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City Navigator proto

Like a car navigator but for taking public transport, based on Open Data.

Demo installation at

Use cases:

  1. Type in a destination address and get directions from the current location.
  2. Choose a public service by category and get directions to closest premises.
  3. Browse a map and tap a location to get directions.


  • Current location is queried from the device automatically.
  • Destination addresses are completed as you type.
  • Current location is updated on the map as the device moves.
  • Directions can be updated by tapping the current location.

Open Data used:

  • OpenStreetMap
  • Public transport timetables by Helsinki Region Transport
  • Service Map by City of Helsinki
  • House address database by City of Helsinki

Technologies used: HTML5, Geolocation, Local storage

Libraries used: jQuery Mobile, Leaflet, Backbone.js, Moment.js

Build Status

Getting started

Node.js with NPM 1.2 or newer is required to build the project. For Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, this can be acquired with sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js followed by sudo apt-get install nodejs. If for some reason you want to build and install Node.js from sources see:

After installing Node.js go to the directory where you want to install the City Navigator. There, run git clone

In the navigator-proto directory install dependencies with npm install.

Install build tool with sudo npm install -g grunt-cli. Run grunt server and if everything goes well open http://localhost:9001/ with your web browser.

Or, install build tool with npm install grunt-cli and run dev server with node_modules/.bin/grunt server.

If you encounter errors, you may want to run commands sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and sudo apt-get update to make sure everything is up-to-date.

You may want to change some settings, for example the city where the navigating is supposed to happen. To do so, run cp src/ src/ and modify src/ according to the comments within the file.

Running tests

Install testem with sudo npm install -g testem coffee-script. Install the headless browser Phantomjs with sudo apt-get install phantomjs.

Run tests with grunt test.

Local desktop browsers

To test on Firefox and Chromium, run grunt test-desktop.

To test on a different set of browsers, you can edit the option testem.desktop.options.launch_in_ci in

Mobile browsers at Saucelabs

Tests can be run on mobile browsers at SauceLabs. (Unfortunately, the current SauceLabs integration for testem is mostly just a hack and that's why the current experience is quite poor.)

Install saucelauncher from source with sudo npm install -g saucelauncher.

Add ~/.saucelabs.json in a format:

    "username": "mysaucelabsuserid",
    "api_key": "mysecretsaucelabsapikey"

Run tests with grunt test-mobile.

Writing tests

Run grunt test at least once before (to generate working testem.json).

Start watching test environment with testem.

Follow instructions on screen to register browser with testem.

Edit test below ./tests. Tests are run when changes in test suites are detected.

Running Robot Framework tests

Run python --version 2.1.1 and bin/buildout.

Run grunt test-robot-desktop.


Proto mobile application for City Navigator






No releases published


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  • CoffeeScript 61.5%
  • JavaScript 17.9%
  • CSS 12.2%
  • RobotFramework 4.5%
  • Python 3.8%
  • Shell 0.1%