Corps.
( 2018-03-24 / 1211 commits / 235 stars ) - danbruder/whiteboard - Multi-user real time whiteboard
( 2018-03-21 / 15 commits / 0 stars ) - GBH/ - Phoenix/Elixir web app for exploring and sharing bicycle touring routes
( 2018-01-07 / 232 commits / 47 stars ) - mgwidmann/slack_coder - Slack Bot for watching your Github & CI builds
( 2017-11-27 / 643 commits / 15 stars ) - rizafahmi/elixirjobs - Job portal for Alchemist
( 2017-10-22 / 169 commits / 128 stars ) - pcorey/inject_detect -
( 2017-09-26 / 278 commits / 10 stars ) - usecanvas/api-v2 -
( 2017-04-04 / 486 commits / 110 stars ) - cancoin/bitcoin-voyager - Websocket and REST Server for querying Libbitcoin Server
( 2016-12-02 / 48 commits / 13 stars ) - - ---
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars ) - - ---
( --- / 0 commits / 0 stars )
- plausible/analytics - Simple, open-source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
(12971 stars / 2022-11-10 / 1759 commits ) - papercups-io/papercups - Open-source live customer chat
(5038 stars / 2022-05-10 / 958 commits ) - sergiotapia/magnetissimo - Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.
(2598 stars / 2019-02-27 / 37 commits ) - blockscout/blockscout - Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
(2071 stars / 2022-09-05 / 10888 commits ) - asciinema/asciinema-server - Web app for hosting asciicasts
(1993 stars / 2022-04-29 / 2510 commits ) - bors-ng/bors-ng - π A merge bot for GitHub Pull Requests
(1368 stars / 2022-11-09 / 2316 commits ) - derrickreimer/level - Team communication optimized for deep work
(1007 stars / 2019-09-29 / 2918 commits ) - firestormforum/firestorm - An open-source forum engine, with an Elixir+Phoenix backend and an Elm frontend.
(966 stars / 2019-10-03 / 212 commits ) - hexpm/hexpm - API server and website for Hex
(940 stars / 2022-11-08 / 2626 commits ) - operable/cog - Bringing the power of the command line to chat
(919 stars / 2018-07-11 / 2568 commits ) - mirego/accent - The first developer-oriented translation tool. True asynchronous flow between translators and your team.
(890 stars / 2022-09-27 / 532 commits ) - ellie-app/ellie - The Elm Live Editor
(694 stars / 2020-04-12 / 364 commits ) - oestrich/ex_venture - Text based MMORPG engine written in Elixir
(622 stars / 2021-06-09 / 117 commits ) - thoughtbot/constable - Better company announcements
(515 stars / 2021-09-01 / 983 commits ) - aviacommerce/avia - open source e-commerce framework
(478 stars / 2022-08-08 / 774 commits ) - hashrocket/tilex - Today I Learned
(474 stars / 2022-11-04 / 1424 commits ) - redrabbit/ - A Git source code management tool powered by Elixir with easy installation & high extensibility.
(467 stars / 2022-10-13 / 1549 commits ) - Logflare/logflare - Never get surprised by a logging bill again. Centralized structured logging for Cloudflare, Vercel, Elixir and Javascript.
(411 stars / 2022-11-03 / 4460 commits ) - fremantle-industries/tai - A composable, real time, market data and trade execution toolkit. Built with Elixir, runs on the Erlang virtual machine
(400 stars / 2022-01-25 / 1999 commits ) - mozilla/reticulum - Phoenix web server for
(385 stars / 2022-11-09 / 2936 commits ) - Glimesh/ - Glimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
(384 stars / 2022-10-15 / 903 commits ) - omgnetwork/ewallet - eWallet Backend for the OmiseGO SDKs.
(320 stars / 2020-01-14 / 826 commits ) - danhper/opencov - Open source code coverage history webapp
(299 stars / 2021-11-05 / 246 commits ) - AlloyCI/alloy_ci - Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery coordinator, written in Elixir.
(289 stars / 2022-01-07 / 528 commits ) - vutuv/vutuv - vutuv is a business network. Think of it as a fast, secure and less annoying open-source alternative for LinkedIn or XING.
(282 stars / 2020-08-03 / 1179 commits ) - rrrene/elixirstatus-web - Community site for Elixir project/blog post/version updates
(276 stars / 2019-12-16 / 285 commits ) - andersju/webbkoll - An online tool that checks how a website is doing with regards to privacy
(270 stars / 2022-11-10 / 456 commits ) - hexlet-codebattle/codebattle - Codebattle game
(269 stars / 2022-10-30 / 3071 commits ) - framasoft/mobilizon - Gather, organize and mobilize yourselves with a convivial, ethical, and emancipating tool.
(240 stars / 2022-11-08 / 5281 commits ) - code-corps/code-corps-api - Elixir/Phoenix API for Code Corps.
(235 stars / 2018-03-24 / 1211 commits ) - dwyl/phoenix-ecto-encryption-example - π A detailed example for how to encrypt data in a Phoenix (Elixir) App before inserting into a database using Ecto Types
(234 stars / 2022-11-08 / 199 commits ) - omgnetwork/elixir-omg - OMG-Network repository of Watcher and Watcher Info
(209 stars / 2020-10-29 / 4365 commits ) - statuspal/statuspal - Statuspal lets you communicate your web apps/services status π‘
(202 stars / 2018-07-03 / 181 commits ) - CaptainFact/captain-fact-api - π CaptainFact - API. The one that serves and process all the data for
(177 stars / 2019-04-02 / 961 commits ) - derpibooru/philomena - Next-generation imageboard
(177 stars / 2022-09-04 / 1840 commits ) - access-company/antikythera - Elixir framework to build your own in-house PaaS
(161 stars / 2022-10-19 / 313 commits ) - zven21/mipha - Proj Elixir Forum build with phoenix 1.5.
(157 stars / 2020-09-28 / 266 commits ) - pedromtavares/moba - A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView
(144 stars / 2022-10-06 / 361 commits ) - oestrich/grapevine - The MUD Chat Network
(141 stars / 2021-02-16 / 1209 commits ) - rizafahmi/elixirjobs - Job portal for Alchemist
(128 stars / 2017-10-22 / 169 commits ) - ElixirSeattle/tanx - Tank game created by the Programming Elixir study group
(110 stars / 2019-04-05 / 229 commits ) - usecanvas/api-v2 -
(110 stars / 2017-04-04 / 486 commits ) - kenforthewin/mentat - scalable group chat with tags and pretty good privacy.
(91 stars / 2021-04-10 / 88 commits ) - dbstratta/margaret - π©βπ A publishing platform. An open-source alternative to Medium.
(86 stars / 2019-05-13 / 1206 commits ) - edgurgel/httparrot - HTTP Request & Response Server. An incomplete clone of
(84 stars / 2020-07-15 / 196 commits ) - djthread/lucidboard - A realtime, collaborative kanban tool, built on Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.
(79 stars / 2019-12-12 / 281 commits ) - santiment/sanbase2 - The GraphQL API server used in Sanbase, Sanapi and all services using Sanapi
(75 stars / 2022-11-10 / 10816 commits ) - healthlocker/healthlocker - Inspire and motivate people to stay well.
(70 stars / 2018-06-22 / 2972 commits ) - BuddyGG/buddy_matching - Somewhat generic player matching service built with Elixir and Phoenix
(63 stars / 2019-03-02 / 346 commits ) - mbta/api - V3 MBTA API
(63 stars / 2022-11-08 / 488 commits ) - HackerExperience/Helix -
(53 stars / 2018-07-28 / 1512 commits ) - GBH/ - Phoenix/Elixir web app for exploring and sharing bicycle touring routes
(47 stars / 2018-01-07 / 232 commits ) - Nagasaki45/krihelinator - "Trendiness of open source software should be assessed by contribution rate, not by stars" - Meir Kriheli
(44 stars / 2020-04-09 / 298 commits ) - freshcom/freshcom-api - Deprecated
(42 stars / 2018-10-16 / 776 commits ) - jchristgit/bolt - A Discord guild moderation bot for managing large servers, based on Nostrum.
(40 stars / 2022-10-19 / 1393 commits ) - mainmatter/breethe-server - Air Quality Data for Locations around the World
(39 stars / 2022-09-19 / 397 commits ) - cesium/safira - safira platform (intra 2.0)
(37 stars / 2022-06-07 / 281 commits ) - joaquimadraz/ - Track recurring bills and subscriptions
(37 stars / 2018-10-04 / 258 commits ) - digitalnatives/course_planner - An application to manage educational courses
(35 stars / 2018-03-24 / 1730 commits ) - ResiliaDev/Planga - Planga: Seamless Instant Chat Service
(33 stars / 2019-01-17 / 391 commits ) - barsoom/review - A tool for commit-by-commit code review of repositories on GitHub
(29 stars / 2020-06-28 / 512 commits ) - johndavedecano/CoderJobs - A job board application built using Elixir and Phoenix Framework.
(26 stars / 2018-06-26 / 76 commits ) - source-academy/backend - Backend of online learning environment Source Academy @ NUS (Elixir, Ecto, Phoenix, PostgreSQL)
(24 stars / 2022-10-09 / 686 commits ) - thoughtbot/community -
(22 stars / 2018-08-23 / 106 commits ) - infinityoneframework/infinity_one - A Team Collaboration Suite
(20 stars / 2018-05-20 / 526 commits ) - audioslides/ - Use Amazon Polly, Google Slides and FFMpeg to create videos that can be updated at anytime byΒ anyone. This project is written in Elixir.
(19 stars / 2019-09-09 / 482 commits ) - maxim/cx_leaderboard - Elixir library for fast, customizable leaderboards
(18 stars / 2019-06-08 / 74 commits ) - axelclark/ex338 - Web application to manage the 338 Challenge fantasy sports league
(17 stars / 2022-08-17 / 994 commits ) - loomnetwork/blockscout -
(16 stars / 2019-10-07 / 4163 commits ) - Eve-of-Darkness/eve-of-darkness - Dark Age of Camelot Server
(15 stars / 2019-09-11 / 66 commits ) - mgwidmann/slack_coder - Slack Bot for watching your Github & CI builds
(15 stars / 2017-11-27 / 643 commits ) - sb8244/okr_app_pub - Public snapshot of OKR App
(15 stars / 2019-07-07 / 5 commits ) - eteubert/open_adventure_capitalist - A Phoenix LiveView experiment. Simple implementation of Adventure Capitalist.
(14 stars / 2019-03-17 / 7 commits ) - cancoin/bitcoin-voyager - Websocket and REST Server for querying Libbitcoin Server
(13 stars / 2016-12-02 / 48 commits ) - instedd/surveda - InSTEDD Surveda
(13 stars / 2022-11-01 / 3437 commits ) - sep/planet_ex - Blog aggregator
(13 stars / 2020-09-01 / 129 commits ) - dwyl/bestevidence - City, University of London BestEvidence app
(11 stars / 2018-11-14 / 753 commits ) - straw-hat-labs/straw_hat_review - Review System
(11 stars / 2018-05-21 / 435 commits ) - pcorey/inject_detect -
(10 stars / 2017-09-26 / 278 commits ) - instedd/aida -
(9 stars / 2018-10-04 / 481 commits ) - ehealth-ua/ehealth.api -
(8 stars / 2019-06-07 / 4338 commits ) - dreamingechoes/diversity-in-tech - Phoenix application to rate tech companies according to how diverse friendly they are.
(7 stars / 2018-08-24 / 150 commits ) - EdgeCommander/edge-commander - Device Management & Monitoring Application
(7 stars / 2018-09-10 / 808 commits ) - emadb/rovex - A multi mars rover implementation in Elixir.
(7 stars / 2021-04-13 / 81 commits ) - valo/melodica-inventory - The inventory system for biggest Bulgarian wedding agency
(7 stars / 2019-06-17 / 210 commits ) - ninjarab/hydra - Hydra is a free tool for predicting stock prices using technical analysis
(6 stars / 2018-06-17 / 3 commits ) - acconrad/peergym - A health and fitness club directory written in Elixir/Phoenix
(5 stars / 2018-06-27 / 150 commits ) - Bluetab/td-bg - TdBG is a back-end service developed as part of True Dat project that supports the genearation of a Business Glossary
(5 stars / 2022-10-31 / 1730 commits ) - dreamingechoes/retrospectivex - Phoenix application to create retrospective boards.
(5 stars / 2019-01-20 / 230 commits ) - oestrich/spigot - A telnet test server for Grapevine's web client
(5 stars / 2020-02-04 / 102 commits ) - astarte-platform/astarte_data_updater_plant - Outdated Astarte platform data updater service repository.
(4 stars / 2019-12-09 / 750 commits ) - ruby2elixir/emcasa-backend/ - Clone for now private repo:
(4 stars / 2019-08-29 / 3600 commits ) - artemis-platform/artemis_teams - Collaborative Team-Based Tools written in Elixir and Phoenix
(3 stars / 2021-05-13 / 1310 commits ) - astarte-platform/astarte_rpc - Astarte platform RPC protocol buffers and Elixir AMQP clients.
(3 stars / 2022-10-24 / 506 commits ) - LittleKidogo/mula_spender - Some automated forms to aid in our spending
(3 stars / 2018-03-28 / 556 commits ) - Bluetab/td-audit - Event management service for truedat project
(2 stars / 2022-10-31 / 491 commits ) - cruessler/lafamiglia - Browser-based strategic multiplayer game
(2 stars / 2022-03-13 / 846 commits ) - instedd/active-monitoring -
(2 stars / 2020-03-05 / 327 commits ) - zooniverse/designator - Smart subject selector (used to be called CellectEx)
(2 stars / 2022-05-12 / 197 commits ) - puemos/riso - Riso - An open source developers recruiting tool
(1 stars / 2019-01-13 / 72 commits ) - Bluetab/td-ie - /truedat Ingest Engine back-end service
(0 stars / 2022-10-31 / 399 commits ) - Bluetab/td-se - /truedat Search Engine back-end service
(0 stars / 2022-10-31 / 185 commits ) - danbruder/whiteboard - Multi-user real time whiteboard
(0 stars / 2018-03-21 / 15 commits ) - RichMorin/PA_all - Code and Data files for Pete's Alley
(0 stars / 2020-02-21 / 80 commits ) - - ---
(0 stars / --- / 0 commits ) - - ---
(0 stars / --- / 0 commits )